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Just Thomas
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Yeah same here... now winters are short and all over the place. We had a couple days in December that hit close to 70, snow on thanksgiving, and this past week: 75 highs, 22 lows, snow flurries, thunderstorms, flooding, sunshine, and lots of wind.... if you don't like the weather here, wait a couple hours and it will be different, I promise lol

Last year we thought it was spring and we have massive snow storm around mothers day and I had just planted tree year before, killed all my new tree's, I was soooo mad.


Not here for the Drama!
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I know it offers little satisfaction at the moment, but as they get older, morning will become your favorite time of day. You'll have that little bit of peace and quiet before they all wake up.

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I know it offers little satisfaction at the moment, but as they get older, morning will become your favorite time of day. You'll have that little bit of peace and quiet before they all wake up.

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thank god the 13 year old dosent wake up til like 12 on saturdays, also, my wife dosent get up either, so its just me the farm, and the little one, which aint that bad really

Donald Bickers

who knows, i just figured, that if this forum and vaping has kept me off smokes and other bad things, 25 bucks is a small price to pay to support this place
I agree,,,,,,and they take paypal,,,,is that correct


hey don, is there anywhere i can get tfa flavorings using paypal? since my vape budget is pretty much only on paypal, things i have been selling as i clean out the garage at my actual house on ebay have become my vape budget


so, i fixed the wicking issues on my SMOK VCT, i took the coil head, opened up the juice holes with a drill quite significantly, bout a quarter inch. went up to 28 gauge from 26, got it at about 1.2 ohms, which with nichrome is quite a few wraps, standard coil, which help high vg juice wick faster in tanks, the bigger hole is helping like crazy with wicking, and also, made the flavor in this thing good, i was ready to ditch the tank, but nothing a little tinkering wouldnt help. i definatly get a better vape in the 1+ ohm range as opposed to the .5 range. running on my cloupor grenade at 23.5 watts

Donald Bickers

so, i fixed the wicking issues on my SMOK VCT, i took the coil head, opened up the juice holes with a drill quite significantly, bout a quarter inch. went up to 28 gauge from 26, got it at about 1.2 ohms, which with nichrome is quite a few wraps, standard coil, which help high vg juice wick faster in tanks, the bigger hole is helping like crazy with wicking, and also, made the flavor in this thing good, i was ready to ditch the tank, but nothing a little tinkering wouldnt help. i definatly get a better vape in the 1+ ohm range as opposed to the .5 range. running on my cloupor grenade at 23.5 watts
Clouper grenade,,,,,classic


my sigelei came with a kind of opaque silicone skin, i wish it woulda come with black or something, looks kinda cheesey


Not here for the Drama!
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Good morning again. Let's see a pic if that brushed aluminum.

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Not here for the Drama!
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Member For 4 Years
Looks great. I gotta shiny silver mod, and can't stand the finish on it. What did you use to do that?

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first i used one of them green 3m discs on my right angle grinder, then followed it up with a wire wheel on the dremel, the stiffer one, not the brass one used for softer metals

Donald Bickers

don't know if this is any better,,,,,But


Not here for the Drama!
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Is that the one taver rebuilt for ya? If so, how's it working?

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Not here for the Drama!
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By looking at the old chip, was there any way to tell why it bombed?

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By looking at the old chip, was there any way to tell why it bombed?

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what it looked like to me was a bum solder job that came loose and shorted on something, it was pretty fried, and melted in some spots


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Dude, I got a 15ml bottle of Strawberry Sex from Swagger Joose in the mail today. I won it from one of the VU Live shows back on December 19th!!! I guess it is better late then never. I'm going to try it probably tomorrow. It smells nice, that's for sure. In all fairness I have to say it was not Swagger's fault that it took so long for me to get it...there was a communication break down of some sorts between the show host and him, along with an old email address and a new email address. It was someone in here who told me to try contacting them to see what was up, and when I did, they were quick to get it out to me. Thanks @RynoSerious !!!

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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
its close, but i have seen quieter, i think cause its nice out everywhere except here in NY
It's not so nice down here in Slower-Lower Delaware...30 degrees right now, and we even had snow today! I've seen enough of that shit for this year...I've had enough of this cold weather too.

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Donald Bickers

It's not so nice down here in Slower-Lower Delaware...30 degrees right now, and we even had snow today! I've seen enough of that shit for this year...I've had enough of this cold weather too.

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