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Not here for the Drama!
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In a month, we will be melting here in Texas.

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Member For 4 Years
In a month, we will be melting here in Texas.

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I didn't realize you are in the heck are you up posting "good morning" at 5am Eastern Time, isn't that like 3am your time? That's what I call an early riser...I thought my father was bad, he hasn't slept past 4:30am in about 20 years.


Not here for the Drama!
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i like how about half of the donors already are from this group
Pretty cool, looks like you put together a collection of really giving people. Is kinda odd though, some of the noisiest people in the forum are absent. I said forum, not thread.

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Pretty cool, looks like you put together a collection of really giving people. Is kinda odd though, some of the noisiest people in the forum are absent. I said forum, not thread.

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i absolutly agree, im mainly on this thread, the orchid modification thread, and in the hardware section, thats about it. i have even been neglecting the orchid thread since i got my goblin and stopped modding my orchids. i need to start doing that again. and like you said, some of the most active people on the forum, havent donated, hey, but to each his own

Donald Bickers

thats for sure! i could even really afford it in my budget, but like i said, small price to pay to give thanks for what vaping has done for me
it really wasn't in my budget either,,,its worth it to me,this forum has done a lot for my well being,,,,i will never smoke another cigarette,,,EVER,,,,i have met some of the best people on here,some even seem like family


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I donated by purchasing things from some of the affiliated links...does that count? I know it doesn't earn me the contributor badge, but that's fine with me. I know someone's pockets got laced from my purchases...and that certain someone owns this forum, so in a way it was a contribution. Haha.


Not here for the Drama!
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Pretty much every vendor I've bought from, has been thru here. Before that, I was on Ecf, never bought anything over there, and seldom logged in. Heck, if it weren't for the Pif box, probably wouldn't be on here as much, but feel comfort in our little group.

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Pretty much every vendor I've bought from, has been thru here. Before that, I was on Ecf, never bought anything over there, and seldom logged in.

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i never even bothered creating an account, its to dry and rated G for my liking, if i cant talk the way i want, there is no point, im not changing my way of doing things to appease some elitist douchebags

Donald Bickers

i never even bothered creating an account, its to dry and rated G for my liking, if i cant talk the way i want, there is no point, im not changing my way of doing things to appease some elitist douchebags
its pretty bad when you have to think how to word things so you don't get an infraction,at least here I only have to think how to word things because all of you have dirty minds and twist my words


Hello folks, been working on a new laptop I just picked up. How has every ones weekend been?
been pretty good, cooked some good food, fucked my back up helping my buddy pull a boiler out of a basement, made some tasty juices, repaired some mods, finishing a mod build. all in all, decent


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Hello folks, been working on a new laptop I just picked up. How has every ones weekend been?
I may need to buy a new one too. Definitely not in the budget right away though. I am ok, kinda sick this am. Glad it is Sunday because it is my one day a week off.


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Morning everyone! Just having an easy morning today, working my one full time job til we move since uRide shut down last week. It's pretty nice having weekends again!

Been vaping on the Cheese Danish from Mushroomvapes all morning, it's really growing on me. Simple but so flavorful


Not here for the Drama!
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been pretty good, cooked some good food, fucked my back up helping my buddy pull a boiler out of a basement, made some tasty juices, repaired some mods, finishing a mod build. all in all, decent
So if your sweeties got a headache, you've got a backup?

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Donald Bickers

im liking that banner, i might have to have you make me a sick one, maybe a little smaller
mines color coordinated,,,,,,,hows that
Edit:i read that post wrong,,,disregard
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Nothing personal, but Joe already makes a bitch load of money off of the ads he has here and his other promotional sites. I refuse to pay a dime, I already buy through the links he posts. Sorry folks what a bunch of Dumb asses!

Donald Bickers

I personally see nothing wrong with donating to a cause that has helped me the way this has
just the not smoking thing has added yrs to my life im sure,not to mention the friends I've gained
just my opinion,and we all know about opinions.
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I just wanted to point out it is not the cause. I think it is great that people like you and myself have quit smoking and we now vape. It is just extortion to have people pay for a banner, when Joe already makes a boat load of money from this site. Now if he gave the banner for people who bought through his vendors he post, I would have no issue.

I am not going to spend any money on a banner. If you want to waste your money on a banner, so be it.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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im liking that banner, i might have to have you make me a sick one, maybe a little smaller
Just give me info on background colors and others and I can make one I get bored and make those for forums
Nothing personal, but Joe already makes a bitch load of money off of the ads he has here and his other promotional sites. I refuse to pay a dime, I already buy through the links he posts. Sorry folks what a bunch of Dumb asses!
Actually with a lot of sites that are free they make money from people clicking or viewing the ads people like myself that run adblocker add-on don't see these ads therefore never click on them I feel this place has brought me to a new level in my life and has saved me a lot of money with the coupons and deals so its justified to return the favor

As far as he already makes enough money every business out there throws parties for free, gives away free items, helps people at no charge.... In the end they get big tax cuts paid by vendors to host etc etc etc its about making money what's the big deal when a guy is trying to make money by helping us save money and lead a better life


BTW this wasn't to get you to donate it was to show you we who have donated thought it through before throwing our wallets at the screen like "a bunch of Dumb asses"


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I just wanted to point out it is not the cause. I think it is great that people like you and myself have quit smoking and we now vape. It is just extortion to have people pay for a banner, when Joe already makes a boat load of money from this site. Now if he gave the banner for people who bought through his vendors he post, I would have no issue.

I am not going to spend any money on a banner. If you want to waste your money on a banner, so be it.

see thats contradicting hes not making people pay for a banner its a donation and the definition of donation is im not gonna force you to make one

giveing a banner yo people who buy through his vendor list would be a Vendor list buyer banner ... same as this is a VU donation banner same concept different name

TLDR; its a choice not a requirement


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I could careless what others do with their money to be quite frank. I already stated my opinion, and that is which I have purchased from vendors who advertise here, and also many times through affiliated links. Many don't realize that if you've ever clicked a link Joe posted, he got kickback for the sale. That affiliate link installs a cookie on your computer which means he gets credit for anything you buy from those stores for quite awhile, sometimes 6 months to a year. I don't know all the specifics of his arrangements, nor do I care. I just know that I have purchased many of things through sites like Fasttech and others that he has gotten credit for. Those that choose to donate...more power to you. I myself am in ill-health, have been out of work for over 2 years, and my wife is unable to work because she must help care for me...therefore I'm supporting a family of 4 on my Social Security Disability income and what little savings we have left. If my situation was different, I probably would donate, but at this time it's not justifiable for me. To each his own. I would never tell someone not to donate, or tell them they are wrong or dumb for donating...your money is your money, do with it as you please. I also wouldn't sit here and tell someone that they should donate either...each persons situation, thoughts, and circumstances are different. That just my opinion... And yes @Donald Bickers you are right, opinions are like assholes...everyone has one. Nice thing is our country hasn't taken away our ability to voice our opinions...well not yet anyway! Haha. I do however give props to his forum for allowing us to be "free" to discuss things however we see fit, unlike many, many other forums on the internet... and not just other vaping forums. Okay...end of rant...haha.

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