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Darth Omerta

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ECF Refugee
Damn! I want some brisket now! I cannot get enough braised or smoked (or both) meats!

I'm making maple marinated smoked salmon at work tomorrow night...the kids should love it!

Dinosaur.....grrrr......Your as mad as me lol

Ohhh no dude...I'm not mad...actually pretty happy...oh mean the other kind of mad...nevermindo_O

I definitely AM that kind of mad:D


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Damn! I want some brisket now! I cannot get enough braised or smoked (or both) meats!

I'm making maple marinated smoked salmon at work tomorrow night...the kids should love it!

Ohhh no dude...I'm not mad...actually pretty happy...oh mean the other kind of mad...nevermindo_O

I definitely AM that kind of mad:D
Best way to be, I'm just happy to be alive, life is way too short to be down.

And thanks Rixy, he gave me his Resin mod so I put my own spin on it with my drip tip. He won't use it after tomorrow so he was kind enough to pass it to me. Love it :)

Afternoon everyone

Gotta love me some beef brisket, looks like my eyes are gonna pop out my head LOL

Yummy though

Ah well, back to work....

Where's mine ??


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Best way to be, I'm just happy to be alive, life is way too short to be down.

And thanks Rixy, he gave me his Resin mod so I put my own spin on it with my drip tip. He won't use it after tomorrow so he was kind enough to pass it to me. Love it :)

Afternoon everyone

Where's mine ??
RUH ROH, not the pico pic again :huh:........Your welcome x

Where's yours ? In my stomach :)
Damn! I want some brisket now! I cannot get enough braised or smoked (or both) meats!

I'm making maple marinated smoked salmon at work tomorrow night...the kids should love it!

Love Salmon, that sounds well nice.


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oh that sucks glad y'all were able to laugh about it though

ohhhhhhhh I want chinese food! It's been way too long

oh kewl, you got stocked up on those


oh that's wonderful!

Since I tried SS 316L that's all I use in my Reos now (mech)

oh that's the other one then.

So sorry you've been going through so much. Yeah a shame it didn't work out, but when they took her back, someone had brought some puppies in that day as owner surrender, so there was no waiting period. Here is Ozzy and Frankie's first interaction together. I don't think the other dog wil have an issue being adopted. But Ozzy is a much better fit. They got along great. He's so full of energy that he gets on Frankie's nerves a little bit, and we have to calm him down, but for the most part they do fine together!

I hate roller coasters. Only recall going on one in my life, and my dad literally drug me up the ramp kickin and screamin

Hate to post and run, but my son just got home. Will try to pop on later Luv y'all!
OMG they are so adorable!!!


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Have you tried the Oreo Peeps yet? Turns your tongue and poop bright pink. Had one yesterday. :eek:
I wanted to try them, but, ummmm, not so sure now. Pink poop??? Yikes!!!


Gold Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Have you tried the Oreo Peeps yet? Turns your tongue and poop bright pink. Had one yesterday. :eek:

Well if you're gonna go there and with St. Patrick's Day coming up and all that:

Avoid any dessert that's heavy on the bright green food coloring. (Figured that one out last year...)

For all the... err... crap the FDA is giving us about vaping ingredients mebbe they need to revisit their food coloring regulations instead.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Not until everyone checks and reports back which direction the water in their toilet vortexes when they flush.
Do we have any Southern Hemisphere people in this thread? If not, we should all report the same direction.*

*please note before someone comes in and starts a scientific discussion about why the Cariolis effect doesn't actually have anything to do with toilet flushes, I know the whole thing is a myth but it is such a widely held myth


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4 kids, I'll blame them but really I had my first gray hairs when I was 22, my other Dad was the same, not got Wrinkles or anything and I don't look too bad for 41 but the gray hair has been with me for many years.
I started turning gray at 24, but at least it's a nice looking gray. More white than gray.

For all the... err... crap the FDA is giving us about vaping ingredients mebbe they need to revisit their food coloring regulations instead.
no kiddin!

