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It was hard choosing so I just looked up a few recipes I wanted to try and bought the stuff and added a few that I though I could mix with the others...I don't know, it was a cluster for sure, I have an addictive nature so I am sure I will just keep buying more flavors :)

Banana Nut Bread-TFA
Blood Orange-FW
Cinnamon Danish Swirl V2 - Cap
Banana Cream-TFA
French Vanilla V2-Cap
Graham Cracker V2-Cap
Key Lime-TFA
New York Cheesecake-Cap
Strawberries and Cream-TFA
Sweet Cream-Cap
Sweet Mango-Cap
Sweet Strawberry-Cap
Vanilla Custard V2-Cap
Whipped Cream-TFA
I have the same problem cruel phate!!


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I am off today! I tried to sleep in but the baby decided to bounce on my head to get me up, evil tactic for sure
lol. Doubt evil was what it was going for. A lot of people are off, I wish I was. Cold and rainy here to add to the Monday blues.


Not here for the Drama!
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@Taver13 fucked my back up too. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1427729501.824191.jpg
Picking up 6 fuckin pillows, and can barely walk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


The Vapographer
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being german, im a huge fan of brats, the ribs, when they come, will spend about a week marinating followed by a smoking with chips that i soak in jameson for a few days
I'm from Wisconsin 'nuff said! Brats are actually a food group all by themselves here.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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This may be all in my head but is there something people can add to their ejuice to make it more addictive to make you vape it more

Like I know nicotine is addictive duh but its not like that normally you get your fix and your good for a while I'm talking like I've heard coca cola uses something to make their drinks more addictive and I've heard it about taco bell food anyway its like you can't get enough of it and keep consuming the product

Here's the problem I bought a "house blend" that "everyone loves" and I admit I vaped the hell outta it went through about 100ml in a week or less now that I been vaping other stuff I noticed my vaping has cut back a bit but anyway I found a squeeze bottle with this home blend ejuice so I'm like oooo rewick and tried vaping it but it had a very bland watery muted taste now kinda nasty but I'm about halfway through the bottle and just seem compelled to vape it even though its not a pleasant taste

Just wanted your thoughts like I said I think its in my head but you never know

God I hope I'm not vaping ****


This may be all in my head but is there something people can add to their ejuice to make it more addictive to make you vape it more

Like I know nicotine is addictive duh but its not like that normally you get your fix and your good for a while I'm talking like I've heard coca cola uses something to make their drinks more addictive and I've heard it about taco bell food anyway its like you can't get enough of it and keep consuming the product

Here's the problem I bought a "house blend" that "everyone loves" and I admit I vaped the hell outta it went through about 100ml in a week or less now that I been vaping other stuff I noticed my vaping has cut back a bit but anyway I found a squeeze bottle with this home blend ejuice so I'm like oooo rewick and tried vaping it but it had a very bland watery muted taste now kinda nasty but I'm about halfway through the bottle and just seem compelled to vape it even though its not a pleasant taste

Just wanted your thoughts like I said I think its in my head but you never know

God I hope I'm not vaping ****
good theory, and it makes sense, do you vape diy stuff less than store bought? also, im sure you would notice if you were vaping something else...


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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good theory, and it makes sense, do you vape diy stuff less than store bought? also, im sure you would notice if you were vaping something else...
Actually I love that DIY cinnamon danish that Momabear made me more so then this and no I don't consume it as quickly and this b&m juice... I'm sure I would notice it but I'm thinking either something added like I was saying or maybe it just burns or vaporize quicker then other juices... One thing is for sure I go through it faster


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Haha I figured... but do you know how many? Not that I plan on sitting here and posting message after message, just simply curious lol
Hell just talk more in here it won't take long at all and would make the box more active and lively... As if it need any help lol


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Haha that's kind of what I'm thinking... During the week I do my fair share of talking in here lol


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Haha that's kind of what I'm thinking... During the week I do my fair share of talking in here lol
Yeah check out my post count cause I joined the forum to sign up for the box and other then maybe 2 straggling post in other threads all the rest have been in this room ... Doesn't take long lol


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Haha yeah I know how that goes... I used to be very active in the AU before I joined the 5.0... the first two days I had all of my trophies but the highest likes and messages lol


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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i didnt realize you joined for the box, thats awesome
Yeah before I'd read post but wasn't much on interacting I'd use the site to catch deals then I saw the idea of the box and the poll on weither to start one or not and liked the premise so I was like screw it I'll make an account to support that


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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this bugs me I changed my avatar like last week why does everyone that quotes me have my old one but on all my devices I see my new one even if I'm not logged into my account I see the new one I have


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Woah... how do I get a "Gold Contributor?"
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VaporJoes, Friday at 7:37 PM

momabear"s just a diamond in the


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VaporJoes, Friday at 7:37 PM
Ooooh 1500... not to far away from that! Lpl


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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VaporJoes, Friday at 7:37 PM

momabear"s just a diamond in the
Crap I got a lot of posting to do

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