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Thanks guys. All will be fine, just a road bump but man it was a rough day. I bummed a cigarette and it tasted like shit but I felt like punishing myself a bit lol. Been Vaping like crazy all day trying to get the taste out of my mouth

Haha I really need to find a job in denver. Preferably one that will pay all my moving expenses. Unfortunately there's not much money in ecology for things like moving expenses or salaries lol
i like how you threw salaries in there


i mixed up a fantastic batch of my own design, used your walnut in it, and some other things, ill send some with the cloupor and derringer, youll have to drip it though, its max vg

Donald Bickers

i mixed up a fantastic batch of my own design, used your walnut in it, and some other things, ill send some with the cloupor and derringer, youll have to drip it though, its max vg
that sounds good,,,,im really into tobacco flavor,,,,,never thought of adding the walnut to ry4,that would be tasty


im vaping my 4nine with the kayfun in nano mode now,,,,straight walnut,,,,fuckin awesome
i love the walnut straight, but i have used it in quite a few mixes i already had, and just made them much better. the ry4 i did has the walnut, hazelnut, caramel and bavarian cream in it, its wonderful

Donald Bickers

I gotta hit the rack man,,,,,motor time tmorrow,,,see you in the am

Pauly Walnuts

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i love the walnut straight, but i have used it in quite a few mixes i already had, and just made them much better. the ry4 i did has the walnut, hazelnut, caramel and bavarian cream in it, its wonderful
Which ry4 did you use? I've only used tfa and it was really good. Ry4 is my next move, I've been vaping custards, creams, and fruits for a while, and need a change.
I'm thinking cereal flavors too. But I could spend my entire bank account and still want to try something new.

Pauly Walnuts

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I know, it was the first flavor I ever bought.
I'm gonna make another flavor in the next couple days. I was doin so good too. I was literally making 30 dollars last almost two months, but now I fell into the "experiment hole", and am spending20 every couple weeks. Still not bad compared to a pack a day, but I hate spending money on shit I don't like.

Pauly Walnuts

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Another flavor order. Holy shit I'm skipping words


I know, it was the first flavor I ever bought.
I'm gonna make another flavor in the next couple days. I was doin so good too. I was literally making 30 dollars last almost two months, but now I fell into the "experiment hole", and am spending20 every couple weeks. Still not bad compared to a pack a day, but I hate spending money on shit I don't like.
i think i wanna try mammas ry4, the mj4, so far im impressed, already made a 120 of banana bread so im going to have to order more....

Pauly Walnuts

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I wonder how long it takes to figure out how to make shit that good. I've tried a lot of flavorings, and can make good juice, but guys like wllmc and HIC amaze me with the shit they come up with.


I wonder how long it takes to figure out how to make shit that good. I've tried a lot of flavorings, and can make good juice, but guys like wllmc and HIC amaze me with the shit they come up with.
yeah, i dont know how they do it. i wonder if they just sit home all day and make juice. you almost would have too to get mixes just right like they do



Donald Bickers

Iced tea and American Red on the sigelei with a cartomizer tank,,,,good stuff


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Morning everyone. I know someone was talking about the Black Oak clone the other day and I just saw that Focalecig has it up on a group buy for $44.95. That's real damn tempting. Thought I'd share so I won't be the only one checking their vape budget this morning.

Pauly Walnuts

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french vanilla coffee and cherry pie vape. fantastic morning
Do you have any problems tasting vanilla in your juices? I have four different vanilla type flavors, can smell vanilla, but barely ever taste it.

Donald Bickers

and if you cant tell,at 8;30 in the morning on a Saturday,my brain don't think alot


Morning everyone. I know someone was talking about the Black Oak clone the other day and I just saw that Focalecig has it up on a group buy for $44.95. That's real damn tempting. Thought I'd share so I won't be the only one checking their vape budget this morning.
whats the link to it? i would love that thing for a work mod, i saw it on angelcigs, but it5 was too rich for my blood


Do you have any problems tasting vanilla in your juices? I have four different vanilla type flavors, can smell vanilla, but barely ever taste it.
lol, that was my coffe, the vape was cherry pie alone. i found that higher wattages tend to mute the vanilla, so i just add more, i usually dont use vanilla flavoring, but i use bavarian cream alot for vanilla flavoring, it seems to come out better

Pauly Walnuts

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Yep, thats another flavor thats on the grocery list. I just gotta pull the fucking trigger.


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Morning all!! All this DIY talk has me wanting to get that going bad lol

i think i wanna try mammas ry4, the mj4, so far im impressed, already made a 120 of banana bread so im going to have to order more....

Now you've got me wanting to try he mamas banana bread!


im contemplating drilling out the topcap of my freakshow to accept the other drip tip from my CLT v2

Pauly Walnuts

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Ive been using 26ga nichrome in my orchid, it is really good shit. Im gonna try some thicker stuff soon.
What diameter do you wrap your 22ga coils?


Ive been using 26ga nichrome in my orchid, it is really good shit. Im gonna try some thicker stuff soon.
What diameter do you wrap your 22ga coils?
3/32 usually a 10 wrap. depending on the atty, its between .1 and .25. on my doge v2 i used a 1/8th just to get a little higher resistance. im going to throw 26 in my goblin, should be great

Pauly Walnuts

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Im trying a slightly smaller coil in my clt. I was using a 1/8 w/ 8wraps of24ga, now Im trying a 3/32 with 8wraps.
Its pretty good, I can use alot less power. Its the difference between using 75 and 50 watts to get a good vape.


Im trying a slightly smaller coil in my clt. I was using a 1/8 w/ 8wraps of24ga, now Im trying a 3/32 with 8wraps.
Its pretty good, I can use alot less power. Its the difference between using 75 and 50 watts to get a good vape.
i noticed the same thing too, with the 1/8 build in my doge, im running over 100 watts to get a good vape, i run 60 watts with the 3/32

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