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I don't think they are yet. Checking with them is on my to do list. I just haven't ta done it yet. Jup getting Hollywood folks to get involved is a major thing they're working on. Eric Roberts if he can get his sister and some of her high powered friends on board that would be super
Eric Roberts?????? THE Eric Roberts?
Sorry Kadly. :blowkiss:
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good! You needed some down time. Ok, gonna see how long the puter lasts on battery. We're getting a ton of thunder, so unplugged the puter in case the power blinks off. Glad it went around you! My son was supposed to have a parent teacher conference at 1, but katy said she was going to either do a phone one, or reschedule, cuz she wasn't leaving work and going out in this mess. Glad he doesn't have to go out in it now.

Good luck with the thunderstorms. I've been in a few of those Texas storms, and they're a lot bigger than we usually get around here. I assume your internet connection is wifi then, right? I only ask because I know some folks feel unplugging their computer can be enough protection, but not realize you can still get zapped through the Ethernet connection off the router if you use your stuff wired in (which I do as I have to sometimes move really big files, and as fast as wifi might be these days, it's still not as fast as a wire).


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Good luck with the thunderstorms. I've been in a few of those Texas storms, and they're a lot bigger than we usually get around here. I assume your internet connection is wifi then, right? I only ask because I know some folks feel unplugging their computer can be enough protection, but not realize you can still get zapped through the Ethernet connection off the router if you use your stuff wired in (which I do as I have to sometimes move really big files, and as fast as wifi might be these days, it's still not as fast as a wire).
jup it is connected with that makes it safe? Didn't know it could get zapped through an ethernet connection. Good to know


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jup it is connected with that makes it safe? Didn't know it could get zapped through an ethernet connection. Good to know

Yup, any wire from outside into the house can carry current. It's the reason you find telephone plugs on some ups strips, so you can plug your phone in to isolate it from an external surge current. If you did get a surge over your (?) cable internet connection (assuming you have cable for your connection) over the coax (not common) it would probably burn out your router first as that's the first it would hit (well, that and your cable box if you have one). Theoretically, it could jump from your router through your Ethernet cable if there was enough current. If you want to isolate your electronics, you have to pull the cord from anywhere current can flow.

I don't get storms nearly as violent as you do there, but once in a while they do pop up. Had one late spring/early summer where it was like a localized burst with almost continuous lightening for about 15 minutes. Hit one tree and literally kept it lit up for a solid minute, figured out after it was for real St. Elmo's fire. Truly an amazing sight. Fortunately never lost power and the house was not hit, but areas by me that don't flood did have flash flooding with cars stuck and flooded out (common in some parts of TX, really rare around where I live).

So my general rule is if I'm concerned enough to pull the power cord on my PC, I yank all the cords on all my electronics. Far cheaper than replacing stuff. And I use commercial grade surge and UPS protection (kept some stuff from the computer room from my prior office:)), but I'm just probably paranoid overly cautious about it.


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Yup, any wire from outside into the house can carry current. It's the reason you find telephone plugs on some ups strips, so you can plug your phone in to isolate it from an external surge current. If you did get a surge over your (?) cable internet connection (assuming you have cable for your connection) over the coax (not common) it would probably burn out your router first as that's the first it would hit (well, that and your cable box if you have one). Theoretically, it could jump from your router through your Ethernet cable if there was enough current. If you want to isolate your electronics, you have to pull the cord from anywhere current can flow.

I don't get storms nearly as violent as you do there, but once in a while they do pop up. Had one late spring/early summer where it was like a localized burst with almost continuous lightening for about 15 minutes. Hit one tree and literally kept it lit up for a solid minute, figured out after it was for real St. Elmo's fire. Truly an amazing sight. Fortunately never lost power and the house was not hit, but areas by me that don't flood did have flash flooding with cars stuck and flooded out (common in some parts of TX, really rare around where I live).

So my general rule is if I'm concerned enough to pull the power cord on my PC, I yank all the cords on all my electronics. Far cheaper than replacing stuff. And I use commercial grade surge and UPS protection (kept some stuff from the computer room from my prior office:)), but I'm just probably paranoid overly cautious about it.
ok all I got outta the 1st paragraph was cord, cable, router and ethernet. The rest made my brain hurt. :)
Jup this wasn't a horrible storm like some we get here, just a ton of rain all at once, which jup, it did flood everything. Wow, a real St Elmo's fire would be amazing and freaky all at the same time to see. I loveeeeeee thunderstorms especially fierce ones if they aren't really dangerous ones. ie tornado producing etc. But huge lighting storms, fierce winds........ so exhilarating!! Good to know bout pullin all electronic cords, but some of I wouldn't be able to get to here. What is UPS other than the folks that don't know how to deliver pkgs right?


