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Womper Woom Wejects


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I'm good thanks! Sitting here at work eating Hot and Spicy Chicharrones (Fried Pork Skins) for breakfast and my mouth is on fire.

Hey!!! Those were mine!!! :mad:
Now I need to get some more.....Hey Fernando, here piggy piggy piggy.:D

Does this mean fernando should worry comment.;)


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Hey Rixy! Happy new year! All OK by you? You went MIA for a bit with the holidays. I'm still doing some end of holidays stuff myself as my daughter is back to school tomorrow morning. Which kinda sucks as I've gotten used to having her around.
awwwwwwwww I'm glad y'all have had a great visit, but I know you'll miss her!!

Yeah, getting back to normal now buddy and you'll see me back on here more regular pretty soon, Happy New Year to you too
yay!! Missed you! Glad to see you and Emmy both! Glad things are settling down for you. :wub:

I'm good thanks! Sitting here at work eating Hot and Spicy Chicharrones
I love love love chicharrones, but only like the regular kind. They make salt and vinegar and do all sorts of things that just shouldn't be done to em.

Hugs to everyone


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Member For 3 Years
I passed on the Wismec RX300, I held one and that was enough to put me off.....

But the Yihi SXmini Q mini (mouthful) is on another level, wow, now that is one seriously nice mod !

Review coming soon ;)

Are you planning on getting the G class as well? It's certainly one of those styles you either love or hate, not much room in between.

What was wrong with the RX 300 in hand for you? I'm not planning on one anyway, but curious what you found.


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But the Yihi SXmini Q mini (mouthful) is on another level, wow, now that is one seriously nice mod !
oh kewl. I know you and a lot of others loved the regular Q and it doesn't seem all that big in pics I've seen.......can't imagine a mini. hope it's as good as the regular Q.

I'm also curious as to what you didn't like just by holding the other one.


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Are you planning on getting the G class as well? It's certainly one of those styles you either love or hate, not much room in between.

What was wrong with the RX 300 in hand for you? I'm not planning on one anyway, but curious what you found.

Hi Eskie, I really don't like the G Class, to me it looks cheap and I wouldn't pay the asking price, it is a love - hate for sure and I don't really like it...

The Wismec RX300, although works fine is just soooooo big in the hand, it's very heavy too, maybe if I didn't have that crazy Star Wars mod I may have got one but it just seemed pointless to me.

The Q Mini that I held yesterday and it practically had to be ripped out of my hand because it was already sold to a customer (standing next to me at the time lol) is what the original Q Class should of been, I even had a play with SS temp control and it was bang on the money..

The black version with the silver vents and logo and the OBS Engine on it, looked like it was meant to be sold as a kit form, it really does look amazing, I'm a sucker for pretty things. The paint finish it much better too, it's a matt black and feels nice, it's also lighter too and finally we get a 25mm 510. I hooked up my Iphone to it and it's very easy to change the settings on the go.

Hey I did a mini review now haha, anyway, after many phone calls to suppliers mine is coming on Tuesday 10th so I will post some pics ect...

If you like Yihi mods, this one for me is the "One"

oh kewl. I know you and a lot of others loved the regular Q and it doesn't seem all that big in pics I've seen.......can't imagine a mini. hope it's as good as the regular Q.

I'm also curious as to what you didn't like just by holding the other one.
I like the original Q Class and I didn't mind the size, the main thing was the 22mm 510, nothing I vape is 22mm so everything had overhang which I hate, I ended up selling it before Christmas, I knew the Q Mini was coming out so the money went towards that.
I still wouldn't call the Q mini --- "Mini", it's still an average size mod, it's just a much better size and I can see this selling very well.

As for the Wismec Debs, like I said to Eskie, it's massive and heavy and I already have my desktop mod LOL

Oh and Hugs, it's good to be back..

One last note, I had a vape of the new Supreme Plus 30mm, they improved the postless deck and you can make it into a RDA, Jimmy at work had it with the 20ml tank on and it's was the most stupid looking tank I have ever seen.

If you have a normal Supreme, I see no reason really to get this one, it still suffers from the juice coming out the air holes due to the position of the coils.... but then, after the OBS Engine, I can't vape anything else, now I have the wicking down, it's the only tank in my rotation..

