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Donald Bickers

i ordered 5 walnuts
4oz each of tfa redhot, hazelnut praline, spearmint, dulce de leche and caramel and caps vanilla custard v1, FW black licorice and FW vanilla custard, and a litre of 100mg nic, my gallon of vg will be here tomorrow. im good for a while on my diy
im pretty stocked on my extracts,and I have a half gallon of vg unopened and 1 liter of 100mg nic in the freezer,I just opened the half gallon of pg today,so im good for a bit myself


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you know when I first started DIY I was buying 120 ml bottles of pg,vg,and nic,,,,now I buy my flavors in that size,,,,,Whats up with that
I am not set. I seem to be missing at least one flavor for every recipe. It's frustrating. I thought all my orders of flavoring had come in but nope. I am missing one order. It is yellow cake, I guess it is a key ingredient in cereal type vapes. I have at least two bottles of juice I made that I plan to dilute down and I think they are going to be tasty (no nicotine has been added to anything yet).

How is Rufus? Feeling any better?


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Keep seeing all the posts about diy'ing juices, what is cost for a small start up for it? Cuz I can't afford to keep buying juice at shop prices plus most aren't really offering much anymore for selection especially high/max vg ratios and 9-6mg

Donald Bickers

Keep seeing all the posts about diy'ing juices, what is cost for a small start up for it? Cuz I can't afford to keep buying juice at shop prices plus most aren't really offering much anymore for selection especially high/max vg ratios and 9-6mg
you could get a good start for between 50 and 75 bucks

Donald Bickers

I went to target and they had glass water bottles. That is what I bought for PG/VG. Do you keep yours in the refrigerator or keep it at room temp?
I have all my stuff refridgerated except what I use out of also

Donald Bickers

I am not set. I seem to be missing at least one flavor for every recipe. It's frustrating. I thought all my orders of flavoring had come in but nope. I am missing one order. It is yellow cake, I guess it is a key ingredient in cereal type vapes. I have at least two bottles of juice I made that I plan to dilute down and I think they are going to be tasty (no nicotine has been added to anything yet).

How is Rufus? Feeling any better?
Rufus is doing great,,,,,hes got the pep in his step again,,,,,Happy boy,,,,his ears must hav been bothering him longer than I thought,,,,hes jumping and playing with that little tail goin 100 mph,,,,,Daddys happy to,,,,thank you for asking heather


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I am not set. I seem to be missing at least one flavor for every recipe. It's frustrating. I thought all my orders of flavoring had come in but nope. I am missing one order. It is yellow cake, I guess it is a key ingredient in cereal type vapes. I have at least two bottles of juice I made that I plan to dilute down and I think they are going to be tasty (no nicotine has been added to anything yet).

How is Rufus? Feeling any better?
What brand yellow cake @Heather ? I wonder if that is what my local store is labeling as Birthday Cake. I ordered Capella's Cake Batter thinking it was that. It'll be here tomorrow, guess I'll figure that out pretty soon. I would like to know what brand flavoring you're talking about here though.


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What brand yellow cake @Heather ? I wonder if that is what my local store is labeling as Birthday Cake. I ordered Capella's Cake Batter thinking it was that. It'll be here tomorrow, guess I'll figure that out pretty soon. I would like to know what brand flavoring you're talking about here though.
Flavor west

Donald Bickers

Aight, how far would the $10 48mg bottle go?

then get 240 ml bottles of VG and PG,1 of each ,then pick a few flavors and get some syringes and your set,,,unless you need bottles,,,and they have them to,,,,,,,this is just my opinion for starting,its all up to you

Donald Bickers

for a starter kit without buying a kit I would order
120ml 100mg nic
240 pg
240 vg
flavors of choice
and bottles if you need them

its all up to you,,,,but this is about what I started with

Donald Bickers

i also have searched the interwebs high and low for it and cant find it anywhere else, have you tried other walnuts?
yes I have,and haven't found anything that compares
I told you that when I sent it to you,,,,,,that you would probably like it but the prob is ,,,that's the only place you can get it,,,,i bought 100 ml of it today and its shipped for only a little over 20 bucks


yes I have,and haven't found anything that compares
I told you that when I sent it to you,,,,,,that you would probably like it but the prob is ,,,that's the only place you can get it,,,,i bought 100 ml of it today and its shipped for only a little over 20 bucks
your right i do remember that....if they stop selling it we are el screwedo

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