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Yeah, I've forgotten all that as well. I started with mine in high school, so Morse was pretty much it when it came to ham radio. It was fun back then to get the post cards from all over of whoever you connected to.

And to think, we've gone from tapping out on a key to communicate to tapping out on a phone to communicate. Granted, it is easier to get the letters on a phone, but probably slower on words per minute. Unless you're 15 and can screen type without even looking.
I remember when they came out with the Bar Phones made for texting faster, they wanted to see if it was faster than Morse Code. So they had 2 kids on one side of the table with phones and 2 older men on the other side with ham radios and keys. The 2 older men beat the kids with Morse Code lol.. This was many years ago though, sure you could find the video if you wanted.
Morse code is something I'd always wanted to learn.......but never did.........sign language too. Now they've pretty much done away with Morse code, but I'd still like to learn it. There are still plenty of folks out there that know it

dang, even our power didn't go out Glad yours didn't stay out. Yurs mighta been cuz of the wind

kewl, thanks. When my nephew was talkin about em, he wuz lookin at ones that were up to $500.00 I had no idea they could be had this cheaply. He's a prepper. I'm not into that, but I could certainly see havin a ham i case of an EMP or something that wipes out all communication.
That Baofeng is a basic 2m/440 VHF/UHF Handheld which by themselves may reach a mile in good conditions, similar to the old Motorola grey work radios or an FRS radio.
Thing is, unlike a ham radio, the Baofengs can already transmit throughtout 2m/440 frequencies like FRS/GMRS and others that are "illegal" to transmit on with a "ham radio" that is made for the same 2m/440 bands.. ;)

For hams, they(Handhelds) are mainly dependent on Repeaters to talk around the town or even along a few states if the repeaters are connected to eachother.

If a ham radio is around $500 then it is more than likely an HF Radio which can be used as a Base Station, Mobile, or ran on a battery. HF frequencies can reach around the world depending on the setup. Most also can transmit on VHF/UHF frequencies and use repeaters. As a prepper, (Im also one) he is probably looking at an "All in One" like a Yaesu FT-897D which can use Battery or a Power Source and has access to all ham radio bands.

VA?? What part? Sorry! I live at the border of NC and VA.
Powhatan, which is near Richmond & Midlothian. Thats as much as I know lol :)

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Bless you! and here I thought they called the wind Mariah all this time

If a ham radio is around $500 then it is more than likely an HF Radio which can be used as a Base Station, Mobile, or ran on a battery. HF frequencies can reach around the world depending on the setup. Most also can transmit on VHF/UHF frequencies and use repeaters. As a prepper, (Im also one) he is probably looking at an "All in One" like a Yaesu FT-897D which can use Battery or a Power Source and has access to all ham radio bands.
oh kewl.....all that was good to know. I'm not a prepper really (cept for nic) hehehe but in case of EMP, it would be good to communicate, and that's why he was looking at them, so very likely it was this last thing

Cant complain too much, first time it rained in over 40 days
long as it don't last another 40 Noah!


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Emily was going to do this but she is busy baking cakes lol (NO Garlic please)

So, I'm going to do it..

Noisy Cricket 2 / 25, parallel, series and regulated mod and the Avocado 24 bottom airflow, the most messed up reviewed atty on youtube, how they all got it wrong, they really should learn how to use a product before posting videos :facepalm:

More later


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Member For 3 Years
Morning everyone! Hope all in OK in court today, Lynn (not sure why you're going, but good luck whatever it is).

Hi Rixy, a Noisy Cricket and Avocado 24. That should be fun. I finally got my Limitless+ working nicely with those Claptons I made (I refused to give up after all the wasted wire trying to make them). My two big issues were the ramp up and then being too hot. So I figured "you built it out of SS, why not use TC?"

I decided to make a profile just for the tank (even made a little custom screen too;)), 125W preheat 1 second 8 punch (not sure how that litle slider really works) and 60W at 450F. Air about halfway open. Holy shit, what a great vape! Sure, lots of cloud, but wow, really great flavor! Richest, smoothest vape I've ever gotten out of this juice.

NOW I think I finally have more of this stuff figured out. I kept thinking "high power, big cloud, poor flavor", but no, you can have both. I still don't need the cloud (although it is looking more attractive as I get used to it) but I really have my flavor. Too bad it still burns through juice like an open faucet.


