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nope, i havent bought in to the whole temp control craze, i feel like its directed more towards another market, and not vaping ejuice


Not here for the Drama!
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Yeah, it wasn't the selling point for me. But, at least, I'll know what it's all about, or not about.

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Will do. Today's day 2 of two-day priority,, so hope to see it by next weekend.

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lol, i had something coming here this week, it was in flushing, queens on tuesday. thats a 20-25 minute drive from here with no traffic. im just getting it delivered today, supposedly


Just Thomas
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I may pull the trigger on the egrip this week coming up,,,,ill let you know how it is,,,,it only fires down to 1.2 ohms,but also has adjustable watts ,so we'll see,the coils are expensive,thats why I want the rba base

The egrip's are nice little devices, "I traded one to Vash but I still have one for work :) My kid also uses one "I gave my rba base away because I hated it...the deck it so small it's ridiculous trying to build on that thing..anyhow I just buy the coils and it still produces great flavor and vape ....lots a vape for such a small device. I traded one because of the price of the coils, I have to much crap to support as it is :(


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Will do. Today's day 2 of two-day priority,, so hope to see it by next weekend.

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Morning guys .... I know how you feel I ordered something on the 2nd says it will take 3-4days shipping from new York ... And its the 14th ... China REALLY needs to work on their math skills


sooooo, i just got my cloupor mini from cigabuy that i won in the contest.......lets hope it lasts longer than dons did, i know he didnt usb charge it, and im not going to either. maybe i got a run that fixed the soldering issues. one can only hope. one thing i DO like about it is that the ohm reading goes to the hundreth. updates to come....hopefuly not a bad one


Just Thomas
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sooooo, i just got my cloupor mini from cigabuy that i won in the contest.......lets hope it lasts longer than dons did, i know he didnt usb charge it, and im not going to either. maybe i got a run that fixed the soldering issues. one can only hope. one thing i DO like about it is that the ohm reading goes to the hundreth. updates to come....hopefuly not a bad one

So I think you can do a Sage Cleansing in your house so it does not get infected with evil from Don's cloupor :)


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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So the chemical patina didn't work out ... I didn't like the texture of it and the color was hard to control and it just bothered me having ammonia on something I vape on

So I stripped it off polished the mod down and decided to try a different method will post pics when I get finished


So the chemical patina didn't work out ... I didn't like the texture of it and the color was hard to control and it just bothered me having ammonia on something I vape on

So I stripped it off polished the mod down and decided to try a different method will post pics when I get finished
im actually about to post the patina from @dred 's mod and attys later, get some input, see if people think i shopuld try a layer of alcohol in on it


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Heat forced patina I like it could use some work but I like it better



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Sorry if I haven't been commenting lately folks. I have been having a rough time medically and haven't been feeling the best. I had an outpatient surgery on Wednesday that turned into a 3-day stay, just got home this morning. I hate hospitals probably as much as my health insurance hates me. Haha. I've spent way too much time there over the past few years...altogether, about 4 months total, and that's just since my daughter was born 2/2013. As of now I feel like a zombie with the pain meds, other drugs, and what I'm going through. I just haven't been myself as of late, understandably.

Anyhow, I'm pretty sure I saw that the box is on its way to @Sigmardin now correct? Sorry, I don't feel up to looking back, as I'm using my phone, figured it'd be easier to ask. Just need to know if it's time to contact the next person?

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Sorry if I haven't been commenting lately folks. I have been having a rough time medically and haven't been feeling the best. I had an outpatient surgery on Wednesday that turned into a 3-day stay, just got home this morning. I hate hospitals probably as much as my health insurance hates me. Haha. I've spent way too much time there over the past few years...altogether, about 4 months total, and that's just since my daughter was born 2/2013. As of now I feel like a zombie with the pain meds, other drugs, and what I'm going through. I just haven't been myself as of late, understandably.

Anyhow, I'm pretty sure I saw that the box is on its way to @Sigmardin now correct? Sorry, I don't feel up to looking back, as I'm using my phone, figured it'd be easier to ask. Just need to know if it's time to contact the next person?

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I think Pauly said he was gonna ship it today I know he upgraded the box but not sure if the shipping number was posted yet or not


Sorry if I haven't been commenting lately folks. I have been having a rough time medically and haven't been feeling the best. I had an outpatient surgery on Wednesday that turned into a 3-day stay, just got home this morning. I hate hospitals probably as much as my health insurance hates me. Haha. I've spent way too much time there over the past few years...altogether, about 4 months total, and that's just since my daughter was born 2/2013. As of now I feel like a zombie with the pain meds, other drugs, and what I'm going through. I just haven't been myself as of late, understandably.

Anyhow, I'm pretty sure I saw that the box is on its way to @Sigmardin now correct? Sorry, I don't feel up to looking back, as I'm using my phone, figured it'd be easier to ask. Just need to know if it's time to contact the next person?