Quick pic of my Smok Marshal, I gave it a Black and Silver croc wrap

Great Smok mod and I'd take this over the Wismec as well, it's been performing very well..
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Member For 4 Years
I'm a sucker for pretty things.
which is one reason you have Emmy :) She's a very pretty thing. I realize that could be taken a couple ways, but of course I mean it in the very best way. <3

the main thing was the 22mm 510,
ahhh didn't pay enough attention to the first one to know it was only a 22mm mod. Nice they made one with a bigger deck? whatever ya call it. Glad you'll be getting one soon.

Oh and Hugs, it's good to be back..
Hugs back darlin! So good to have you back and feeling better!! :hug:

Gotta see if I can talk myself into venturing out into frigid temps for some errands. Will likely be back on later tonite.
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Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Hi Eskie, I really don't like the G Class, to me it looks cheap and I wouldn't pay the asking price, it is a love - hate for sure and I don't really like it...

The Wismec RX300, although works fine is just soooooo big in the hand, it's very heavy too, maybe if I didn't have that crazy Star Wars mod I may have got one but it just seemed pointless to me.

The Q Mini that I held yesterday and it practically had to be ripped out of my hand because it was already sold to a customer (standing next to me at the time lol) is what the original Q Class should of been, I even had a play with SS temp control and it was bang on the money..

The black version with the silver vents and logo and the OBS Engine on it, looked like it was meant to be sold as a kit form, it really does look amazing, I'm a sucker for pretty things. The paint finish it much better too, it's a matt black and feels nice, it's also lighter too and finally we get a 25mm 510. I hooked up my Iphone to it and it's very easy to change the settings on the go.

Hey I did a mini review now haha, anyway, after many phone calls to suppliers mine is coming on Tuesday 10th so I will post some pics ect...

If you like Yihi mods, this one for me is the "One"

I like the original Q Class and I didn't mind the size, the main thing was the 22mm 510, nothing I vape is 22mm so everything had overhang which I hate, I ended up selling it before Christmas, I knew the Q Mini was coming out so the money went towards that.
I still wouldn't call the Q mini --- "Mini", it's still an average size mod, it's just a much better size and I can see this selling very well.

As for the Wismec Debs, like I said to Eskie, it's massive and heavy and I already have my desktop mod LOL

Oh and Hugs, it's good to be back..

One last note, I had a vape of the new Supreme Plus 30mm, they improved the postless deck and you can make it into a RDA, Jimmy at work had it with the 20ml tank on and it's was the most stupid looking tank I have ever seen.

If you have a normal Supreme, I see no reason really to get this one, it still suffers from the juice coming out the air holes due to the position of the coils.... but then, after the OBS Engine, I can't vape anything else, now I have the wicking down, it's the only tank in my rotation..

Quick pic of my Smok Marshal, I gave it a Black and Silver croc wrap

Great Smok mod and I'd take this over the Wismec as well, it's been performing very well..

Yeah, the look of the G class just doesn't work for me either. That rocker/joystick reminds me of my Blackberry World edition from maybe 2004. The Marshal looks nice dressed up with the Croc and the Engine on top. I've been enjoying my Alien from them. Last several mods of theirs have been excellent.

The Q mini does look nice. I never got into YiHi, but that seems like a solid option.


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ECF Refugee
Hey, you guys wanna have a laugh at the expense of the National Weather Service? Just a few hours ago, Lannie checked their latest forecast for us. They said the current conditions were that it was -1F outside with wind of 5mph. Forecast for tonight: A low of 0F, wind 10mph, making a wind chill of -16F. Now, excuse me, but if the current temperature was supposedly -1, how could the "low" for the day be 0F when it was already 1 below that? Now for reality: It was already -5F with a wind of approximately 40 mph, making a wind chill of -36F. They did not have that wind or the nasty blowing snow making vision so bad that it should have been a driving hazard warning. Stupid NWS bozos!!!


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ECF Refugee
Thanks, Crom. BTW, even the hairy dog didn't want to stay outside for her last potty break of the day for longer than the few seconds it took to squat and get back to the door. She normally thinks it is fun to frolic in the snow.

P.S. At -36F, exposed body parts will freeze within 10 minutes.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Thanks, Crom. BTW, even the hairy dog didn't want to stay outside for her last potty break of the day for longer than the few seconds it took to squat and get back to the door. She normally thinks it is fun to frolic in the snow.