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@Eskie, I'll reply to your post after this........

Avocado 24 Bottom Airflow.

First off, I'd like to address the slider / fill method, to a degree I was a little unfair on the a point, they don't even seem to know how to use it, let alone comment on how it works. Built a simple 26g Parallel build and wicked it with Kendo Gold, now the idea is to push the slider to move the wicks to created a gap but you have to slide it back in order to fill, it works to an extent but it's not ideal and can be a little messy, so yes, it's not the greatest fill method I have used.. Dual coil in this is meh but lucky a single coil is just plain awesome..

Second attempt

Single Alien NI80 Clapton coil, 0.3ohm


If you want to get into building your own, this is a good tank to start with, anyone can do this, it's soooooo easy to wick too. I cut it level with the top of the tank, tilt n vape (genesis)


Now use the stopper to plug the other side, what I like about it, is the design of the ceramic plug, it doesn't just block off the airflow, it directs it to the side of the coil, with the other side coming from the bottom (Kennedy style) Where the Limitless Plus fails and cuts off the airflow, this plug actually improves flavor.


Trouble is plugging the one side gives you the same awkward problem the dual coils did and that's filling it. I used Rips method and cut the feet off the bottom.


This not only gives you a gap to fill without using the slider but feeds the juice to the wicks more efficient.


And that side airflow I mentioned


Now usually this kind of stuff would annoy me to a point of dismissing the tank completely but there is one reason I just can't, it vapes so good, that swooshie airflow and the flavor is just so good I can ignore the cons on this tank. If you didn't know, you would say that this was a dual coil setup, of course the NI80 Alien helps but the flavor beats most, especially for a single coil.

I saw one guy flicking his top cap / bell cap off while on the mod......not with mine, even with juice on (I tested it), it is the perfect tolerance, maybe they changed them when they released it to the public.


Single coil is the money build
One of best air flows (you have to vape it to understand what I mean)
Easy to build and wick
Looks nice
No spit back, flooding or leaking, super smooth vape

Plug needs modifying
Fill method
You have to unscrew the 510 pin to clean the tank fully (doesn't bother me, it's a 5 second job)

I have to rate this over the Limitless Plus, even in dual mode because of the airflow and flavor it gives out, single coil mode, hands down beats it.

If you can get past the initial BS this really is one of those satisfying vapes.

Cricket 2 / 25

All in one mod, run it in Parallel, Series or regulated (hex ohm style, variable voltage)

Flip the circuit board for series



In Series if you turn the device off and hold the fire button for 5 sec it will flash orange, now you can use the potentiometer to adjust from 2v to 6v. Turn the device off again (5 clicks) and hold the fire button for 5 secs again and it will flash white, that puts it in normal series mode and takes the power from the batteries. (It is not a full 8.4v though)

Love this mod for the money, I have seen some reviewers trying to turn the dial with their nail / screwdriver, just press you finger on it and turn.

There is a con though, the potentiometer isn't the best quality and I wish it was flush with the device, it also rattles when you shake the mod a bit. Personally, I'll only use this in Parallel which as it happens is great with my single coil build in the Avocado, it gives me 58w and of course great battery life.
I like the battery wraps that fit inside the mod too, nice touch and for 29 bucks you can't go wrong and is much safer than the original but to be fair, it's a totally different device now and has a standard 510 connection that will fit a 25mm tank flush.

Fine setup

Last edited:


Bronze Contributor
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@Eskie, I'll reply to your post after this........

Avocado 24 Bottom Airflow.

First off, I'd like to address the slider / fill method, to a degree I was a little unfair on the a point, they don't even seem to know how to use it, let alone comment on how it works. Built a simple 26g Parallel build and wicked it with Kendo Gold, now the idea is to push the slider to move the wicks to created a gap but you have to slide it back in order to fill, it works to an extent but it's not ideal and can be a little messy, so yes, it's not the greatest fill method I have used.. Dual coil in this is meh but lucky a single coil is just plain awesome..

Second attempt

Single Alien NI80 Clapton coil, 0.3ohm


If you want to get into building your own, this is a good tank to start with, anyone can do this, it's soooooo easy to wick too. I cut it level with the top of the tank, tilt n vape (genesis)


Now use the stopper to plug the other side, what I like about it, is the design of the ceramic plug, it doesn't just block off the airflow, it directs it to the side of the coil, with the other side coming from the bottom (Kennedy style) Where the Limitless Plus fails and cuts off the airflow, this plug actually improves flavor.


