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Womper Woom Wejects


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Awesome!!!!!!! I really hope it's good! Looks scary. I'd watch it just for the fight scenes.

It's hard to explain but it's my favorite video game series of all time. You enter a computer that uses your DNA to explore your ancestors memories, allowing the user to travel across all kinds of different time periods as Assassin's a group who uses violence to achieve and maintain peace. Hence the phrase "We walk in the dark to serve the light", history and video games you have my full interest. :D


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Night all!
Night Owl?


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Morning, Kad. I don't know about everyone else, but we were watching the old Star Trek. They have it on Friday afternoons/evenings on BBC and we have that channel as a free preview for a couple of months. I love watching the old ones. :) I barely saw the last one, they were on until past my bedtime.


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Hey, guys, Rixy is recovering from his housewarming party last night, and getting ready for the big fireworks display tonight, so he probably won't be on much today but wanted me to tell everyone hello for him. Apparently, it was one hell of a party. ;)


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Member For 3 Years
Hey, guys, Rixy is recovering from his housewarming party last night, and getting ready for the big fireworks display tonight, so he probably won't be on much today but wanted me to tell everyone hello for him. Apparently, it was one hell of a party. ;)

Oh, just tell me he's not the one who will be setting off all the fireworks and he hired a professional for the show. Rixy and explosive stuff is just not a good combo.:facepalm:


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I used 3/4 of 1 tank of gas this year. Mostly just putting around the lake having cocktails.
this was the only part of that I understood! But I totally get putzin around the lake havin cocktails! :D

Hellz bellz, you're memory's gettin' as bad as MINE! ROFL!
Honey it's been that way since I jiggled my brain in an accident in 1999

How she tracked me down is a whole other story.
well that's one we need to hear!

Weird. There is something SO unique about it, and to me, just horrid. I'd rather smell putrefaction than gear oil, it's that intense and offensive to MY senses. Funny how people can be so different. Weird. Let me know if you tire of me calling you weird..
Might be cuz ya smelled it so much. I didn't mind the smell of diesel til my ex started working on the docks rather than the boats, and his clothes just reeked of it. It doesn't wash out, and smells even worse coming outta the dryer, after quite some time of this, I got to where it was just horrible.

Draconigena, what's the doctor's plan for your heart attack?
tell him don't have anudder one!

Ahh the world series gets more real attention from humans than the presidential race does.
Fanatics know all the stats on the Cubs but do not know the stats on the presidential candidates.
Cuz hardly anyone is actually a fan of pres elections! Particularly this one!

You couldn't create two people less worthy of the title POTUS if you made them in a lab. I am embarrassed as an American that this is the best we have to offer along with a reality show TV campaign(s) and election.
We had far better to offer in several of the ones that got no party backing and didn't have enough of the % of votes to even get in the main debates!

I did however get my shipment from Epic Fireworks and Oh yeah, Saturday is gonna be one hell of a show.
well, I wuz gonna say we need a video of this, but kinda late now I reckin! :(

Don't worry, Eskie, this isn't his first fireworks show. He knows what to do. Emily will be supervising as well, I'm sure
hehehe these two lined up nicely. Just cuz he knows what to do, don't mean an accident won't occur. Be very careful rixy! Pray for some guardian angels all around ya!

Kinda like the Alamo, a failure.
Depends on how ya look at it. It galvanized forces into destroying Santa Anna a couple weeks later and made sure we had Texas!! And Texas made sure that Mexico didn't take over much of our South! You're welcome! :teehee:

And I really appreciate that Kadly. But seriously, we need a code word for when I am talking too much.
Quiet you! ??? hehehe

And now we must go out and play with the most cutest adorablest little baby cow in the whole world! She'll be sleeping in her stall (she goes in there to take her naps, all on her own, sweet little thing), so I'll have to wake her up so she can have her din-din before she gets locked in for the night. And we'll sit there smiling and vaping, watching her nurse and wag her tail with happiness. I do so much love the babies.
awwwwww and we need more pics!!

Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N),
I don't get the difference between these two. As I define them, they're essentially the same

You enter a computer that uses your DNA to explore your ancestors memories, allowing the user to travel across all kinds of different time periods as Assassin's a group who uses violence to achieve and maintain peace. Hence the phrase "We walk in the dark to serve the light", history and video games you have my full interest.
well that made it sound more interesting than the trailer did! Give Marely some cookies and belly rubs from Auntie Deb. Is she still doin well?? Did they do those other blood tests yet?

