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Womper Woom Wejects

I suppose I should give you the Christmas update:

Sunday started our first blizzard of the year. We barely got evening chores done when the wind got nasty and the snowfall got heavier. Shortly after 5 PM, the electricity was flickering off and on and off again. By 6 PM it went off and stayed off. The storm just got worse. I think our low temperature was around +4 degrees, but with gusts to 70 mph, that put the wind chill somewhere around -30F and with no lights, we had no choice but to just go to bed. Even though the snow stopped Monday morning and the blizzard was officially over, the wind persisted through the whole day and you still couldn't see for all the blowing snow. The electricity came on just after 7 AM and went back off around 9 AM and stayed off. Getting out of the house Monday morning was a real chore. Because neither the north or south doors could be opened against the snow drifts. I took the glass and screen off the north screen door, shoved a step stool out into the snow outside and climbed through with the aid of a dining room chair, then shoveled my heart out to get the 2-foot drift off that door so we could get out. The drift against the south door was almost four feet deep and harder packed, so getting the dogs out to potty was a real chore. The snow blower broke on Sunday and the Bobcat can't be started without electricity to jump-start that antique (and about three hours of Mr. Heater because the block heater no longer works, and hey, that requires electricity anyway...), so we waded through some truly nasty crap to get to the barns to feed the critters. (Some of the drifts are about 8-feet deep, but luckily we didn't have to climb those.) The wind, of course, was blowing in our faces at about 40-50 mph and it was rather like standing in a sand blaster. And, of course, with no electricity, the water troughs for horses, cows, and chickens had no heat and the water was frozen. No way to fill them either because our water comes from a well and the pump doesn't work without power. The old generator, by the way, doesn't work and the new one has yet to be connected to anything. Lannie's OCD was rising to fever pitch by then because she could not care for her critters as she demands of herself and her aging knees couldn't climb the drifts and... well, back to the house... no coffee... light the gas burner with a match and heat water (luckily we keep a few gallons for such occasions), but no oven and no microwave... sit and fret for a couple days...

The power was restored about noon today, but I cannot say things are back to "normal" yet. I managed to give all the critters water and food and no one died from this, but I am still thinking we need to move our tired old butts farther south...

It was NOT a Merry Christmas for anyone in North or South Dakota. I-90 was just reopened this afternoon (which is the only part of this storm that made national news), but many many back roads are still totally impassable.

Sorry to hear that you and Lannie were not able to enjoy Christmas. I'm very happy to hear that you guys and your animals made it through without any harm. You could move to Florida with the rest of us Crackers! :) Plenty of Farms and Land to be had.
Stay well and warm!
From Love Acres South.


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ECF Refugee
why aint that new generator hooked up to nuttin yet?? and wow, y'all got doors that open out? Is there any way to build some kinda well, not really a porch but maybe sumpthin like that, but that has a solid front away from the doors so the snow will drift up against that instead of up against the house?
The new generator isn't hooked up yet because the power company wants $350 to install the cutout switch and connections and I don't have it yet. The generator I bought last summer will handle this whole property, but you cannot just plug it into the wall without risking electrocuting some poor guy working on the wires down the road. And... well, comments with the attached pictures. As for the doors, the main doors do open inward, but there are screen doors to keep the bugs out and I have never seen a house anywhere in this country that has screen doors that open inward. I have, however, contemplated building some short fences upwind from the doors, but the eddy effect will still create drifts in front of the doors. More on that with pictures below. I managed to get Bob started after breakfast today (YEA!) and cleared the driveway and made a decent path to the barns. Lannie took the following pictures from the house... a couple out the doorway and a couple looking out the windows.

OK, this is the driveway after I pushed all the snow aside. It is approximately 50 yards from where Lannie took the shot to the gate. The piles I made along the side of the driveway are at least six feet tall, pushed up against those lilac hedges. Note the edge of the building on the left. That is the garage with the main doors facing the gate. After I got Bob started, I couldn't open the doors until I went around front and waded through a three-foot deep drift to shovel away the snow that had frozen the doors shut. That is also the lee side from the storm's wind direction, so all that drift piled up against the doors by eddy effect, which is the same problem that would occur if I made wind fences next to the house doors. Using the Bobcat, by the way, took nearly two hours to clear 2-3 foot drifts out of the driveway from where this picture was taken out to the highway.

