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Womper Woom Wejects

Oh, another nice beach shot. That's right off your deck, right? I really do appreciate the offer to come and visit for a few months! I'll let you know when I land so you don't have to wait long at the airport picking me up.:giggle::devil:

I wish although I do have water in the backyard in the form of a Canal.

Sure your welcome to come it is Snow Bird season after all..
Although if you want to swim behind my house the natives are non to happy to accommodate you!! :luck:


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Before I even scrolled down to the second photo, one look and I thought Alligators. Go 'Gators!

I once got chased on a golf course by one of those down there. OK, maybe it wasn't chasing me, but I sure ran away from it really fast.


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The Love Acres report for 02 Janus 2017:
Another 5-6" of snow today - powder - so the wind has blown it into drifts a few feet high in places (those drifts that were already 6 feet high are now 8-9 feet). The temperature outside right now is -6F (-21C) with a wind of only 20 mph, so the wind chill is -30F (-34C). Isn't it nice to know that this crap should only last another three months when Spring will start melting this stuff?


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The Love Acres report for 02 Janus 2017:
Another 5-6" of snow today - powder - so the wind has blown it into drifts a few feet high in places (those drifts that were already 6 feet high are now 8-9 feet). The temperature outside right now is -6F (-21C) with a wind of only 20 mph, so the wind chill is -30F (-34C). Isn't it nice to know that this crap should only last another three months when Spring will start melting this stuff?
Gosh that's awful!!!! Start looking South.


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The head is not a vital organ for politicians.
Hey Cromley, I'm curious and have a question for you. You were diagnosed later in life with ADHD, right? I'm just curious as to why you finally decided to see a doc about it. I got my "official" diagnosis today and have to go through more testing to see how severe and what type I have in order to get the correct meds. If you want to pm me instead of posting here, that's fine. Reason I'm asking is because my ability to concentrate has deteriorated since I quit smoking. Focusing was never an easy task for me, but now it's REALLY difficult. Is that what happened to you as well?

The Cromwell

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Hey Cromley, I'm curious and have a question for you. You were diagnosed later in life with ADHD, right? I'm just curious as to why you finally decided to see a doc about it. I got my "official" diagnosis today and have to go through more testing to see how severe and what type I have in order to get the correct meds. If you want to pm me instead of posting here, that's fine. Reason I'm asking is because my ability to concentrate has deteriorated since I quit smoking. Focusing was never an easy task for me, but now it's REALLY difficult. Is that what happened to you as well?
ADD was an additional diagnosis. I went in for Persistent Depressive Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder.
I just have ADD not ADHD. No hyper activity. A little warp activity from time to time though :)

As I got older it was just harder to get along in the world with my disorders. Especially working directly with the public. I was beginning to hate humans in general.
I had a couple of attempts at getting help for them over the years but was failed by the professionals.
Found a decent head shrinker finally.
Must be... he is $300/hr.

And Obamacare does not cover it. I wonder if Trumpcare will....
Last edited:


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ADD was an additional diagnosis. I went in for Persistent Depressive Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder.
I just have ADD not ADHD. No hyper activity. A little warp activity from time to time though :)

As I got older it was just harder to get along in the world with my disorders. Especially working directly with the public. I was beginning to hate humans in general.
I had a couple of attempts at getting help for them over the years but was failed by the professionals.
Found a decent head shrinker finally.
Must be... he is $300/hr.

And Obamacare does not cover it. I wonder if Trumpcare will....
I think mine is just ADD too. I had already been diagnosed Clinically (Major) Depressed (18 years ago) but I still get along with people. It was like pulling teeth to finally get a head shrinker to listen to me. Poor Kadly has been the brunt of my venting. :eek:
Anyway, thanks so much for answering me. I am looking forward to being able to watch a movie all the way through without getting up and wondering off. lol!


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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I think mine is just ADD too. I had already been diagnosed Clinically (Major) Depressed (18 years ago) but I still get along with people. It was like pulling teeth to finally get a head shrinker to listen to me. Poor Kadly has been the brunt of my venting. :eek:
Anyway, thanks so much for answering me. I am looking forward to being able to watch a movie all the way through without getting up and wondering off. lol!
Ahh yes same here on watching a movie.
I think it also fed my smoking addiction. I had to go smoke a cig before the movie finished? But it was not really the cig I needed....


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dunno bout your activity, but I know your mind goes 90 miles a minute. When I see you, you're usually sitting, but it does seem like you're antsy.
It's difficult to sit still and when I do, I tap my foot.
Ahh yes same here on watching a movie.
I think it also fed my smoking addiction. I had to go smoke a cig before the movie finished? But it was not really the cig I needed....
It does feed your smoking addiction. I read up on it more. It's a lot harder for someone with ADHD to quit smoking, but when on the ADHD meds, those meds curb withdrawals. Weird stuff. I'm at home now but I'll post the links of what I found when I get to work tomorrow. It's really interesting.


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Ahh yes same here on watching a movie.
I think it also fed my smoking addiction. I had to go smoke a cig before the movie finished? But it was not really the cig I needed..
Jup even without that, there were a lot of things I did and would smoke a cig while doing it, even if I didn't particularly want the cig

It's difficult to sit still and when I do, I tap my foot
don't rule out adhd. Just glad you're getting some help with it now.


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That was so good, I got a Texas joke for you!
Mexican Oysters
A big Texan stopped at a local restaurant following a day roaming around in Mexico.
While sipping his tequila, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table. Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful.

He asked the waiter, 'What is that you just served?'

The waiter replied, 'Ah señor, you have excellent taste! Those are called Cojones de Toro, bull's testicles from the bull fight this morning. A delicacy!'

The cowboy said, 'What the heck, bring me an order.'

The waiter replied, 'I am so sorry señor. There is only one serving per day because there is only one bull fight each morning. If you come early and place your order, we will be sure to save you this delicacy.'

The next morning, the cowboy returned, placed his order, and that evening was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. After a few bites, inspecting his platter, he called to the waiter and said, 'These are delicious, but they are much, much smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday.'

The waiter shrugged his shoulders and replied,

“Si, Señor, sometimes the bull, he wins”.


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Yo !

How is everyone, guess what, all I have vaped it my Smok Marshal with the OBS Engine, all over Christmas, not bought a single vape item, nothing, that's also why I'm quiet on here, that and the crazy amount of stuff that's going on at home.

Ow, I tell a lie, I have bought a wrap for the Marshal and I want to take those red buttons off, I can get the up and down one off but the trigger one, I have no idea how to yet. I want to strip that red paint off and have them polished, fit a black and silver croc wrap. Should look pretty awesome with the OBS..


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Hey Rixy! Happy new year! All OK by you? You went MIA for a bit with the holidays. I'm still doing some end of holidays stuff myself as my daughter is back to school tomorrow morning. Which kinda sucks as I've gotten used to having her around.


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Hey Rixy! Happy new year! All OK by you? You went MIA for a bit with the holidays. I'm still doing some end of holidays stuff myself as my daughter is back to school tomorrow morning. Which kinda sucks as I've gotten used to having her around.
Yeah, getting back to normal now buddy and you'll see me back on here more regular pretty soon, Happy New Year to you too :cheers:

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