I prefer Prime Rib myself, especially when well prepared, but I'll take it.
I've never had prime rib.

Must go, I'll be on later, drunk lol
well I wuz gonna say, thought y'all were taking a hiatus from that, but because of other posts, I know this is a holiday for y'all. Enjoy but be safe!! :)

but because it is about the body I currently inhabit, I will chase it down. "They" have no intention of figuring it out - to do the work required is beyond what they think the insurance will pay them for. But I have to know, no matter how much work it takes. One way or another, X must be solved.
Good for you!!

Yea when I get home I'll find it. It's crazy how many people are Logicians here. Or Analysts - Logician is in the Analyst group
and then ya have me to balance everyone out........ BLDG = no, not a building...... Big Lovable Doofus Goofball!

Same here the quickest way to get me to do anything is to tell me I can't or won't, shit will get done in a rapid fashion.
I absolutely FORBID you to come up here so Atcha and I can meet you!! :giggle:

Morning Debs x Hope you feel better soon
Thanks darlin! Some. :) Wahoooo on your new goodies!!

what am I chopped liver?
Newp, cuz I hate liver! :teehee:

Howdy everyone!!


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ECF Refugee
this was the only part of that I understood! But I totally get putzin around the lake havin cocktails! :D

Honey it's been that way since I jiggled my brain in an accident in 1999

well that's one we need to hear!

Might be cuz ya smelled it so much. I didn't mind the smell of diesel til my ex started working on the docks rather than the boats, and his clothes just reeked of it. It doesn't wash out, and smells even worse coming outta the dryer, after quite some time of this, I got to where it was just horrible.

tell him don't have anudder one!

Cuz hardly anyone is actually a fan of pres elections! Particularly this one!

We had far better to offer in several of the ones that got no party backing and didn't have enough of the % of votes to even get in the main debates!

well, I wuz gonna say we need a video of this, but kinda late now I reckin! :(

hehehe these two lined up nicely. Just cuz he knows what to do, don't mean an accident won't occur. Be very careful rixy! Pray for some guardian angels all around ya!

Depends on how ya look at it. It galvanized forces into destroying Santa Anna a couple weeks later and made sure we had Texas!! And Texas made sure that Mexico didn't take over much of our South! You're welcome! :teehee:

Quiet you! ??? hehehe

awwwwww and we need more pics!!

I don't get the difference between these two. As I define them, they're essentially the same

well that made it sound more interesting than the trailer did! Give Marely some cookies and belly rubs from Auntie Deb. Is she still doin well?? Did they do those other blood tests yet?

I've never had prime rib.

well I wuz gonna say, thought y'all were taking a hiatus from that, but because of other posts, I know this is a holiday for y'all. Enjoy but be safe!! :)

Good for you!!

and then ya have me to balance everyone out........ BLDG = no, not a building...... Big Lovable Doofus Goofball!

I absolutely FORBID you to come up here so Atcha and I can meet you!! :giggle:

Thanks darlin! Some. :) Wahoooo on your new goodies!!

Newp, cuz I hate liver! :teehee:

Howdy everyone!!

lol Hi there Deb, forbid huh. :giggle::giggle:

Yeah Marley is doing well. She was still having some stomach issues so I called the vet and asked about pro-biotics my ex-wifes dog Buster used to take them when he had pancreatitis flare ups so I thought it couldn't hurt and the vet agreed. Since I have been giving her those I have seen a huge decrease in the number of "out of the ordinary bathroom" issues. And we go in on the 8th to have the next round of blood tests which is great because I will be occupied caring for her and not watching the country go down the toilet. :D


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Member For 4 Years
lol Hi there Deb, forbid huh.
Yeah Marley is doing well. She was still having some stomach issues so I called the vet and asked about pro-biotics my ex-wifes dog Buster used to take them when he had pancreatitis flare ups so I thought it couldn't hurt and the vet agreed. Since I have been giving her those I have seen a huge decrease in the number of "out of the ordinary bathroom" issues. And we go in on the 8th to have the next round of blood tests which is great because I will be occupied caring for her and not watching the country go down the toilet.
JUP You said the best way to get you to do something was to tell you that you couldn't do it! So I forbad you! Did it work? Are ya on yur way?? :teehee:

Kewl on the probiotics! Jup........Tuesday is gonna be a dark day for the country, but hopefully a great day for Marley! :)

The Cromwell

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Might be cuz ya smelled it so much. I didn't mind the smell of diesel til my ex started working on the docks rather than the boats, and his clothes just reeked of it. It doesn't wash out, and smells even worse coming outta the dryer, after quite some time of this, I got to where it was just horrible.
Lestoil is the best for washing mechanics clothes in.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Honey it's been that way since I jiggled my brain in an accident in 1999

I can't believe I actually typed "you're" instead of "your." I didn't even REALIZE it until I saw you quote what I said. I'm so embarrassed...

embarrassed kitty.jpg

I've never had prime rib.