Trouble is plugging the one side gives you the same awkward problem the dual coils did and that's filling it. I used Rips method and cut the feet off the bottom.


This not only gives you a gap to fill without using the slider but feeds the juice to the wicks more efficient.


And that side airflow I mentioned


Now usually this kind of stuff would annoy me to a point of dismissing the tank completely but there is one reason I just can't, it vapes so good, that swooshie airflow and the flavor is just so good I can ignore the cons on this tank. If you didn't know, you would say that this was a dual coil setup, of course the NI80 Alien helps but the flavor beats most, especially for a single coil.

I saw one guy flicking his top cap / bell cap off while on the mod......not with mine, even with juice on (I tested it), it is the perfect tolerance, maybe they changed them when they released it to the public.


Single coil is the money build
One of best air flows (you have to vape it to understand what I mean)
Easy to build and wick
Looks nice
No spit back, flooding or leaking, super smooth vape

Plug needs modifying
Fill method
You have to unscrew the 510 pin to clean the tank fully (doesn't bother me, it's a 5 second job)

I have to rate this over the Limitless Plus, even in dual mode because of the airflow and flavor it gives out, single coil mode, hands down beats it.

If you can get past the initial BS this really is one of those satisfying vapes.

Cricket 2 / 25

All in one mod, run it in Parallel, Series or regulated (hex ohm style, variable voltage)

Flip the circuit board for series



In Series you if you turn the device off and hold the fire button for 5 sec it will flash orange, now you can use the potentiometer to adjust from 2v to 6v. Turn the device off again (5 clicks) and hold the fire button for 5 secs again and it will flash white, that puts it in normal series mode and takes the power from the batteries. (It is not a full 8.4v though)

Love this mod for the money, I have seen some reviewers trying to turn the dial with their nail / screwdriver, just press you finger on it and turn.

There is a con though, the potentiometer isn't the best quality and I wish it was flush with the device, it also rattles when you shake the mod a bit. Personally, I'll only use this in Parallel which as it happens is great with my single coil build in the Avocado, it gives me 58w and of course great battery life.
I like the battery wraps that fit inside the mod too, nice touch and for 29 bucks you can't go wrong and is much safer than the original but to be fair, it's a totally different device now and has a standard 510 connection that will fit a 25mm tank flush.

Fine setup

Great Review as always Rixsta! I never paid much attention to the Noisy Cricket 2, iv never actually clicked a link to one online so I have only seen a couple pics and I figured they just moved the firing button and maybe changed some minor things. After reading this ill definitely be looking into one!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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@Eskie, I'll reply to your post after this........

Avocado 24 Bottom Airflow.

First off, I'd like to address the slider / fill method, to a degree I was a little unfair on the a point, they don't even seem to know how to use it, let alone comment on how it works. Built a simple 26g Parallel build and wicked it with Kendo Gold, now the idea is to push the slider to move the wicks to created a gap but you have to slide it back in order to fill, it works to an extent but it's not ideal and can be a little messy, so yes, it's not the greatest fill method I have used.. Dual coil in this is meh but lucky a single coil is just plain awesome..

Second attempt

Single Alien NI80 Clapton coil, 0.3ohm


If you want to get into building your own, this is a good tank to start with, anyone can do this, it's soooooo easy to wick too. I cut it level with the top of the tank, tilt n vape (genesis)


Now use the stopper to plug the other side, what I like about it, is the design of the ceramic plug, it doesn't just block off the airflow, it directs it to the side of the coil, with the other side coming from the bottom (Kennedy style) Where the Limitless Plus fails and cuts off the airflow, this plug actually improves flavor.


Trouble is plugging the one side gives you the same awkward problem the dual coils did and that's filling it. I used Rips method and cut the feet off the bottom.


This not only gives you a gap to fill without using the slider but feeds the juice to the wicks more efficient.


And that side airflow I mentioned


Now usually this kind of stuff would annoy me to a point of dismissing the tank completely but there is one reason I just can't, it vapes so good, that swooshie airflow and the flavor is just so good I can ignore the cons on this tank. If you didn't know, you would say that this was a dual coil setup, of course the NI80 Alien helps but the flavor beats most, especially for a single coil.