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Yup, any wire from outside into the house can carry current. It's the reason you find telephone plugs on some ups strips, so you can plug your phone in to isolate it from an external surge current. If you did get a surge over your (?) cable internet connection (assuming you have cable for your connection) over the coax (not common) it would probably burn out your router first as that's the first it would hit (well, that and your cable box if you have one). Theoretically, it could jump from your router through your Ethernet cable if there was enough current. If you want to isolate your electronics, you have to pull the cord from anywhere current can flow.

I don't get storms nearly as violent as you do there, but once in a while they do pop up. Had one late spring/early summer where it was like a localized burst with almost continuous lightening for about 15 minutes. Hit one tree and literally kept it lit up for a solid minute, figured out after it was for real St. Elmo's fire. Truly an amazing sight. Fortunately never lost power and the house was not hit, but areas by me that don't flood did have flash flooding with cars stuck and flooded out (common in some parts of TX, really rare around where I live).

So my general rule is if I'm concerned enough to pull the power cord on my PC, I yank all the cords on all my electronics. Far cheaper than replacing stuff. And I use commercial grade surge and UPS protection (kept some stuff from the computer room from my prior office:)), but I'm just probably paranoid overly cautious about it.
Lightning once struck a tree I was standing under. My ears were ringing for a long time after that but I'm so glad it didn't kill me. :eek:


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ok all I got outta the 1st paragraph was cord, cable, router and ethernet. The rest made my brain hurt. :)
Jup this wasn't a horrible storm like some we get here, just a ton of rain all at once, which jup, it did flood everything. Wow, a real St Elmo's fire would be amazing and freaky all at the same time to see. I loveeeeeee thunderstorms especially fierce ones if they aren't really dangerous ones. ie tornado producing etc. But huge lighting storms, fierce winds........ so exhilarating!! Good to know bout pullin all electronic cords, but some of I wouldn't be able to get to here. What is UPS other than the folks that don't know how to deliver pkgs right?
UPS is a battery backup/surge protector. I do not like them. Had one catch on fire at the campus in Cove I was working at. A BIG one in one of my switch/hub closets.


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A UPS (uninterrupted power supply) are those battery blocks you can plug your stuff into so if you lose power, you still have power for whatever is plugged into it, like my computers. Gives me about a half hour to finish up and close anything I'm in the middle of and shut the computers down without any data loss. They're also pretty handy for keeping stuff like my phone charged during a blackout if it's more than a few hours. Basically like having a few car batteries under my desk.:)

Yup, that St. Elmo's fire was the wildest thing I've ever seen. I couldn't even process what it was. Later that morning I spoke to my neighbor who saw it as well, so I know I didn't hallucinate it. I'm just not a fan of those big storms, but I also have lots of old trees around me, so it's not uncommon I have to deal with a downed limb or tree after a nasty storm.


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Lightning once struck a tree I was standing under. My ears were ringing for a long time after that but I'm so glad it didn't kill me.

UPS is a battery backup/surge protector. I do not like them. Had one catch on fire at the campus in Cove I was working at. A BIG one in one of my switch/hub closets.
Oh I think I had one of those once. Paid bout 200.00 for it to protect the puter. but really wasn't worth what I paid. Some of that though I think had to do with me not knowing enough about it.

but I also have lots of old trees around me, so it's not uncommon I have to deal with a downed limb or tree after a nasty storm.
jup that would stink


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@Debadoo check this out!
And Kadly, you hated this part of the drive because it's dangerous.
yuck! I think Bville Eddy is where the devil lives! Never hear nuttin good comin outta there, but all kinds of horrible stuff does. Wrecks are bad there, weather related bad stuff happens there a lot. Course, with a 666 telephone prefix the devil probably vacations in Hewitt!!

So why not just say Julia Robert's brother then? Pretty woman, walking down the street, pretty woman, the kind I like to meet...
Hello........he has a name!! ;)

I don't figure the movie would tell me anything new.