OMG, seriously? Oh, it's so tender, you don't even need to chew it, it just sorta melts in your mouth. Well, mine is, anyway. I always get the stuff outta the middle. Yes, it's pretty much raw, but oh, so tender. I HAVE had the crust on occasion, when some piggy beat me to the middle part, and it's pretty dang tender, too, but not as good as the middle. :)


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I can't believe I actually typed "you're" instead of "your." I didn't even REALIZE it until I saw you quote what I said. I'm so embarrassed...
I've been doin stuff a lot like that lately. Forgetting how to spell words i've always known how to spell. Mixing up the their, they're, there's . For you're your, that's one reason I use yur! hehehe

I couldn't eat the middle of prime rib for sure, cuz it's always bloody when they cut into it. But would like to try some not quite in the middle. Pink is fine, but red or bloody isn't

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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You do realize that if Trump wins and gets his way many of our foodstuffs will cost 35% more....

I mean I went thru the plague, many wars, the Spanish inquisition...
But Trump? Might have to request an early pickup...


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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OMG, seriously? Oh, it's so tender, you don't even need to chew it, it just sorta melts in your mouth. Well, mine is, anyway. I always get the stuff outta the middle. Yes, it's pretty much raw, but oh, so tender. I HAVE had the crust on occasion, when some piggy beat me to the middle part, and it's pretty dang tender, too, but not as good as the middle. :)

Oh mang, MY favorite part on a prime rib is the cap. YOU probably know what that is, but for others, it is that long thin strip along one side, usually seperated by a line of gristle. Super well marbled, and YUM. For special meals, I sometimes order beef from Flannery's online. It's pricey, but amazing. And they sell JUST a whole rib cap, rolled and tied. OMG.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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You do realize that if Trump wins and gets his way many of our foodstuffs will cost 35% more....

I mean I went thru the plague, many wars, the Spanish inquisition...
But Trump? Might have to request an early pickup...

Food will cost 35% more? I dunno, 95.37% of all statistics on the internet are made up...


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I've been doin stuff a lot like that lately. Forgetting how to spell words i've always known how to spell. Mixing up the their, they're, there's . For you're your, that's one reason I use yur! hehehe

I couldn't eat the middle of prime rib for sure, cuz it's always bloody when they cut into it. But would like to try some not quite in the middle. Pink is fine, but red or bloody isn't

I scared a bunch of people in a really nice restaurant once. I was 20 or 22 or somewhere around that age, and not really experienced with "diplomacy" yet. ;) Some of us from work flew down to San Francisco to meet with one of our accounts and we all had dinner at this restaurant, I still remember the name, Scotty Campbell's. Anyway, I ordered a steak. The waiter asked me how I wanted it cooked and I said, "Have the chef breathe on it on your way through the kitchen." And that's what I got. A warm, raw steak. It was PERFECT. :D Only problem was, the crappy steak knife they gave me wouldn't cut it (serrated knives don't cut raw meat AT ALL), so I asked if they had something sharper. Guy comes back with a butcher knife. Seriously. I said OK, whatever, and started cutting my steak, but EVERYONE moved their chairs as far away from me as they could. When I realized they were doing that, I just cracked up! They were SCARED OF ME! ROFL! What I SHOULD have done was put my personal preferences aside, and asked for medium, but I was young and it was still "all about me," you know? It WAS funny, though. :teehee:


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ECF Refugee
Sure, Cromwell, and if the other side wins? 95% of everything you own will belong to Hitlery and the government will take the remaining 5%. Now let's leave the political bullshit off this thread before everyone quits.


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Ohh yeah I remember The Gunpowder Plot.
Kinda like the Alamo, a failure.
Hey everyone. Did my artsy class this morning and then took a looooooooooong nap. I'll post more later(meaning tomorrow), but just had to say that I finally watched "Black Sheep" that you dear Cromwell, posted a reference to..........months ago. Blech is all I have to say about it. lol!
Moo! Take the personality test. I'm curious if you are another Analyst type.

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