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Donald Bickers

Thanks. I found that I already had the flavor I thought I didn't. I need to figure out a way to get my flavors more organized.
Heather I keep all my flavorings in alphabetical order in my juice cabinet,my different brands are separated to,works real well for me,just glance and know if I have it,all the flavors I use daily,i have bulk in the fridge in alphabetical order also
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Donald Bickers

I tried some cereal clones and they didn't come out that great. Smell like lemon pledge. I'll try again. A lot of my flavors came in dropper bottles, then a few didn't. I think I didn't get the measurements exact.
I recommend using syringes instead of drops,,,the only thing I use drops are when I add my vinnegars,,,but thets just my preferance


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Heather I keep all my flavorings in alphabetical order in my juice cabinet,my different brands are separated to,works real for me,just glance and know if I have it,all the flavors I use daily,i have bulk in the fridge in alphabetical order also
Wow...I am speachless. Yeah I will alphaebetize. Good idea Don. I may get a nail polish rack. First I set up at work. Then I never had time so I brought all the stuff home. I can't decide which place I want to setup in. I have a kitchen at work.


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I recommend using syringes instead of drops,,,the only thing I use drops are when I add my vinnegars,,,but thets just my preferance
That was the plan but how do you get the liquid from the dropper bottle into the syringe? Or do you empty all the dropper bottles into other containers?

Donald Bickers

That was the plan but how do you get the liquid from the dropper bottle into the syringe? Or do you empty all the dropper bottles into other containers?
just take the top off the dropper bottle,do it carefully so you don't throw flavoring everywhere when it comes off


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I went to take the picture and realized it will snap off. I did drops and think I should have done the syringe. On one recipe I did a mix of both. I know, I know. Back to the drawing board. One I did the whole thing with syringes. I figured it was more accurate. It just took me a few bottles to realize it. Its common sense to choose one and stick with it. I have to order more 1 cc syringes and bottles.

Donald Bickers

I use syringes for all my measurements,but that's just my preferred way of doing it,i don't want to tell you what or what not to do,you need to do what you are comfortable with


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i gotta start mixing by weight, i keep saying i will, and just, well, never do
I mixed 3 of my favorites I was getting low on this afternoon and didn't touch a syringe. In fact, I don't remember the last time I used a syringe. I had to clean a beaker and one pipette. LMAO

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Donald Bickers

I mixed 3 of my favorites I was getting low on this afternoon and didn't touch a syringe. In fact, I don't remember the last time I used a syringe. I had to clean a beaker and one pipette. LMAO

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does the scale need to go down to 100's of a gram or will 10's of a gram work


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does the scale need to go down to 100's of a gram or will 10's of a gram work
Don, you really need to go down to 100ths for decent accuracy. Some bottle tips you'll get 6-7 drops to equal 1/10th of a gram so there's too much leeway there to just do 10ths. My opinion anyway.

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Donald Bickers

Don, you really need to go down to 100ths for decent accuracy. Some bottle tips you'll get 6-7 drops to equal 1/10th of a gram so there's too much leeway there to just do 10ths. My opinion anyway.

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do you have a link for a good scale that has a plug in and does not go into sleep mode real quick


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Yes, I use the LB-501 available from Amazon or other places. There are some cheaper scales but not sure they have the AC adapter if you wish to use it, or how quickly they auto-shutoff. The LB-501 works great for me, and they come with two 400 gram calibration weights also.

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its getting a little too crazy in here for me so ill be hitting the rack, ill catch all you assholes in the am

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