I saw one guy flicking his top cap / bell cap off while on the mod......not with mine, even with juice on (I tested it), it is the perfect tolerance, maybe they changed them when they released it to the public.


Single coil is the money build
One of best air flows (you have to vape it to understand what I mean)
Easy to build and wick
Looks nice
No spit back, flooding or leaking, super smooth vape

Plug needs modifying
Fill method
You have to unscrew the 510 pin to clean the tank fully (doesn't bother me, it's a 5 second job)

I have to rate this over the Limitless Plus, even in dual mode because of the airflow and flavor it gives out, single coil mode, hands down beats it.

If you can get past the initial BS this really is one of those satisfying vapes.

Cricket 2 / 25

All in one mod, run it in Parallel, Series or regulated (hex ohm style, variable voltage)

Flip the circuit board for series



In Series if you turn the device off and hold the fire button for 5 sec it will flash orange, now you can use the potentiometer to adjust from 2v to 6v. Turn the device off again (5 clicks) and hold the fire button for 5 secs again and it will flash white, that puts it in normal series mode and takes the power from the batteries. (It is not a full 8.4v though)

Love this mod for the money, I have seen some reviewers trying to turn the dial with their nail / screwdriver, just press you finger on it and turn.

There is a con though, the potentiometer isn't the best quality and I wish it was flush with the device, it also rattles when you shake the mod a bit. Personally, I'll only use this in Parallel which as it happens is great with my single coil build in the Avocado, it gives me 58w and of course great battery life.
I like the battery wraps that fit inside the mod too, nice touch and for 29 bucks you can't go wrong and is much safer than the original but to be fair, it's a totally different device now and has a standard 510 connection that will fit a 25mm tank flush.

Fine setup

Just got my NC2 yesterday, looking forward to playing with it.

Sent from my SD4930UR using Tapatalk


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Morning everyone! Hope all in OK in court today, Lynn (not sure why you're going, but good luck whatever it is).

Hi Rixy, a Noisy Cricket and Avocado 24. That should be fun. I finally got my Limitless+ working nicely with those Claptons I made (I refused to give up after all the wasted wire trying to make them). My two big issues were the ramp up and then being too hot. So I figured "you built it out of SS, why not use TC?"

I decided to make a profile just for the tank (even made a little custom screen too;)), 125W preheat 1 second 8 punch (not sure how that litle slider really works) and 60W at 450F. Air about halfway open. Holy shit, what a great vape! Sure, lots of cloud, but wow, really great flavor! Richest, smoothest vape I've ever gotten out of this juice.

NOW I think I finally have more of this stuff figured out. I kept thinking "high power, big cloud, poor flavor", but no, you can have both. I still don't need the cloud (although it is looking more attractive as I get used to it) but I really have my flavor. Too bad it still burns through juice like an open faucet.

I have a problem with SS Claptons, I never used them, single, twisted or parallel SS coils yes but not Clapton.

SS gives a much lower build, this is never good with Claptons, especially fused, staggered or Alien where the ohms would be even lower. I can see how temp control would work better, less heat so to say but I cannot get flavor from TC, I have tried off and on but it's not for me.

This is where NI80 Claptons work, the wire heats up and cools down much quicker, you don't need as much wattage and thus it's a cooler vape. For these Alien coils which have a total of 4 wires per coil, it works really well. Take the Avocado build above, that's a very cool vape and the ramp down time is pretty much non existent.

I missed something with the cricket btw, battery indicator, it is a constant light and will flash quicker as the battery dies.
Oh and battery door is tight and that stupid sticker on the top is a finger print magnet and should not of been put on. I can see me getting a wrap for this actually, not only to get rid of the sticker put I'm pretty sure it would stop that dial from rattling.....although, if ya don't shake it, it doesn't rattle but things like that bug me. I can't moan though, not for the price, it's a dam steal.