This was taken from the same doorway, looking north toward the barns. I am creating a path to the two barns, which took another couple hours. The piles immediately in front of the camera are because of a path I had to make to get into the shop (out of picture on left). The snow in front of that door (also on the lee side) was four feet deep. Need a tool? Tough 'cuz ya can't get in there until a path is cleared. Even if the snow blower wasn't broken, it would not work in this snow. It has been wind packed and breaks off in chunks like concrete. One other point about this picture: the power pole you see on the left is where the meter is and that is where the transfer switch will be installed when I get the money. I was going to build a nice box near that to house the new generator, but the snow drift that blew around that corner of the shop would have totally covered that box. I am going to have to come up with a way to run the generator inside the shop and pipe the exhaust outside but above snow accumulation level.

OK, this one is out the kitchen window. That is a 500-gallon propane tank and it is almost buried by the four-foot drift of snow blowing through the dog yard. Yes, they have to go out there to potty. Would you want to? Note the drift just beyond the last tree in this pic. The fence it has covered is four feet high. The peak of that drift is about eight feet, and most all of that is from one day of snow and two days of wind. By the way, the foggy look here is blowing snow, which is already trying to fill in everything I plowed out today.

OK, one last pic. This is out the living room window, more or less looking at the front gates again. This drift is a continuation of the drift next to the propane tank but around the lee side of the house, still the dog yard, and you can see it goes right over that four-foot high fence, so the dogs could just walk right out of their yard if they wanted. That same drift continues right across the driveway, but reduced to only three feet high at that point.

All this from one day of snow that the National Weather Service told us would be only 5-8" accumulation? Yeah, right...
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Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Hate to click like on that, but the good news is at least you're OK and getting things up and running. And yes, screen doors do make it a lot harder. Whenever I had to deal with a big storm pile against the house I could get out the back with a sliding glass door and screen. I could at least slide the screen and start digging out that way.


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Member For 4 Years
The new generator isn't hooked up yet because the power company wants $350 to install the cutout switch and connections and I don't have it yet. The generator I bought last summer will handle this whole property, but you cannot just plug it into the wall without risking electrocuting some poor guy working on the wires down the road. And... well, comments with the attached pictures. As for the doors, the main doors do open inward, but there are screen doors to keep the bugs out
that's awful it costs so much. forgot about screen doors. Probably be more trouble than it's worth to take the screen door off in the winter huh.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I have my furnace on a plug so I can plug it into a cord from the genny. 3 or 4 12 ga cords with splitters on the ends and I am good to go except for the washer, dryer and electric water heater.

I have an 8 ga cord run thru the basement wall split into 110 volt sockets and a twistlock genny plug on the outside kept in a bag when not in use.


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ECF Refugee
@Atchafalaya Today was monthly shopping day and I finally found that tiny flower shop up the hill in Rapid City and I have possession of the cookies at last - yes, the ones you sent me over a month ago. Thanks bunches, sweetie; they are yummy.
:hearts: :stars2: :stars: :banana:

P.S. Given that everyone else seems to be changing their user names, can I become "Cookie Monster"? I know I'm gonna gain at least five pounds from this tray...

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@Atchafalaya Today was monthly shopping day and I finally found that tiny flower shop up the hill in Rapid City and I have possession of the cookies at last - yes, the ones you sent me over a month ago. Thanks bunches, sweetie; they are yummy.
that's kewl you got them I'd forgotten all about those. Glad they are still good and that you got them! Cookie Monster it is!!


