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Womper Woom Wejects


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Ok baby. Your wish is my command!
hang on there sis! Keep that up, you'll lose yur "I am woman, hear me roar" card!! :teehee:

@kad2371 Thanks for defending me over there! I'll be back in that thread when that fucker is gone!!
someone pickin on you?? Ya want I should go clobber em!!!

@Debadoo I'll get some sent to me, someone must of took some.
oh goody!! Thanks darlin! <3

Hopefully this will be the last Sunday I have to work but we'll see.
I really hope so too. I've had to do it, but workin 7 days a week just aint right. Ya need some down time!

Deb's getting the worst of it now. It's still raining here but not storming anymore:
Jup. After church, I was going to a friend's bday party. They were doing the meats, and asked folks to bring sides/desserts. My dil was supposed to make or get something. They'd both planned to go to the party but dil had a migraine. So, I was already running late, but had to stop at the store and get a cake. It had just started raining slightly when I went in to the store.... grabbed the cake, checked out, got to the door, and omgggggggggg I'm pretty sure I saw an ark in the parking lot through the onslaught of rain. lol I waited there by the door with everyone else for a few minutes, but finally was just hurting too much to keep standing there. Took my glasses off, and very slowly, and steadily headed out in the rain to the car. Was parked close, but still had to walk so slowly so I didn't fall that I was soaked through when I got there. Clothes and hair needed to be wrung out when I got to the party a couple blocks from the store. :facepalm: Went on the back screened in porch cuz I couldn't sit on the furniture........ they had a portable AC unit out there on full blast. So now I'm wet AND freezing! Needless to say pain levels were off the charts. I had no idea it was even supposed to rain, but we have had some rain the last few days and systems in the area. I totally wasn't prepared for that.

I hope you're safe Debadoo!!!
Thanks wasn't a dangerous storm...........cept for me blind, crippled and crazy and wearin flip flops! lmao

kewl!!! I love mosaic stuff! Wish you had more time, I'd get ya stampin! Also LOVE the halo rainbow pic!!!

Cold this morning here......Taken on Emily's morning walks to keep fit. (She misses the view from up here I think)

Hi Y'all

Couple of my children...not long got up lol....

Mornin sweetie pie! Gorgeous pics! Yur youngins are such cutie pies!! and such a beautiful view from that huge plate glass window! Sorry yur freezin though! I'd love all that, only if it were some place warm! :D :inlove: :hug:


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Rixy, at least the ocean is right there even if it's cold it is still beautiful. Have a great day everyone. Oh and cute kids!!! They are the best part of that picture. Deb I can't believe you are getting poured on when I was looking at the radar. Sorry about getting soaked.
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Thanks Atcha, somehow, Monday is a happy day for me, probably because the kids go back to school after the weekend and we go out for lunch, just the two of us. Monday is a great day lol (wouldn't be without them but it's nice to have a break)


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Good morning all! Lynn, sorry to hear about your card getting hacked. That is always such a pain to deal with.

Rixy, your kids are so cute! I remember my daughter at that age. I think my daughter even had that same pink top.:)

So I get to spend this week as a student again. I'll be home to cram review for a recertification exam next Saturday. The good part, I'll be lounging around the house. The bad part, reviewing all the freaking material I should. I really am getting too old to deal with 6 hour certification exams. At least all my tanks are filled and freshly wicked.


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Good morning everyone :) I had to get up earlier because I have to go to the bank this morning to get a temporary bank card. My account was hacked so my card was canceled.
That's awful Lynn!
Thanks Atcha, somehow, Monday is a happy day for me, probably because the kids go back to school after the weekend and we go out for lunch, just the two of us. Monday is a great day lol (wouldn't be without them but it's nice to have a break)
Well happy happy Monday Rixy! Enjoy your break. And lunch. :)


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Morning, everybody! It was a busy day yesterday, and more of the same today. I have to go milk Cricket PRETTY SOON, when I stuck my head in to check on them this morning getting some hay for the horses, she was dripping milk, so she's FULL. Our hay guy is coming to deliver our first load of hay for the winter, then when that's done I think I need to get busy making some dairy products. We still have all this storebought milk left due to Cricket popping ten days early, so we need to use that up, and in the meantime, I'll be making cheese and clabber and stuff from Cricket's milk. It takes up a bunch of time, but I'm glad to have the milk to make cheese again! :) I also need to make some more yogurt. We have been sadly lacking for the last 6 weeks.


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Morning, everybody! It was a busy day yesterday, and more of the same today. I have to go milk Cricket PRETTY SOON, when I stuck my head in to check on them this morning getting some hay for the horses, she was dripping milk, so she's FULL. Our hay guy is coming to deliver our first load of hay for the winter, then when that's done I think I need to get busy making some dairy products. We still have all this storebought milk left due to Cricket popping ten days early, so we need to use that up, and in the meantime, I'll be making cheese and clabber and stuff from Cricket's milk. It takes up a bunch of time, but I'm glad to have the milk to make cheese again! :) I also need to make some more yogurt. We have been sadly lacking for the last 6 weeks.
Good to see you. :) I'm happy you've got your "real" milk now. :)


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No1 Sub ohm tank by far
pulled this up to watch later out of curiosity. Have heard so much about this one.

I have a bad case of the Monday blues. Oh and Deb I will post the finished product to you in a couple of weeks. It's going to be a bird feeder.
oh how kewl!! That'll be a gorgeous birdhouse! SO sorry you got the blues. Maybe you can write an amazing blues song and get rich!! :D It's the songwriters that make the money on hits these days.