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Morning, peeps! I've missed pages again, and I doubt I'll be able to catch up. But we DO have a barn full of hay this morning - what a satisfying feeling! And the chickens have a big 3-gallon pot of clabber brewing for their dinner tonight, so they'll be happy, too. :)

We're having such gorgeous fall weather right now, it's amazing. We don't always have "fall" here, I can only remember a few years where it was nice like this. Crisp and cool overnight, sunny and 60s to 70 during the day, leaves crunching underfoot, and NO SNOW yet! LOL! I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. :D


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Morning, peeps! I've missed pages again, and I doubt I'll be able to catch up. But we DO have a barn full of hay this morning - what a satisfying feeling! And the chickens have a big 3-gallon pot of clabber brewing for their dinner tonight, so they'll be happy, too. :)

We're having such gorgeous fall weather right now, it's amazing. We don't always have "fall" here, I can only remember a few years where it was nice like this. Crisp and cool overnight, sunny and 60s to 70 during the day, leaves crunching underfoot, and NO SNOW yet! LOL! I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. :D
Afternoon Lannie, sounds just like my kind of weather, I hate being hot in bed haha.....hmmm

Laughing to myself here, this walk the plank juice in the Avocado compared to the Supreme is so different, the supreme gives more custard notes and the Avocado gives a lighter custard with more's way better.

I've also took a massive dislike to Nonna's cake, now it's steeped it reminds me of the smell of baby vomit, def not for me.:blech:


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I have a problem with SS Claptons, I never used them, single, twisted or parallel SS coils yes but not Clapton.

SS gives a much lower build, this is never good with Claptons, especially fused, staggered or Alien where the ohms would be even lower. I can see how temp control would work better, less heat so to say but I cannot get flavor from TC, I have tried off and on but it's not for me.

This is where NI80 Claptons work, the wire heats up and cools down much quicker, you don't need as much wattage and thus it's a cooler vape. For these Alien coils which have a total of 4 wires per coil, it works really well. Take the Avocado build above, that's a very cool vape and the ramp down time is pretty much non existent.

I missed something with the cricket btw, battery indicator, it is a constant light and will flash quicker as the battery dies.
Oh and battery door is tight and that stupid sticker on the top is a finger print magnet and should not of been put on. I can see me getting a wrap for this actually, not only to get rid of the sticker put I'm pretty sure it would stop that dial from rattling.....although, if ya don't shake it, it doesn't rattle but things like that bug me. I can't moan though, not for the price, it's a dam steal.

I've never worked with Ni80 even for simple coils. These are simple Claptons, not at all able to make fused/aliens or other fancy wires, that come in at 0.25 ohm. At first I was of the mind that more metal, more mass, use power mode to blast them. I like a mild warm vape, and it sure wasn't that. I was so surprised with how TC with preheat could really make these things work the way they now do. Now I can see a reason for giving them a shot in tanks like my Engine or Crius+, where I've been getting my smooth slightly warm vape with simple coils ~0.5 ohm. I guess it's more for play as I'm perfectly happy with how they perform, and I'm not anxious to blow through lots of juice (this thing is so thirsty now), but it's fun to experiment.

That Cricket 2 does look cute. And it is a great price.


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Never used NI80 unless in clearo coils maybe?
Have years and years worth of Kanthal and SS316 though so not likely to try NI80.
I like SS316.

I have a bunch of Kanthal I should probably just give away as everything I'm making is with 316L now.

Excellent article. Hope it helps. Specially since the tax payer funded conference in India kicked out all the journalists from the majority of their talks

It is a good read. It's also worth following the link to read the transcript of the actual speech. It's amazingly rational, and precisely what needs to be communicated. As happy as I am with it, this is not the first time Miller came out with this opinion. He was voicing it back in 2015 as well, but guess they decided to ignore him.


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Excellent article. Hope it helps. Specially since the tax payer funded conference in India kicked out all the journalists from the majority of their talks
Good read but you have to ask yourself, why didn't he step in earlier ?

this is not the first time Miller came out with this opinion. He was voicing it back in 2015 as well, but guess they decided to ignore him.

Oh, well that's the end of my hopes here then


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Not sure how well this is going to go down here or how educated some are on the subject, I have studied WW2 for 25 years but this is exactly what Hitler was trying to free us from, well Europe at least. (No, I don't believe he gassed the Jews or that there was ever such gas chambers ever made, there is now so much evidence to back this up, there isn't a single account or document to say otherwise, it was the biggest lie to justify the bombing of Berlin, the treatment of women and children and to control them long term) I never like to talk about this, that is another side of my personal life I never share and I'm not saying he was innocent in all of this, far from it but war is dirty on all sides and contrary to what the media has pushed, he never actually started the war in the first place. It's also why Brexit won't go through, no way we will be allowed to leave ect. God this subject is so long I just can't go into it all..

