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After having a guy in a bm shop sell me my first Atty his choice as a perfect new to building Atty an igow 6 o_O to tell you how bad it was he shorted the legs out about 4/times before saying oh well just run it in dual coil mode till you figure out quad coils -.-" I wish I knew back then what I know now

But honestly its like most businesses nowadays find an auto zone that has that guy that knows your part without first needing make, modle, vin, and color of underwear...its like 1 in a million.... Point is they don't hire for experience they hire for a warm body

Experience= cost $ = bad
Warm body = pay them less $ = goood
yup, that sounds about right

Pauly Walnuts

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After having a guy in a bm shop sell me my first Atty his choice as a perfect new to building Atty an igow 6 o_O to tell you how bad it was he shorted the legs out about 4/times before saying oh well just run it in dual coil mode till you figure out quad coils -.-" I wish I knew back then what I know now

But honestly its like most businesses nowadays find an auto zone that has that guy that knows your part without first needing make, modle, vin, and color of underwear...its like 1 in a million.... Point is they don't hire for experience they hire for a warm body

Experience= cost $ = bad
Warm body = pay them less $ = goood
Oh well, just run it in dual coil until you figure out quad coil?!?!?!?!?!
Holy fuck, my faith in human intelligence continues its downward spiral.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Taste is sooooo subjective lol. I think mustard is weird. But regular yellow and if you like it then there you go... A tsp... It is often suggested to pregnant women when antacids don't work. Try it you will be surprised some of the old cures are better than newfangled medicines lol. Wow that made me sound about 100.

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


Lol they make it on Avery island here in La what is your favorite hot sauce?

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
theres quite a few, one of my favorites is one called, and this is no joke, it actually says this on the bottle "the hottest fucking sauce" its fucking hot for sure, but definatly has some good flavor too


just took a nice big swig of half and half, seems to be semi working for the heartburn...heh heh heh, i said semi

Donald Bickers

havent seen it, but ill check the hot sauce guy at the flea market. he carries like 150 different hot sauces. we got one of them permanent indoor flea markets here
Aldis is a grocery store chain,,,,kind like a dollar general ,but in grocery items,Ben if you like Salsa you should try Their Casa mamita salsa medium,its some awesome salsa

Donald Bickers

If I like salsa... psssshhhhh! I might just have to try that... I hate that they don't take credit cards though...
Yea on the credit card thing,,,make sure you get medium,the mild is bland,med has a good bite,and great flavor,only a couple bucks for a pint jar

Donald Bickers

im come in the room,,,,and Moma disappears,,,thats how I get in trouble so much,,,,,she sneaks around in the shadows waitin on me to fuck up

Donald Bickers

Mad vapes order is at my post office,Ecidexpress and my scale left the desmoines post office last night,which usually means delivery today,,,,,,,,its gonna be like Christmas in the bickers house tonight,,,,i HOPE


Mad vapes order is at my post office,Ecidexpress and my scale left the desmoines post office last night,which usually means delivery today,,,,,,,,its gonna be like Christmas in the bickers house tonight,,,,i HOPE
i am a ecig express order will be here today as well, got some flavorings im excited to play with

Donald Bickers

never tried it, i may have to some day. i ordered flavor west spearmint by accident from heartland instead of tfa, i hope it doesnt suck cause i got four ounces
I hope it don't either,,,,,,spearmint,,,,,,little goes a long ways

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