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Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
I suppose I should give you the Christmas update:

Sunday started our first blizzard of the year. We barely got evening chores done when the wind got nasty and the snowfall got heavier. Shortly after 5 PM, the electricity was flickering off and on and off again. By 6 PM it went off and stayed off. The storm just got worse. I think our low temperature was around +4 degrees, but with gusts to 70 mph, that put the wind chill somewhere around -30F and with no lights, we had no choice but to just go to bed. Even though the snow stopped Monday morning and the blizzard was officially over, the wind persisted through the whole day and you still couldn't see for all the blowing snow. The electricity came on just after 7 AM and went back off around 9 AM and stayed off. Getting out of the house Monday morning was a real chore. Because neither the north or south doors could be opened against the snow drifts. I took the glass and screen off the north screen door, shoved a step stool out into the snow outside and climbed through with the aid of a dining room chair, then shoveled my heart out to get the 2-foot drift off that door so we could get out. The drift against the south door was almost four feet deep and harder packed, so getting the dogs out to potty was a real chore. The snow blower broke on Sunday and the Bobcat can't be started without electricity to jump-start that antique (and about three hours of Mr. Heater because the block heater no longer works, and hey, that requires electricity anyway...), so we waded through some truly nasty crap to get to the barns to feed the critters. (Some of the drifts are about 8-feet deep, but luckily we didn't have to climb those.) The wind, of course, was blowing in our faces at about 40-50 mph and it was rather like standing in a sand blaster. And, of course, with no electricity, the water troughs for horses, cows, and chickens had no heat and the water was frozen. No way to fill them either because our water comes from a well and the pump doesn't work without power. The old generator, by the way, doesn't work and the new one has yet to be connected to anything. Lannie's OCD was rising to fever pitch by then because she could not care for her critters as she demands of herself and her aging knees couldn't climb the drifts and... well, back to the house... no coffee... light the gas burner with a match and heat water (luckily we keep a few gallons for such occasions), but no oven and no microwave... sit and fret for a couple days...

The power was restored about noon today, but I cannot say things are back to "normal" yet. I managed to give all the critters water and food and no one died from this, but I am still thinking we need to move our tired old butts farther south...

It was NOT a Merry Christmas for anyone in North or South Dakota. I-90 was just reopened this afternoon (which is the only part of this storm that made national news), but many many back roads are still totally impassable.
Oh gosh Rich I'm so sorry. That's awful. Maybe moving south would be a good idea. There's lots of places down south the animals would love.


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ECF Refugee
@Atchafalaya Today was monthly shopping day and I finally found that tiny flower shop up the hill in Rapid City and I have possession of the cookies at last - yes, the ones you sent me over a month ago. Thanks bunches, sweetie; they are yummy.
:hearts: :stars2: :stars: :banana:

P.S. Given that everyone else seems to be changing their user names, can I become "Cookie Monster"? I know I'm gonna gain at least five pounds from this tray...

View attachment 70226
Oh I'm sooooooooooo glad you got them!!!! And glad you like them.


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Member For 4 Years
Ohh yeah I remember one, Mel Gibson in a skirt.

I have decided that I will recover in time.
Actually ate real food today, first time since Sunday. Fever is gone and brains working a bit better. For me anyway
Glad you are feeling better. Hope it's totally gone soon My son has a mild case of what you had......hope his doesn't get any worse......and hope the rest of us don't get it
Happy New Years Wejects!!
And yes Eskie another beach Pic. ;)



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ECF Refugee
OK folks, time for a snow update. ;) Yesterday, I got Bob started again and spent a good share of the day clearing the existing paths of fresh drifting, including the driveway (again and again and again). I also decided that, to make chores easier for me and Lannie, as well as allowing the cows and horses to move about without investing in snowshoes for everyone, I had to clear the corrals as much as possible. Just getting to them was a major chore because I couldn't get through the 6-8 foot drift to go straight to the cow corral, so I cleared a path through the horse corral (drifts only 2-4 feet), then through the divider fencing to the cows.

This pic is in the horse corral looking back toward the house. Left to right, the buildings are garage, house, and shop.

Here you can see a major movement of both snow and cow shit, but obviously they are already happy to be less restricted (baby Morgaine is centered in this pic).

This is the path to the barns (taken an hour ago) and you can see the wind is already trying to fill it in again and I had it perfectly level and smooth yesterday. I piled all the snow on the downwind side (to the right) and that huge chunk on top of the dog training pen is all one piece. As I said before, this stuff chunks like concrete. The measurement to the left of the wheelbarrow is just drifted snow. I did not pile anything on that side - the wind is piling it there. Oh... the wheelbarrow... Thursday, during monthly shopping, I filled the truck with stuff for the critters, but I cannot get the truck back to the barns (this path is a shade over 5-feet wide), so today I had to put a couple bags in the wheelbarrow each time and make six trips to the barns to get it all out there. Those two bags you see here total 110 pounds. So, do ya wanna come play rancher in South Dakota in winter? :D

Jasper is helping here... He is standing on a bit more than 3-feet of snow and, no, this is not a hillside... behind to his left is a drift over 8 feet deep. Notice that a 110-pound Great Pyrenees is not sinking in the snow at all. You can barely make out his paw prints.

