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Just Thomas
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did for about a day til i rethought that plan, i love it too much, nut i really wanted to try out the silverplay, i heard great things

I really don't mind the build on it because the flavor is worth it....I am going to rebuild mines tomorrow so I can try on a mech, I have mechs all over the place now, "I never realized it's no big deal using them as long as your battery's and builds are right on..I like the weight of them "I always use the same watts on my vv/vw devices anyhow


Just Thomas
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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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i still got my atari too....and every system ive had since then, too big a list
Same here


All 5 packed full of gaming systems from over the decades lol

Donald Bickers

Right on! I might try the bvc to, the evod have a nice price :) I think this will be nice way to go, maybe buy one more, I need them at work, don't have time for leaking tanks and dropping my good stuff :)
that was my main selling point,all the different coils that work,and I wanted something that was durable and didn't cost a fortune,,,,,,in other words ,if I break it I don't cry


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I thought you had your goblin up for trade? I liked the ipv...I still have a 50w ipv, I traded it because I got all kinds of junk for it, I will just buy another and it will still be a win for me, no big deal :) You definitely come ahead trading apposed to paying full price ;)
I might be trying to sell my IPV3 if @Taver13 doesn't want it... I love the thing just last month I went a little overboard on vape mail and could use the money instead... plus I don't mind my mechs lol


I might be trying to sell my IPV3 if @Taver13 doesn't want it... I love the thing just last month I went a little overboard on vape mail and could use the money instead... plus I don't mind my mechs lol
you may regret it, i had a sigelei 100 plus i got back in november, and after two weeks i said i wasnt into it, and traded it for like 7 mechs, which was a good deal either way, but i regreted it, and now ended up with another sigelei, and no mechs! well, one 26650 soon that im getting from @Faust. gonna be my work mod


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I'm interested in acquiring a kick preferably the one that goes 15w anyone here gotz one?


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you may regret it, i had a sigelei 100 plus i got back in november, and after two weeks i said i wasnt into it, and traded it for like 7 mechs, which was a good deal either way, but i regreted it, and now ended up with another sigelei, and no mechs! well, one 26650 soon that im getting from @Faust. gonna be my work mod
Man idk if I will or not... I loved my mechs and set up the ipv to vape just like my mechs because that's how I liked it.... so really only benefit is battery life lol


Man idk if I will or not... I loved my mechs and set up the ipv to vape just like my mechs because that's how I liked it.... so really only benefit is battery life lol
and you get the same vape all throughout, unlike mechs that decrease in power after every vape


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What's up everybody? Happy first day of spring to everyone. It's snowing ️ here in southern Delaware!
Looks like the PIF Box should be delivered to @Shawn.freeman50 tomorrow ... well that's USPS expected delivery date as of right now. I guess we'll see how good they do.

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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and you get the same vape all throughout, unlike mechs that decrease in power after every vape
And its regulated, I blew up a CEO fog Atty on a mech welded the center post to the side post but on my sigelei 150w it actually prevented it from happening with another Atty same issue because I saw the voltage spiking from 3.9 up to 5.1 so I opened it up and saw it arcing like a stungun all cause a screw was loose (cheap ass clone)

Tldr; I love my mechs but I respect my regulated too


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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What's up everybody? Happy first day of spring to everyone. It's snowing ️ here in southern Delaware!
Looks like the PIF Box should be delivered to @Shawn.freeman50 tomorrow ... well that's USPS expected delivery date as of right now. I guess we'll see how good they do.

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Looks like someone's very emojinal today


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Called a local b&m asked if they sold a kick he chuckled said no sir we really don't deal with those you might find them online I told him yeah I saw it online but I don't want to wait a month I'd rather pay a little extra and support my local shops
He scuffed and said well we don't carry dated technology like that then told me I could come in and he can hook me up with a regulated device so I wouldn't need a kick anymore he could get me on a vamo v3 that they JUST GOT for about the price of a kick from any vendor I can find .

