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Donald Bickers

Sorry I been MIA been a busy week anyway



Mmmm juice



Just Thomas
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she dosent give a fuck, im the only one around here who actually cooks anything

I use to complain about the cooking and one day she never cooked again, I screwed myself and I been doing all the cooking for over ten years now :(


lol... I have become a really decent cook now, all though I have to do the grocery shopping to
i do it just so it dosent take 7 hours of looking at everything in the store, if my wife goes to target or anything like that, i run far far away, she could spend the entire day in there, it fucking insane


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Member For 4 Years
havent heard form @BenJammin in a while
Been around... the company I work for is switching temp agencies (from who I work for to another) and I found out I had 4 vacation days I didn't know I had and this is the last week with that company so I took yesterday and today off and will get the other two days paid off... again I hate tapatalk so haven't really been on checking in that often. Normally I do all my VU'ing at work on the computer lol. How's that box coming along? ;p


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Whaddup guys just popping in. Got our order from Mushroom Vapes today! So far I've tried the Monkey Muffins (not an ADV for me but definitely tasty) and the Cheese Danish (really super tasty, I think I want some fruit in there probably gonna go for the Strawberry Cheese Danish next time) and the wifey is digging on the Lemon Cream Cake in her subtank nano. @Heisenberg makes some badass juice!


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Surveying for desert tortoise huh? Sounds like a govt job.

It's probably government funded, one of the environmental consulting firms I applied to is doing the research. The job was on a military post out there and since I was in the Army my name came up to the top, hopefully more like that will come! I love doing field research.


Been around... the company I work for is switching temp agencies (from who I work for to another) and I found out I had 4 vacation days I didn't know I had and this is the last week with that company so I took yesterday and today off and will get the other two days paid off... again I hate tapatalk so haven't really been on checking in that often. Normally I do all my VU'ing at work on the computer lol. How's that box coming along? ;p
finishing it in the am, i got this little boy in a trade, im not really gona use it, i know you were looking for one, you want me to send it to ya with the box?


It's probably government funded, one of the environmental consulting firms I applied to is doing the research. The job was on a military post out there and since I was in the Army my name came up to the top, hopefully more like that will come! I love doing field research.
you can come observe my pet tortise, cant pay you though


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Member For 4 Years
finishing it in the am, i got this little boy in a trade, im not really gona use it, i know you were looking for one, you want me to send it to ya with the box?
I mean if you want... I'm in the process of thinning out my vape supplies at the moment and don't plan on buying anything else really.... I'm perfectly content with my dark horse and Manhattan or anarchist... I wouldn't be opposed to trying it but don't really need to spend any more money on vape stuff

Can't wait to get the box in man!


Just Thomas
VU Donator
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Member For 4 Years
Whaddup guys just popping in. Got our order from Mushroom Vapes today! So far I've tried the Monkey Muffins (not an ADV for me but definitely tasty) and the Cheese Danish (really super tasty, I think I want some fruit in there probably gonna go for the Strawberry Cheese Danish next time) and the wifey is digging on the Lemon Cream Cake in her subtank nano. @Heisenberg makes some badass juice!

Sounds yummy...I am about due to order some more soon to but I might just save a few weeks and get some "make your own" supplies. I am on tight vape budget :(


I mean if you want... I'm in the process of thinning out my vape supplies at the moment and don't plan on buying anything else really.... I'm perfectly content with my dark horse and Manhattan or anarchist... I wouldn't be opposed to trying it but don't really need to spend any more money on vape stuff

Can't wait to get the box in man!
i was actually just going to give it to you, no charge, like i said, no use to me, and i know you wanted one


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
that's awesome,,,,,,,the weight thing
Yeah man... January 12th I weighed 242. This morning I was 211.6 :) it's all about watching calories... super easy after the first like 3 weeks or so... now if I eat a meal like I used to I am so full and feel like shit! It's a good feeling.... I was on prescription medicine for gastritis that I would take every day or I would wake up in the middle of the night multiple times feeling like I was going to throw up... Haven't taken one in about a month :) it's a great feeling!

Donald Bickers

Yeah man... January 12th I weighed 242. This morning I was 211.6 :) it's all about watching calories... super easy after the first like 3 weeks or so... now if I eat a meal like I used to I am so full and feel like shit! It's a good feeling.... I was on prescription medicine for gastritis that I would take every day or I would wake up in the middle of the night multiple times feeling like I was going to throw up... Haven't taken one in about a month :) it's a great feeling!


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Member For 4 Years
i was actually just going to give it to you, no charge, like i said, no use to me, and i know you wanted one
Like I said man, I wouldn't mind to try it. If I ever get rid of it I'll send back to you or ask what you want me to do with it :)

Donald Bickers

I misplaced my go to mug in the house somewhere so I have a nice frosted yoda glass ready to go :) time to relax and watch the being sea gold. heh
I have several mugs and shot glasses,,,,,,the bars were very generous when I used to frequent them


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Member For 4 Years
I used to drink a whiskey that was $13.49 for a half gallon (tastes a lot like the old walkers whiskey) when I drank multiple drinks a day.... now that I only drink on weekends if that I figured I might as well switch to the good stuff and cut out the sodas to go with it... spend the same amount on whiskey, just it's now bearable to drink on the rocks...

Donald Bickers

I noticed a lot of us watch the same programs...I watch lock up to :) what's that abroad show? busted abroad or something, "I like that one to
its good,,,,,its documentary on people that get locked up in foreign places

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