It is primarily for non vapers...
But kinda like trying to get me to go see Brokeback Mountain because I am not gay?
jup it is primarily for non vapers, but as much as I do know, I figger he's dug out more corruption in the industry about things I'm not aware of. Good for us to know to educate others. Not to mention that it needs as much support as we can give it. Anti vape folks will likely overlook it unless we can really get it publicized big time


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yuck! I think Bville Eddy is where the devil lives! Never hear nuttin good comin outta there, but all kinds of horrible stuff does. Wrecks are bad there, weather related bad stuff happens there a lot. Course, with a 666 telephone prefix the devil probably vacations in Hewitt!!
Yea they are always in the news for something. :eek:


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As for Storms and Electronics, me and my dads ham radios were a pain to keep safe... Unplugging all power cords and antennas was a hassle!

Luckily iv never had anything expensive get fried so far..

Also, my new place is looking very bad when it comes to Internet.. IIl be VERY lucky if I can get atleast DSL... Satellite Internet with a "Data Cap" is not real internet to me... And no, I did not pick the place lol I would have made sure it had Comcast Cable or Verizon Fios.. Beggers cant be choosers though in the situation I was in...
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As for Storms and Electronics, me and my dads ham radios were a pain to keep safe... Unplugging all power cords and antennas was a hassle!

Luckily iv never had anything expensive get fried so far..

Also, my new place is looking very bad when it comes to Internet.. IIl be VERY lucky if I can get atleast DSL... Satellite Internet with a "Data Cap" is not real internet to me... And no, I did not pick the place lol I would have made sure it had Comcast Cable or Verizon Fios.. Beggers cant be choosers though in the situation I was in...
Where are you now? What state?


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I'm peachy! Hope you are too

Ham radios ..... those have gotten tiny a big walkie talkie. Actually wouldn't mind having one, but not keen on all the stuff ya gotta learn for the licensing. My learner broke some time back. When all hits the fan those things will work!
Ah, you could learn it easily! Just get a Baofeng Handheld and say you didn't know which frequencies were restricted lol

Honestly, for a Handheld 2m/440 radio, the Baofengs are hard to beat for the price! Once you switch the Antenna to a good one, it works Great for basic use! :D


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Ah, you could learn it easily! Just get a Baofeng Handheld and say you didn't know which frequencies were restricted lol

Honestly, for a Handheld 2m/440 radio, the Baofengs are hard to beat for the price! Once you switch the Antenna to a good one, it works Great for basic use! :D
lol which kind did you get? Some of those are super cheap on amazon. less than 30.00


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lol which kind did you get? Some of those are super cheap on amazon. less than 30.00
I think mine is the BF-F8, all are based off the UV-5R. If you see a Chart off different models, look for a 2nd or 3rd Generation model. Just looked, Yeah, Last one I bought was this one BaoFeng BF-F8+ 2nd Gen UV-5R Dual-Band 136-174/400-520 MHz FM Ham Two-Way Radio Transceiver

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


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My license was from back in the day you still needed to know Morse code for the test. I heard that was dropped a while back.
When I first took the Technician exam it didn't require Morse Code (This was around 2003).

The General and Extra required it. Some years back they removed the need for Morse Code from the General license and reallocated some bands. Cant remember if Extra still requires Morse Code or not...

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


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Yeah mine was too. But it has been so long I have forgotten most of it. Never used uit much anyway.

Yeah, I've forgotten all that as well. I started with mine in high school, so Morse was pretty much it when it came to ham radio. It was fun back then to get the post cards from all over of whoever you connected to.

And to think, we've gone from tapping out on a key to communicate to tapping out on a phone to communicate. Granted, it is easier to get the letters on a phone, but probably slower on words per minute. Unless you're 15 and can screen type without even looking.


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My license was from back in the day you still needed to know Morse code for the test. I heard that was dropped a while back.
Morse code is something I'd always wanted to learn.......but never did.........sign language too. Now they've pretty much done away with Morse code, but I'd still like to learn it. There are still plenty of folks out there that know it

You guys are never gonna believe this. My power went out. It came back on but then the router stopped working. So, I re-started it and all is good...............for now. It's not even raining!!
Ok, night all. Chore time.
dang, even our power didn't go out Glad yours didn't stay out. Yurs mighta been cuz of the wind

I think mine is the BF-F8, all are based off the UV-5R. If you see a Chart off different models, look for a 2nd or 3rd Generation model. Just looked, Yeah, Last one I bought was this one BaoFeng BF-F8+ 2nd Gen UV-5R Dual-Band 136-174/400-520 MHz FM Ham Two-Way Radio Transceiver

Hope all is well folks, back to Skyrim for me.
kewl, thanks. When my nephew was talkin about em, he wuz lookin at ones that were up to $500.00 I had no idea they could be had this cheaply. He's a prepper. I'm not into that, but I could certainly see havin a ham i case of an EMP or something that wipes out all communication.

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