I kindly told him no ty I'm looking for a kick not a whole new device I want it to use with the devices I already have he scuffs again well what kinds of devices do I want to use it in I told him my hammer mod and he jumped up oh we have those and I told him the v3 flip and he said they carry those too but they aren't flip compatible but he can hook me up with an ileaf for the same price of both those mods

So I tell him
OK I'm done with this stupidity I can understand not knowing the hammer can take a kick but the v3 flip is designed specifically to run a kick in 2 of its modes he buts in sir the v3flip only has 2 modes 18500 & 18650*scuffs* .... I say and 18500+kick & 18650+kick ... He replys there's no room how would you fit a kick ANNNDDDDD a battery it just won't fit... flip the top cap too not just the bottom *hears metal turning and klanking .... Silence * oh and before you say it that the 2 tubes off the 510 connection end of the hammer mod the long ones a 18650 extension tube and the short one is a kick extension*I hear more turning and klanking* and hear "oh no wonder that doesn't go right there ... Okkkk"

He cones back to the phone and says "hey how do you get.....I respond dumbass and hang up

EXAMPLE of why NOT to hire arrogant know it all hipster kids at your vape shop


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Called a local b&m asked if they sold a kick he chuckled said no sir we really don't deal with those you might find them online I told him yeah I saw it online but I don't want to wait a month I'd rather pay a little extra and support my local shops
He scuffed and said well we don't carry dated technology like that then told me I could come in and he can hook me up with a regulated device so I wouldn't need a kick anymore he could get me on a vamo v3 that they JUST GOT for about the price of a kick from any vendor I can find .

I kindly told him no ty I'm looking for a kick not a whole new device I want it to use with the devices I already have he scuffs again well what kinds of devices do I want to use it in I told him my hammer mod and he jumped up oh we have those and I told him the v3 flip and he said they carry those too but they aren't flip compatible but he can hook me up with an ileaf for the same price of both those mods

So I tell him
OK I'm done with this stupidity I can understand not knowing the hammer can take a kick but the v3 flip is designed specifically to run a kick in 2 of its modes he buts in sir the v3flip only has 2 modes 18500 & 18650*scuffs* .... I say and 18500+kick & 18650+kick ... He replys there's no room how would you fit a kick ANNNDDDDD a battery it just won't fit... flip the top cap too not just the bottom *hears metal turning and klanking .... Silence * oh and before you say it that the 2 tubes off the 510 connection end of the hammer mod the long ones a 18650 extension tube and the short one is a kick extension*I hear more turning and klanking* and hear "oh no wonder that doesn't go right there ... Okkkk"

He cones back to the phone and says "hey how do you get.....I respond dumbass and hang up

EXAMPLE of why NOT to hire arrogant know it all hipster kids at your vape shop
I'm glad I can entertain you guys with all the idiots I get to deal with on a day to day basis ... Oddly enough its not just vaping ... Drive thru cashiers are idiots to me all the time ... My wife laughs when she has to get out and drive us thru to get it right the first time


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Morning all. Just got our taxes done.

Long story short I had to smoke a cigarette after they fucked us that hard.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Morning all. Just got our taxes done.

Long story short I had to smoke a cigarette after they fucked us that hard.

TRAITOR HOW CAN WE EVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THESE ATROCITIES... oh yeah cause who cares its his body not ours duhhhh

So uncle Sam said bend over and played doctor but forgot the soothing lube huh?

It should make you feel better knowing its going to someone "who really needs it" even if it doesn't you won't say nothing about it cause you don't wanna be labeled as a racist right

Pauly Walnuts

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So uncle Sam said bend over and played doctor but forgot the soothing lube huh?