There is a documentary that I believe everyone should watch called the greatest story never told, you can find it on youtube - Please don't think I'm pushing anyone to watch it or offend anyone, it's the most delicate subject in history I know but it's just meant for this small group here. I also don't base what I've said solely on that, 25 years of research is a long time and something I will continue to do.

That documentary may be a big eye opener, it's over 6 hours long, yeah, ya not gonna watch it all in one day probably but it is essential of what is going on today.

All I'm saying is, we're in the same dam position we was then, they control everything, banks and money being at the forefront, revenue from tobacco comes before health and I very much doubt there is any chance of winning anything....negative as that may sound.

(you don't have to like this post, I get it, it cuts deep with people but it's something that will come out eventually, it's OK, I'm used to it)
Last edited:


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I have a problem with SS Claptons, I never used them, single, twisted or parallel SS coils yes but not Clapton.

SS gives a much lower build, this is never good with Claptons, especially fused, staggered or Alien where the ohms would be even lower. I can see how temp control would work better, less heat so to say but I cannot get flavor from TC, I have tried off and on but it's not for me.

This is where NI80 Claptons work, the wire heats up and cools down much quicker, you don't need as much wattage and thus it's a cooler vape. For these Alien coils which have a total of 4 wires per coil, it works really well. Take the Avocado build above, that's a very cool vape and the ramp down time is pretty much non existent.

I missed something with the cricket btw, battery indicator, it is a constant light and will flash quicker as the battery dies.
Oh and battery door is tight and that stupid sticker on the top is a finger print magnet and should not of been put on. I can see me getting a wrap for this actually, not only to get rid of the sticker put I'm pretty sure it would stop that dial from rattling.....although, if ya don't shake it, it doesn't rattle but things like that bug me. I can't moan though, not for the price, it's a dam steal.

SS Claptons is about the only Claptons I run anymore. Some flavors are not that great under TC but in wattage mode are great while others work good in TC. Flavour Art Cocoon is one of them. In TC the apple and caramel really shine with this vape.

The thing that I do different than others is I make mine big. I usually buy my SS Clapton coils and they come as 3mm ID. I enlarge them to 4 mm and then wick them loose. Thats a little trick the Merlin taught me. That tank likes large coils and doing this way the wick always stays well saturated and gives off an excellent vape.


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SS Claptons is about the only Claptons I run anymore. Some flavors are not that great under TC but in wattage mode are great while others work good in TC. Flavour Art Cocoon is one of them. In TC the apple and caramel really shine with this vape.

The thing that I do different than others is I make mine big. I usually buy my SS Clapton coils and they come as 3mm ID. I enlarge them to 4 mm and then wick them loose. Thats a little trick the Merlin taught me. That tank likes large coils and doing this way the wick always stays well saturated and gives off an excellent vape.

And that is a point I completely missed, a single SS Clapton would work, also, the word Clapton wire has so many variables that I'm sure certain SS Claptons would work well. I have never really grasped TC either so that's just down to me. I can only say what works for me. Vaping has so many different styles, hardly anyone vapes the same really.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Afternoon Lannie, sounds just like my kind of weather, I hate being hot in bed haha.....hmmm

Laughing to myself here, this walk the plank juice in the Avocado compared to the Supreme is so different, the supreme gives more custard notes and the Avocado gives a lighter custard with more's way better.

I've also took a massive dislike to Nonna's cake, now it's steeped it reminds me of the smell of baby vomit, def not for me.:blech:

Well, don't pour it down the sink. You know where it will get a good home! I can't believe you don't like it, it's one of my most favorite flavors. I use it at 3% to 4% in my juices, and I love it. I think it tastes like a lemon poppyseed muffin.


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Well, don't pour it down the sink. You know where it will get a good home! I can't believe you don't like it, it's one of my most favorite flavors. I use it at 3% to 4% in my juices, and I love it. I think it tastes like a lemon poppyseed muffin.

I don't get that at all, perhaps i need to try it in my serpent mini, lower wattage, maybe it will be different.


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Member For 5 Years
I don't get that at all, perhaps i need to try it in my serpent mini, lower wattage, maybe it will be different.

