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its close, but i have seen quieter, i think cause its nice out everywhere except here in NY
It's freezing here still. I did however see a robin here today!


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lol. Anyone know much about laptops? Mine says no power available. It won't work unless it is plugged into the wall.

Donald Bickers

Haha!!! I set myself up for that either though least not the kind I'm thinking of!
im a wise ass,always have been.......i don't mean any harm or hate.....I just try to find as much humor in life as I can.......there is more than enough hate in this world........
damn that period button does work well........


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I think it is an internal battery. It's an apple.


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So I am probably screwed, its like an iPhone all in one. That is a huge bummer.


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Member For 4 Years
lol. Anyone know much about laptops? Mine says no power available. It won't work unless it is plugged into the wall.
Laptop batteries are much like vape fact, the 18650's are commonly found in older laptop batteries. They do have a life-cycle in which they will stop charging, or stop holding a charge as long, much like our vape batteries. They can only charge and discharge so many times. If that is the case, they won't take a charge anymore, and requires being plugged in for the laptop to operate. On the other hand, laptops also won't charge if the unit is too warm... if that is the case, you need to unplug it, shut it down, let it sit for awhile, then plug it in and see if it charges. Good luck.


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Check this site... it has repair instructions for a lot of crApple products. Truly I dislike Apple, but I do use their products...just not a fanboy.
Thank you. I will check that out. It's not too warm because I just left it charging for 3 hours shut down.


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Member For 4 Years
Thank you. I will check that out. It's not too warm because I just left it charging for 3 hours shut down.
No problem. Just remember that the charging process causes the batteries to heat up as well. However I would think that if it was off for 3 hours and plugged in, it should have charged. The cord and power port on the unit itself obviously works, or else it wouldn't operate while plugged in, so unfortunately it sounds as if the batteries have shit the bed. Someone else might know more than myself though...I recall reading somewhere that there is a file that can be erased on most Apple products that retains the battery levels, and that can corrupt the charging process as well. Erasing it helps because it zero's everything out, and the file gets recreated once the computer is turned back on. I don't remember where I read that, and it was in reference to iphones and ipads, not sure if it's the same on Apple laptops.


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Maybe I am the thread killer...


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I have updates I haven't installed so hopefully that fixes it. Of course I don't have much saved in the cloud because I don't totally understand it. Ugh. I had a similar problem with my phone and had to reset it to the factory settings and lost everything.


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Member For 4 Years
ok,,,,,time for a beer,,,,its all your fault @RZAwora
LMAO!! You caught that didn't you...haha. I was trying to do a little keyboard drawing, but it didn't turn out to my liking so I deleted it. HAHA! Thought I got it off before anyone would have seen it. Guess I was wrong.

Donald Bickers

LMAO!! You caught that didn't you...haha. I was trying to do a little keyboard drawing, but it didn't turn out to my liking so I deleted it. HAHA! Thought I got it off before anyone would have seen it. Guess I was wrong.
I knew I saw boobies,,,,thanks for letting me know I havnt lost it yet


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I have updates I haven't installed so hopefully that fixes it. Of course I don't have much saved in the cloud because I don't totally understand it. Ugh. I had a similar problem with my phone and had to reset it to the factory settings and lost everything.
Save as much as you can to the Cloud. The idea is, if something happens to your device, you can still access everything from the Cloud. Let's say your phone falls in the go get a new sign in with your account...then it downloads all of your apps, contacts, pictures, messages, notes, settings, preferences, etc, etc, from the Cloud. Your new phone will be identical to your old phone with very minimal effort. It eliminates the need for as many backups...but you should still back-up every once in awhile to an external drive or something.


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This ones for you Don!!!

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Good morning folks! Looks like it'll be in the 80s again today.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



mornin don question, did you ever remember where i can get some tfa flavors with paypal? i neeed a decent ammount of ry4 double and bavarian cream. i love the mix of ry4 i made so much, it is now my daily driver. so i need to make like a liter of it. going to have to get some more of that walnut from mad vapes. that ry4 has that and some hazelnut in it, carame,l bavarian cream. probobly my favorite mix i have done. anything you think might make it better?


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@Taver13 Rob, doesn't TFA/TPA take Paypal on their direct sale site? I thought I ordered from them one time and paid Paypal.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah they do, just checked. You need to go through a little hoop to make your account eligible to see the bulk size pricing, but anyone can get the wholesale prices. You can get 4oz of the RY4 Double for $8.00 plus shipping, 16oz for $28.50.


Yeah they do, just checked. You need to go through a little hoop to make your account eligible to see the bulk size pricing, but anyone can get the wholesale prices. You can get 4oz of the RY4 Double for $8.00 plus shipping, 16oz for $28.50.
dude, you just made my day, thank you, working on setting that up now. i do have a tax id number for my business, maybe that will make things easier


mornin, your mods and attys should be ready in the next few days, working on metalizer clear and sanding right now, before i throw some alcohol ink on, then some more clear. i hope it comes out the way im picturing in my head so i dont have to strip it and start all over. @BenJammin, i will have the new wiring pics up later, send out tomorrow. @Vaperjim you should be good to go and be shipped out tomorrow as well.
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
dude, you just made my day, thank you, working on setting that up now. i do have a tax id number for my business, maybe that will make things easier
You don't even need that.. you set up a login and password on their site, then login as your account, click on Bulk Sizes, there is a link to enable bulk size pricing (wholesale), you click that link while logged in, and voila!!!


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Look for the link on the Bulk Sizes page that says "Upgrade Now." Once you click that I think you have to log out and then log back in, then the bulk pricing will be available. Their 4oz is only several dollars more than their 15ml!!!


Look for the link on the Bulk Sizes page that says "Upgrade Now." Once you click that I think you have to log out and then log back in, then the bulk pricing will be available. Their 4oz is only several dollars more than their 15ml!!!
nice, cause i need a good ammount of ry4. then i need to hit up natures flavors for my caramel i use

Donald Bickers

mornin don question, did you ever remember where i can get some tfa flavors with paypal? i neeed a decent ammount of ry4 double and bavarian cream. i love the mix of ry4 i made so much, it is now my daily driver. so i need to make like a liter of it. going to have to get some more of that walnut from mad vapes. that ry4 has that and some hazelnut in it, carame,l bavarian cream. probobly my favorite mix i have done. anything you think might make it better?
@Taver13 Rob, doesn't TFA/TPA take Paypal on their direct sale site? I thought I ordered from them one time and paid Paypal.
Yeah they do, just checked. You need to go through a little hoop to make your account eligible to see the bulk size pricing, but anyone can get the wholesale prices. You can get 4oz of the RY4 Double for $8.00 plus shipping, 16oz for $28.50.
Yea Taver,,,,,what he said,,,,im still waking up

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