Oh, and more snow is expected Monday...


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Member For 4 Years
Second that, Happy New Year to all the wompers. Have fun and stay safe
((((((((Rixy)))))))))) so good to hear from you darlin!!! Jup, a new year and fresh start

Happy New Years Wejects!!
And yes Eskie another beach Pic. ;)

Heyyyyy good to see you too!!! I like yur pic best!!

Notice that a 110-pound Great Pyrenees is not sinking in the snow at all. You can barely make out his paw prints.
Wow.....jup I had noticed that. That's crazy. So wish y'all could move souther.

Happy New Year womping friends!
great to see you too hun!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful new year. Be safe!! If I hear of anyone drinkin and drivin I'll whack ya wiff my skillet for reals!! <3


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Hope everyone has a wonderful new year. Be safe!! If I hear of anyone drinkin and drivin I'll whack ya wiff my skillet for reals!!
Drinkin; but no driving. Eating a big bowl of gumbo, and ya have to drink beer with gumbo. And this time my gumbo turned out almost as good as Atcha's. Guess she learned me a thing or two after all.


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How ya been doin? Not heard much out of you lately.
Had a tough time lately and been very busy, Emmy has also been poorly but enough of that, we are OK and missed ya.
Happy New Year Crom !
I'll second that.
lol, well in good old New year fashion I fell asleep. Maybe this year......
Happy New year Kad n Atcha
Happy New Years Wejects!!
And yes Eskie another beach Pic. ;)

Happy New Year FLA, thanks for dropping by the naughty woom
Ahhhh, so you are still alive and didn't blow yourself up with those fireworks.

Nice to see ya back, kiddo.
Boxing day fireworks were great and we had them at my parents house, they were a little bit too close really but it was fine, I think the whole neighbourhood came out. I must upload them to the tube and show ya.

Happy New Year to Rich n Lannie x
Oh and wow, snow shifting is such hard work ain't it, no snow here for us yet and even then it's only usually a foot deep.
Nice pics though, I'd love to climb a tree and jump into that snow, hmm, maybe a bad idea for me.
Happy New Year womping friends!
Happy New Year buddy
lmao! I know the feelin! well, not quite that, but have sure sunk at least knee deep in it with one step. Have lost my balance, and ya can't fall over cuz the snow is holding ya upright :rolleyes:
We used to get snow like that in the 80s in the UK but not anymore, must be global warming or I've got taller...
Happy New Year Debs
Happy New Year Lynn & Family and a kiss from Emmy x

Happy New Year Eskie, Mikey bro buns and the whole of VU....and to my friends I miss over at ECF.
No hangover for me, didn't drink that much so I can enjoy today with a nice Pork dinner.
Might even rewick some tanks too x

Hugs to ya'll Love Rixy n Emmy


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Member For 3 Years
And a Happy New Year to all! May everyone's hangover be mild.

Rich, hard to top your weather, but this was last winter when we got over 3 feet of snow (which was the second highest recorded for around here). The pile behind the pup is about 8 or 10 feet of piled up snow. You did clear a lot more area, as the bobcat guy just left me with this narrowish lane for the oval.
Snow pup.jpg
Needless to say, the pup had a great time jumping in and out of the snow. Until she got stuck and I had to rescue her. And she's a big Lab at 95 lbs.:facepalm:


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Member For 4 Years
Good morning wompers and Happy January 1st!! Today I'm taking stock of all my vape gear whilst trying to get it all in one place. Since it's a new year, I'm making liquids and coils for all my RTA's. Gonna be busy!!

@Rixsta Happy New Year to you, Emmy and your family! :hug: Here's a kiss back to Emmy :blowkiss: Tell Emmy I miss her!!

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