P.S. At -36F, exposed body parts will freeze within 10 minutes.
Yah. Had some -18 and such here last winter I dressed like that kids little brother in the "you will shoot your eye out" movie.
fuzzy ski mask, boggin hood ski gloves, 2 coats. Long johns and flannel lined jeans, etc.

I picked up a NICE thinsulate parka at a flea market a while back.


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Morning Y'all

P.S. At -36F, exposed body parts will freeze within 10 minutes.

Ouch, I better not visit yet


Just to touch on the Wismec RX300, I forgot to mention that 30mm attys overhang. On such a big powerful device where these 30mm tanks have big decks to accommodate big ass coils that push the amps....why not move the 510 back more, don't tell me you didn't have the room.

This will put a lot of peeps off buying this.


Got to use the Q Mini again and the more I use it, the more I know that this is a fantastic mod and guess what.....they are bringing out the device in purple :)
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Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Well, that makes no sense. I read that before, and can't figure out why they would place the 510 that way. Granted, I don't have any 30 mm tanks, but as I hate overhang, that alone is enough to pass on.

So a bit of bad weather here yesterday with low temps and snow, although nothing in comparison to Rich, but still enough to sit at home and mix new recipes. Put my Merlin back into use with a parallel 28G 316L at 0.45 ohm. My first parallel build! First up is a new toffee recipe I sort of morphed from other recipes I found online. It tastes great at only 1 day! And that parallel coil works beautifully in the tank. Excellent flavor and not demanding lots of power to get things rolling.

My only issue after using my Engines and Crius+ a lot the last several weeks since I moved (not tons of time to get all my vape stuff out of their boxes and all built out again) I feel like I need to take the air restrictor tube out. I'm getting the flavor and even cloud, but it feels a little too restricted for me. Probably vape this tank down a bit then pop the coil off and remove it.

Rixy, this is ALL YOUR FAULT. :mad::mad::giggle::giggle:


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Well, that makes no sense. I read that before, and can't figure out why they would place the 510 that way. Granted, I don't have any 30 mm tanks, but as I hate overhang, that alone is enough to pass on.

So a bit of bad weather here yesterday with low temps and snow, although nothing in comparison to Rich, but still enough to sit at home and mix new recipes. Put my Merlin back into use with a parallel 28G 316L at 0.45 ohm. My first parallel build! First up is a new toffee recipe I sort of morphed from other recipes I found online. It tastes great at only 1 day! And that parallel coil works beautifully in the tank. Excellent flavor and not demanding lots of power to get things rolling.

My only issue after using my Engines and Crius+ a lot the last several weeks since I moved (not tons of time to get all my vape stuff out of their boxes and all built out again) I feel like I need to take the air restrictor tube out. I'm getting the flavor and even cloud, but it feels a little too restricted for me. Probably vape this tank down a bit then pop the coil off and remove it.

Rixy, this is ALL YOUR FAULT. :mad::mad::giggle::giggle:

LOL Got to have open airflow, restricted just won't do now ! The Merlin is like sucking on a McDonald's milkshake through a straw.
I hate overhang as well but as I age it is getting harder to avoid.
Shrink wrap is your friend


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LOL Got to have open airflow, restricted just won't do now ! The Merlin is like sucking on a McDonald's milkshake through a straw.

Shrink wrap is your friend

OK, I had to pull it apart. took out the air tube thingy, remounted and rewicked the coil, and better airflow. Flavor is still excellent and cloud about the same. Well, maybe a bit more. Had to bump the temp up from 430F to 460F, I guess because of the extra airflow keeping the coil a tiny bit cooler.


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I seriously need to take my pico out, and use it. And stop using these vamos. They are constantly falling over and bending my tanks. But, I got used to them and can't seem to get away. :sad:


People's Reviewer
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I seriously need to take my pico out, and use it. And stop using these vamos. They are constantly falling over and bending my tanks. But, I got used to them and can't seem to get away. :sad:
What happened to your Coolfire ?
OK, I had to pull it apart. took out the air tube thingy, remounted and rewicked the coil, and better airflow. Flavor is still excellent and cloud about the same. Well, maybe a bit more. Had to bump the temp up from 430F to 460F, I guess because of the extra airflow keeping the coil a tiny bit cooler.
Yup, joking aside, the Merlin has some great flavor and that deck was a great idea..
No problem for me unless it gives you brain freeze.
Agreed, that is so painful, I had it not long back with a slushy