Rixy, at least the ocean is right there even if it's cold it is still beautiful. Have a great day everyone. Oh and cute kids!!! They are the best part of that picture. Deb I can't believe you are getting poured on when I was looking at the radar. Sorry about getting soaked.
JUP! While there is something a little wrong with having an ocean in yur front yard that it's too cold to get least it is there and you can listen to it!
Thanks, but it happens. wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't been so cold for hours afterwards. Pain meds helped, and I slept some on the couch, so that has helped a bit too. It's not as bad today as it was. Took am meds and have a pain patch on.

I'm always one that if will go play in the rain if I can get warm and dry in it. lol Was leaving work one day. It was torrential like yesterday. Stepping off the curb was a mini river. I knew with my back I couldn't jump over it. Everyone was huddled inside at the doorway not wanting to go out in it. There was no way not to get out I went, which they all thought was crazy enough.......but when I started dancing up and down the road, splashing in every puddle I found, they knew I wuz nuts. I got em all laughing of course (found out the next day), but didn't get any of them to venture out to join me in my fun

Cold here this morning too! Especially with no heat
why u gotz no heat? Haven't turned it on yet or sumpthin wrong with it?

Good morning everyone I had to get up earlier because I have to go to the bank this morning to get a temporary bank card. My account was hacked so my card was canceled.
ohhh noooooo Hope they didn't get your cash! and glad it's sorted out now. If it was one sight, do me a favor and plug it into here and see what kind of a grade it gets. Want to know if this site is reliable.

it takes a few minutes to get a grade. But it will give you A - F

So I get to spend this week as a student again. I'll be home to cram review for a recertification exam next Saturday. The good part, I'll be lounging around the house
what do you do if you don't mind me askin? Stay at home in my jammies and get paid for it? Heck I'd love that! lol

I'll be making cheese and clabber and stuff from Cricket's milk
kewlios. I need to check to see if you told me how to make clabber. I think ya might have, but will check. I can't wait to come see y'all. I wanna meet y'all most of all, but also wanna follow ya around takin notes or helping as much as I can without getting in yur way

Its warm in the house but it's winter here now, it will only get colder as the month goes on.


How are you this morning x
yeah fixin to be winter here too but since we're in the south, it's not bad yet.


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I've been thinking lately.................yea, I know...............dangerous.................
I'm SO tired of this nic gum during the day and my jaw hurts from chewing it all day. I wonder if it would be safe to perhaps dilute some of my juice and just keep a cup of it on my desk and drop some on my tongue every once and a while. I'll post this question in a few different threads --- this one is dead lately. :(


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Member For 4 Years
Hmmmm. I forgot about lozenges. Thanks Deb!!!!
Hope mine turns out ok. It prolly will.
yw. I'm sure it will Sent you a txt a minute ago. :)

Not as long as DIY is around. Gotta get you mixing your own.
Jup! She did mix a bottle at my house. But gotta get her some more lessons, and coiling if I can ever get her butt over here for more than just a lil bit.

It's pouring here again

@Atchafalaya , Debadoo, my work is health care related. Much of what I do is consulting and I get a fair amount of it done remotely so I don't have to go in every day. I try very much to stay off the long hour treadmill as much as I can.
oh kewl!!


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Not as long as DIY is around. Gotta get you mixing your own.
I know!! I still need to nic up Lannie's juice.
@Atchafalaya , Debadoo, my work is health care related. Much of what I do is consulting and I get a fair amount of it done remotely so I don't have to go in every day. I try very much to stay off the long hour treadmill as much as I can.
That's what I'm planning on doing in 3 years. Work from home.
Health care. That's an interesting field.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I know!! I still need to nic up Lannie's juice.

That's what I'm planning on doing in 3 years. Work from home.
Health care. That's an interesting field.
I'm gonna try to find a clone for the PM so you can make it yourself. That'll make it easier to cut back on the WTA also that way if you want to start weaning off of it. Save you some money.


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And actually, I did hardly anything all weekend.
good! You needed some down time. Ok, gonna see how long the puter lasts on battery. We're getting a ton of thunder, so unplugged the puter in case the power blinks off. Glad it went around you! My son was supposed to have a parent teacher conference at 1, but katy said she was going to either do a phone one, or reschedule, cuz she wasn't leaving work and going out in this mess. Glad he doesn't have to go out in it now.

I replied and put the new number in. I'd love to go see the movie but I'm really slammed for time within the next couple of weeks.
all showings depend on if they sell around 100 tickets. If not they won't show em. But there is one scheduled Dec 9th. Also, we might could sponsor one here in Temple, but I'll have to wait til I get through appealing the disability to look into that. Gotta get that done first, and I can't multitask well anymore.


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good! You needed some down time. Ok, gonna see how long the puter lasts on battery. We're getting a ton of thunder, so unplugged the puter in case the power blinks off. Glad it went around you! My son was supposed to have a parent teacher conference at 1, but katy said she was going to either do a phone one, or reschedule, cuz she wasn't leaving work and going out in this mess. Glad he doesn't have to go out in it now.

all showings depend on if they sell around 100 tickets. If not they won't show em. But there is one scheduled Dec 9th. Also, we might could sponsor one here in Temple, but I'll have to wait til I get through appealing the disability to look into that. Gotta get that done first, and I can't multitask well anymore.
Are the local vape shops doing anything? Seems they could set something up. We have enough of them here. I REALLY hope more people - other than us vapers - will go to see this documentary. Wish some Hollywood folks or TV network would pick it up.


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Are the local vape shops doing anything? Seems they could set something up. We have enough of them here. I REALLY hope more people - other than us vapers - will go to see this documentary. Wish some Hollywood or TV network would pick it up
I don't think they are yet. Checking with them is on my to do list. I just haven't ta done it yet. Jup getting Hollywood folks to get involved is a major thing they're working on. Eric Roberts if he can get his sister and some of her high powered friends on board that would be super

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