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dude i hope you start feeling better man, living with pain is awful


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Member For 4 Years
Thanks Rob. Yeah I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease back in 2001. Got really sick, lasted a couple months, but they go it in remission. It stayed there for 6 years, and then came back with a vengeance. Since then I've had countless surgeries, mostly abdominal. They've removed portions of my intestines, removed my sigmoid colon, terminal ileum, and numerous other surgeries for abscesses on my ass and in my groin that are actually caused by another disease called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. That disease is more common in women, and usually in their armpits. Anyway it has been a rough road. I had a colostomy for a year, but they reversed it in October. They had found colon cancer but were lucky enough to have caught it early enough to remove it. As much as I hated the colostomy, I at least had a better quality of living while I had it. I'd go back to it in a heartbeat, however it too had unwanted side effects. I've been worse than I am now, so I'm thankful for that, but I've also been better, so I pray for that! I take it one day at a time and some are better than others. Lately they've all been bad though. Ugh. I try to keep a positive attitude. One of the best ways to do that is to continually remind myself that many people are worse than I which is so true.

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Member For 4 Years
Thanks Rob. Yeah I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease back in 2001. Got really sick, lasted a couple months, but they go it in remission. It stayed there for 6 years, and then came back with a vengeance. Since then I've had countless surgeries, mostly abdominal. They've removed portions of my intestines, removed my sigmoid colon, terminal ileum, and numerous other surgeries for abscesses on my ass and in my groin that are actually caused by another disease called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. That disease is more common in women, and usually in their armpits. Anyway it has been a rough road. I had a colostomy for a year, but they reversed it in October. They had found colon cancer but were lucky enough to have caught it early enough to remove it. As much as I hated the colostomy, I at least had a better quality of living while I had it. I'd go back to it in a heartbeat, however it too had unwanted side effects. I've been worse than I am now, so I'm thankful for that, but I've also been better, so I pray for that! I take it one day at a time and some are better than others. Lately they've all been bad though. Ugh. I try to keep a positive attitude. One of the best ways to do that is to continually remind myself that many people are worse than I which is so true.

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Oh that's a tough thing to deal with. It is a lot of pain, I have had many patients with that in my career. Not fun... There's a lot of issues to deal with. Hopefully you will get better soon. Will definitely put you on the prayer list my friend. Glad you are back!!! Maybe we can take your mind off of it for a bit anyway lol.

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@Donald Bickers got the extracts today, thank you so much! laready mixed up a blueberry coconut, and made candy apple as well, outstanding, the candy apple may be my ADV, 10% apple, 5% red hots 2 drops per 10mil of capellas super sweet


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@Taver13 what is Capella's Super Sweet? Don't think I remember seeing that. I'll be doing a Wizard order soon though, maybe I should get some. Do you know if it's ethyl maltol, sucralose or what? Does it work well as a sweetener? Taste good? I usually use ethyl maltol, but anything higher than 2% tastes horrible to me, like burnt sugar or something.

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And what brand flavorings did you use for Candy Apple juice? I'd like to try that one. I wouldn't think to try that recipe myself, I would think it would need Apple, Caramel, and some Peanut or Nut Mix... Something along those lines anyway would be my first thought, that's why I'm interested in trying that one. Thanks for adding more $ to my Wizard order. Haha.

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And what brand flavorings did you use for Candy Apple juice? I'd like to try that one. I wouldn't think to try that recipe myself, I would think it would need Apple, Caramel, and some Peanut or Nut Mix... Something along those lines anyway would be my first thought, that's why I'm interested in trying that one. Thanks for adding more $ to my Wizard order. Haha.

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well, there are two types of candy apple, the caramel like your thinking of, and the red candy coated ones which is basically redhots melted down and the apple dipped in it. the supersweet is sucralose, and you only need 1-2 drops per 10 mil. defianatly dosent taste shitty like EM. i used Tfa for both the apple and the redhots. i think that maybe double apple would work a little better for more of an apple flavor


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Ok, yes, now that you mention it, I do recall seeing those kind of Candy Apples somewhere although I've never tried one myself. I think the vape sounds awesome though. I love apples, and I love cinnamon. I'm not a huge fan of RedHots, but I'm thinking I'd dig the combo. I have the red hots already I'll just have to get some double Apple and cap's super sweet. That's only $3.

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yeah man, i love it its awesome, stick it in a hot water bath, for 30 minutes, or dry rice heated in mic, then let it sit for 24 hours with the cap off


its definatly one for the tank, have to be bold to drip the redhots, i do on occasion, when i hate my throat

Donald Bickers

regular cinnamon correct? im going to have to try that with some of my homemade extract, you should probobly try it when it gets there
yes regular cinnamon,,,,,,TFA cinnamon is pretty strong,,,i was thinking of dropping a few toothpicks in the bottle and checking how that did

Donald Bickers

im gonna go ahead on the egrip,have to wait till Monday when I can get to the bank


Yes. What was the question?
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im seriously considering the Egrip,with the rba base for something I can carry in my shirt pocket at work,i work for myself,so concealment is no prob,im just looking at portability,,,this is my current work vape,but it is taller than my pocket,so when I stoop over it tends to fall out,,,,,,just my thought for the day

Highly recommend egrip & rba base. Almost always have one as my backup and sometimes carry as primary.

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