It should make you feel better knowing its going to someone "who really needs it" even if it doesn't you won't say nothing about it cause you don't wanna be labeled as a racist right
Our federal tax money is getting dumped into an eternally deepening well of debt, separate from the money that goes to anything, or anyone. Alot of the money that gets redistributed to communities and people, actually came from foreign loans or was printed out of thin air.
Im not an expert, but what little I kind of understand is fucking mind bending.
And Im not even talking about where that money goes, and to whom. Thats a whole different "racist" rant.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Our federal tax money is getting dumped into an eternally deepening well of debt, separate from the money that goes to anything, or anyone. Alot of the money that gets redistributed to communities and people, actually came from foreign loans or was printed out of thin air.
Im not an expert, but what little I kind of understand is fucking mind bending.
And Im not even talking about where that money goes, and to whom. Thats a whole different "racist" rant.
Where it goes what it does blah blah blah one thing you can't argue is the honest people get fucked.... Plain and simple


Yes. What was the question?
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Wimpy started the decline of our nation when he popularized the idea that it was ok to accept a hamburger today knowing he couldn't pay for it before tuesday. Spending our children's future today is an entirely raceless phenomenon. No particular race holds a monopoly on the stupid behavior that is sinking the future of this nation. Blame the stink'n cartoon white dude ... after all, he started the crap.

Several of y'all will read the reference and be boggled. But, those that can place the phrase "I am what i am," will get the reference. If you are still lacking ... eat some spinach - it might fix yah up. With luck, this diversion has prevented chat from falling into a political/racial black hole I'm not interested in watching.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Haha. it. Nice play on words. I'm not feeling too well. Had surgery last week, was in pain, all doped up on some great pain meds, but felt like a zombie, and was still in pain! Anyway, I blaming the emojinalness on the meds. Haha.

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Hey can you pif some of those meds oh biddy oh pal oh friend of mine ... Lol nah I was hoping you would like that I always try cheer people up with my stupidity and the stupidity of others and we all can use some emojinal moments in our lives


finally got my one day priority vapemail from 1 state over 5 days later......but in true USPS fashion, my order from lightningvapes is out for delivery in the wrong fucking town


That sucks, lightningvapes ships fast, damn usps
worst part is, it was sent to the wrong town, then the wrong town cent it back to the hub, who then sent it back to the wrong town. its definatly not addressed wrong, cause im a repeat customer, usps is just fucked


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Kind of feels like the world is taking a shit on me today. Sorry to bring the tone down, on top of the ridiculous taxes we have 20 days to come up with we just got word that the company I was driving for on the weekends to make the money we need to get to colorado is closing effective today......


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On the plus side I got some good job hunting tips and info from the guys who came in to talk to us after the meeting where we all got fired. All in all it was the nicest firing I've ever experienced.

Donald Bickers

Kind of feels like the world is taking a shit on me today. Sorry to bring the tone down, on top of the ridiculous taxes we have 20 days to come up with we just got word that the company I was driving for on the weekends to make the money we need to get to colorado is closing effective today......
well that sux,,,,,but on a positive note,at least it was your weekend job


On the plus side I got some good job hunting tips and info from the guys who came in to talk to us after the meeting where we all got fired. All in all it was the nicest firing I've ever experienced.
i feel like everything is going to work out for you, things always find a way too. on another note, i got the full size freakshow....what a fucking beast! airflow for days! flavor just keeps coming!


Not here for the Drama!
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Kind of feels like the world is taking a shit on me today. Sorry to bring the tone down, on top of the ridiculous taxes we have 20 days to come up with we just got word that the company I was driving for on the weekends to make the money we need to get to colorado is closing effective today......
Sorry about your job. I think your in horticulture, if you were in Dallas, I could get you employed.

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Donald Bickers

whatever works, you will have one soon, hopefully i get my nichrome tomorrow so i can throw a build in it for u
il never be able to hold off till then,im dieing to try them ,they smell great,,,,ill definitely save some for the derringer


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Thanks guys. All will be fine, just a road bump but man it was a rough day. I bummed a cigarette and it tasted like shit but I felt like punishing myself a bit lol. Been Vaping like crazy all day trying to get the taste out of my mouth

Sorry about your job. I think your in horticulture, if you were in Dallas, I could get you employed.

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Haha I really need to find a job in denver. Preferably one that will pay all my moving expenses. Unfortunately there's not much money in ecology for things like moving expenses or salaries lol

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