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The top deck of my CF4 18650 is bent from the last trip to tiled floor. Tank was fine, even the glass. Just bent the top. The mod still works and a tank fits flush on the 510, just tilted at about 5 degrees. I know it looks sorta stupid, but I don't want to throw it out.
CF4 tilt.jpg

I guess I can just look at it as a curiosity. And unique. No one else out there with one just like this.:facepalm::giggle:


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Member For 4 Years
Now for reality: It was already -5F with a wind of approximately 40 mph, making a wind chill of -36F. They did not have that wind or the nasty blowing snow making vision so bad that it should have been a driving hazard warning. Stupid NWS bozos!!!
hate y'all are dealin with that........definitely need to move south! lol

Got to use the Q Mini again and the more I use it, the more I know that this is a fantastic mod and guess what.....they are bringing out the device in purple
that would be so kewl.......but they'd have to drop to less than $30.00 and I'd have to sell some cards, or find another way to earn the $30.00 lol No mini Q for me. But that's ok, I have an Istick100w thanks to a sweetie pie and my Reos so I'm good.

One more night of below 20 lows then back up to 40's and such during the days for a week or so.
we've been in the teens, but looks like two nights at 35 for the low then our temps head back up a lil bit.

Shrink wrap is your friend
You say that as a joke, but my son's army recruiter wanted him to smear prep H over his middle and wrap himself in plastic wrap to try to get his measurement an inch or two smaller. Daniel said no way was he gonna do that. So instead he taught him a way to make his neck measurement a bit larger since that's what they based the other measurements off of. :facepalm:

I seriously need to take my pico out, and use it. And stop using these vamos. They are constantly falling over and bending my tanks. But, I got used to them and can't seem to get away.
You could always get a silicone ring and a lanyard for your vamo and just wear it around your neck, but if you can, getting used to the Pico or the Cool fire would be better.

We'll get you some more when you get here in 3 weeks.
oh kewl........he's comin back soon

I guess I can just look at it as a curiosity. And unique. No one else out there with one just like this.
hehehe that's a good way to look at it. Odd it bent the pin that much without breaking a tank, but glad your tanks didn't break

Howdy y'all


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The top deck of my CF4 18650 is bent from the last trip to tiled floor. Tank was fine, even the glass. Just bent the top. The mod still works and a tank fits flush on the 510, just tilted at about 5 degrees. I know it looks sorta stupid, but I don't want to throw it out.
View attachment 71032

I guess I can just look at it as a curiosity. And unique. No one else out there with one just like this.:facepalm::giggle:
Wow I'm just looking at that view! Amazing!


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ECF Refugee
hate y'all are dealin with that........definitely need to move south! lol

that would be so kewl.......but they'd have to drop to less than $30.00 and I'd have to sell some cards, or find another way to earn the $30.00 lol No mini Q for me. But that's ok, I have an Istick100w thanks to a sweetie pie and my Reos so I'm good.

we've been in the teens, but looks like two nights at 35 for the low then our temps head back up a lil bit.

You say that as a joke, but my son's army recruiter wanted him to smear prep H over his middle and wrap himself in plastic wrap to try to get his measurement an inch or two smaller. Daniel said no way was he gonna do that. So instead he taught him a way to make his neck measurement a bit larger since that's what they based the other measurements off of. :facepalm:

You could always get a silicone ring and a lanyard for your vamo and just wear it around your neck, but if you can, getting used to the Pico or the Cool fire would be better.

oh kewl........he's comin back soon

hehehe that's a good way to look at it. Odd it bent the pin that much without breaking a tank, but glad your tanks didn't break

Howdy y'all
Yeah it'll be a short visit.:(
Too short. But at least we'll see each other. :blowkiss::blowkiss:
Night night womps x
Gnight Rixy!


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Member For 3 Years
Good morning all! One more day of cold for here (well, cold here isn't as bad as elsewhere;)) then back into the 40's. A heat wave!

Rixy, I did see that single coil setup.It does look good, but I'd love to see them do a single coil in a 23 mm tank which would make it perfect for something like a Pico to run around with and never leak.

Horrible view. A major infestation of humans.

Two advantages to living amid the infestation. First, 24 hour delivery of Chinese food, and second, same day Amazon delivery. Which was great yesterday when the left button on my mouse finally gave out. I can't complain as it got a pretty solid workout for maybe 4 years, so it must have been the millionth click that pushed it over the edge. o_O

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