Maybe that's it. I've got it in my full size Serpent, with a single .4 ohm coil at 36 watts. It's YUM! But it could be one of those flavors that some people just don't like. I have a bottle of FA pineapple that I can't bring myself to use because of the smell. It's the foulest smelling thing besides skunk, to ME. I read somewhere that most people love it, but some people think it tastes like rubber or onions (I think it was HIC's notes), and I'm apparently one of the ones that can't be in the same room with it. Maybe it's something like that.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Actually, I need to correct myself a bit. I have several juices with Nonna's in them, and I do have some in the Boreas also, not JUST the Serpent. The Boreas is two coils at (I can't remember...) .5 or .6 or something, but I run that at 75 watts, and it's good in there, too. To ME.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well, don't pour it down the sink. You know where it will get a good home! I can't believe you don't like it, it's one of my most favorite flavors. I use it at 3% to 4% in my juices, and I love it. I think it tastes like a lemon poppyseed muffin.
I don't get lemon poppyseed muffin at all with Nonna's Cake. I get more of an angel food cake taste. Guess that's why they say taste is subjective. :)


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I don't get lemon poppyseed muffin at all with Nonna's Cake. I get more of an angel food cake taste. Guess that's why they say taste is subjective. :)

I don't actually taste poppyseeds, that's just my imagination, but I do taste the light white cake and the hint of lemon, so that's what it reminds me of. :) But you're right, taste is probably THE most subjective thing there is!


Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Not sure how well this is going to go down here or how educated some are on the subject, I have studied WW2 for 25 years but this is exactly what Hitler was trying to free us from, well Europe at least. (No, I don't believe he gassed the Jews or that there was ever such gas chambers ever made, there is now so much evidence to back this up, there isn't a single account or document to say otherwise, it was the biggest lie to justify the bombing of Berlin, the treatment of women and children and to control them long term) I never like to talk about this, that is another side of my personal life I never share and I'm not saying he was innocent in all of this, far from it but war is dirty on all sides and contrary to what the media has pushed, he never actually started the war in the first place. It's also why Brexit won't go through, no way we will be allowed to leave ect. God this subject is so long I just can't go into it all..

There is a documentary that I believe everyone should watch called the greatest story never told, you can find it on youtube - Please don't think I'm pushing anyone to watch it or offend anyone, it's the most delicate subject in history I know but it's just meant for this small group here. I also don't base what I've said solely on that, 25 years of research is a long time and something I will continue to do.

That documentary may be a big eye opener, it's over 6 hours long, yeah, ya not gonna watch it all in one day probably but it is essential of what is going on today.

All I'm saying is, we're in the same dam position we was then, they control everything, banks and money being at the forefront, revenue from tobacco comes before health and I very much doubt there is any chance of winning anything....negative as that may sound.

(you don't have to like this post, I get it, it cuts deep with people but it's something that will come out eventually, it's OK, I'm used to it)

I am a firm believer that we are all entitled to our personal and political beliefs. It is the very basis of freedom that expressing opinions and beliefs can be made. Lots of folks likely do not agree with my politics, and that's fine, so long as a respectful dialogue is maintained. One of the biggest issues I see and am deeply disturbed by in the US is the loss of respect for individual opinions, the polarization of public opinion, and the inability to attempt to view an issue from another person's perspective.

I am not a believer in the denial of simple, plain facts. I cannot condone the denial of the Holocaust, the belief Jews were exterminated in concentration camps, were gassed, and their bodies burned. And it wasn't even just Jews. Others throughout Europe met that same fate. I see this a fact not only on the historical record, which is incontrovertible, but from the personal knowledge of family ancestors murdered, and speaking with the parents and even grandparents of friends who still bore the tattoo on their arm. It is not conjecture these events occurred. It is revisionist history at its worst to suggest it did not occur.

Whether the history of Nazi Germany still influences contemporary European events, or somehow vaping regulation (really?) is something certainly out of the mainstream, but I'm not going to suggest you can't have a convoluted dialogue about that. But the flat out denial of one of the twentieth century's most evil acts, the genocide of a people based on religion, is not something I can countenance, is not something I can ignore, and not something I can ever be comfortable with.

I'll be taking a break from here. No bad feelings to anyone, but this is not for me.

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