But... what about the flyer? Kid's gonna be in therapy for the next 37 years if no one shows up
I'd already done it. It don't take long to make a simple birthday flyer. Here, this time, you comin or not? lol

Im betting that pan is loaded with flavor! It looks very well seasoned! I wouldnt wanna get hit by it though
just lil love taps :D stick around long enough, you're bound to be initiated into the club at some point.

And I love Peeps! My daughter always looks at me like I'm nuts when I sit down and eat a whole box.
you can have my share. I can't stand em

OMG they are so adorable
thanks they're getting along better today than yesterday. Still not quite as good as the first day, but we're getting there.


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I've had a few myself...Think your still no1 though.
Morning Y'all
as far as whackins...........semiretired on ECF is #1. His feelins get hurt and he thinks I don't love him no more if he don't get whacked ever so often. :D Mornin to you too love. Mornin Rick.

oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you got a ............


Hugs and Howdys to everyone!!


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Me ?.......Never.....:rolleyes:

@Eskie, I saw a few of posts from you here and there about this mod, I was a bit shocked, I thought you would of been one of the first to get one considering our chats over the Pico..........anyways...

Bought myself another OBS Nano as Emily won't stop using mine but this one is strange, maybe the only one like it, I dunno, it's authentic, I checked that but my post holes are not staggered, not sure if this was a first batch or they just fooked it up in production. It works fine and is still easy to build on, I cut the wicks shorter on this and it's made a big difference.

I have to say, vaping this side by side the dual Engine, this has better flavor, no doubt about that, it's up there with the best and in my opinion the best 25mm single coil tank on the market. It's all to do with how the airflow hits both sides instead of the top.

Built a nice SS fused Clapton on a 3mm ID, coming in at 0.35 ohms, vaping her at 45w (yup, the pic is on 40w but I've upped it now) Absolutely fantastic vape... Go with some TC over the weekend probably..

Background story, I've been after an out and about setup for months and months, I thought when the Pico Mega came out you may have been able to fit bigger tanks on but nope, my prayers were answered in the Alien AL85, there is a very very slight .5 overhang at the front, sides are flush, you have to really look hard to see it, no biggy at all..

To me and the way I vape there is no better setup than this, I'm over the moon with it, finally a great vape that I can pop into my pocket when out, it's about bloody time...

The Alien is the same size as the Pico in height but a bit fatter, I'm not going into a full on review of the mod as it's the same board as the original, same screen ect... It's like an Alien had it's way with a Pico and this was the result. The trigger is great, makes it much more comfortable to vape compared to the Pico due to it's size, it just out does the Pico in every way. Weighs in at 120g

Anyone that needs a work setup or just out and about, I doubt there is one better than this, it's a bit of a gush fest on my part because I've waited so long for this to come out and with the Nano on top, it's frickin awesome.

Final thoughts......

The paint is better on this, more of a matt finish and I heard that Smok said they had improved it, I'm waiting on a screen protector for the front before I take the factory plastic film off it, it makes the font green, with a name like Alien, you need green font right !


None (for me), I really can't find any, it's that good, for the price you just can't go wrong with this at all..

If I had to put my picky pants on then I would of liked just that extra .5mm on the front but that's realy being picky.

No battery venting ??? Hmm, doesn't bother me, never had a battery vent and with the protection of these regulated mods, there's not much to worry about.

A few vent holes like the Pico would of been nice but again, it doesn't concern me. Just don't blame me if it blows up lol

This did come with the baby beast tank, which is OK but do yourself a flavor favor and get a Nano....hey @Lannie :) We love ours :)


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WOW!!!! That is the coolest I've never seen a mod made out of cardboard before, what kind of wattage and how big compared to, say, a Pico?:D

as far as whackins...........semiretired on ECF is #1. His feelins get hurt and he thinks I don't love him no more if he don't get whacked ever so often. :D Mornin to you too love. Mornin Rick.

oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you got a ............


Hugs and Howdys to everyone!!
And there were more boxes inside x

Morning Debs.....

I'm off to a 48 hour party at 12.30 so I'll be gone for a few days, having a big get together, so should be fun, see what accidents I can get myself into..
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