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Anyone in here ever use any flavorings from DIY Flavor Shack? I'm wondering if the juice I'm shooting for isn't flavorings from them...possibly Strawberries and Cream (Frankenberry) and Birthday Cake (they have one). I've also wondered if it's just Capellas Strawberry and Cream (Frankenberry) and Vanilla Cupcake (Birthday Cake). I think I'm going to order the CAPs first and try that out...and if that's not it, then maybe I'll order from DIY Flavor Shack. I need to try and be there sometime when the owner is there. I've only seen him in there twice while I was there. I'm hoping he'd be more willing to give me some information, more so than the employees anyway. Probably not, but it's worth a shot.
How about this...I know both of the flavorings they use in this juice (Frankenberry & Birthday Cake...which I'm thinking are re-named flavorings possibly) are clear. Does anyone have Capella's Strawberry & Cream and/or Capella's Vanilla Cupcake, and if so, can you tell me if they are clear or are they a different color?
Frankenberry cereal, according to Wikipedia, as I've never had it myself, is a Strawberry-Marshmallow flavor. Some other places I've read say it also has a vanilla flavor in it as well. This is why I'm thinking the Vanilla Cupcake could be the Birthday Cake flavoring. They call this juice Captain Crunch w/ Crunchberries...but like I said before, I've made better clones to the cereal (TFA Berry Crunch & Dairy Milk), but I'm not out to clone the cereal, I'm out to clone this juice that they make.
Anyway, off to bed for me. I'll catch up with you all tomorrow at some point. Goodnight folks!

@Vaperjim let me know what you think of my idea in that PM I sent you. I was tired and rambling when I typed that, let me know if it isn't clear, and I'll word it a little better to be more specific about what I was thinking.
@Geauxst please don't forget to shoot me a text sometime tomorrow.
i have the blue raspberry slush from them, my wife loves it.


good morning, been spending the last three hours fixing the damn laptop just to get on here


mornin jim, don, pauly. more work in the lab for me, totally revamping my lab/rebuilding setup, more extracts, mixing, vapemail hopefully.... @Donald Bickers , figured something interesting out last night, ill show you later, and i happen to have one of the parts to send you, spruce up the 4nine a bit

Pauly Walnuts

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Good morning and see you guys later.
Im off to another exciting 12hr day
The boss is gone today, thats a plus.

Donald Bickers

mornin jim, don, pauly. more work in the lab for me, totally revamping my lab/rebuilding setup, more extracts, mixing, vapemail hopefully.... @Donald Bickers , figured something interesting out last night, ill show you later, and i happen to have one of the parts to send you, spruce up the 4nine a bit
do tell do tell,,,,,,,your package I sent is at your post office


here is the 4nine, in 18500 mode uzing the taller of the two extentions. im using the brass topcap off an old akuma that i fucked up torching. i was looking for a solution to the problem of not being able to use my sat 22 with hybrid topcaps. lo and behold, same threading, and its that little bras touch that makes it look sexy, IMO. i have another akuma topcap and no akuma or four nine for its, so ill send it your way if u want


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Holy shit man, Your not fuckin around.
It's one of those juices that I tried and I've been hooked ever since. Even if I could get something close I'd be doesn't need to be exact. I feel like a pregnant woman with a craving. Haha. My wife says all the time "why can't you just vape one of the ones you made and not waste the money?" I do vape other juices...this one is the one I vape every morning when I wake up. Some days I'll vape it all day, some days I'll change up to something else...but ultimately in the morning I'll start with this juice. Thanks for the notes on the Cake Batter though @Pauly Walnuts I think I'm going to try and mix up that custard recipe you posted yesterday. I have a 10ml bottle that's been steeping since last week, it has 9% Cake Batter and 9% Harvest Berry...maybe I'll give that a shot today. I just don't like the smell of that Harvest reminds me of cough syrup. I hope it's one of those ones that taste different than it smells...if not I have a feeling I'm not going to like it at all. It's been a week, so it should be nicely steeped.

Donald Bickers

View attachment 19447
here is the 4nine, in 18500 mode uzing the taller of the two extentions. im using the brass topcap off an old akuma that i fucked up torching. i was looking for a solution to the problem of not being able to use my sat 22 with hybrid topcaps. lo and behold, same threading, and its that little bras touch that makes it look sexy, IMO. i have another akuma topcap and no akuma or four nine for its, so ill send it your way if u want
that does look good,,,,,awesome


awesome, don, i figure since you were planning on getting an 18500, that would look nice with your kayfun nano

Donald Bickers

wish I would have had those caps before I sent that to you,,,,,guess that's first thing on the list for the next round

Donald Bickers

you should go over and check out the changes at BD,,,,its fuckin easy to navigate now,,all the bells a whistles working properly


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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it will always just be a backup,,,,,but hey,thats what I wanted it for

cool, still a little cluttered on the thread windows but much more usable, still a backup to me tho
Same here I'll stay in the threads I'm part of but I don't like all the VU antism theme they have going on I understand you don't like a place move on and make your own and make it better but as long as you put out that youre anti this and anti that.... You will forever live in the shadow of what you hate most


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Member For 4 Years
Anyone in here ever use any flavorings from DIY Flavor Shack? I'm wondering if the juice I'm shooting for isn't flavorings from them...possibly Strawberries and Cream (Frankenberry) and Birthday Cake (they have one). I've also wondered if it's just Capellas Strawberry and Cream (Frankenberry) and Vanilla Cupcake (Birthday Cake). I think I'm going to order the CAPs first and try that out...and if that's not it, then maybe I'll order from DIY Flavor Shack. I need to try and be there sometime when the owner is there. I've only seen him in there twice while I was there. I'm hoping he'd be more willing to give me some information, more so than the employees anyway. Probably not, but it's worth a shot.
How about this...I know both of the flavorings they use in this juice (Frankenberry & Birthday Cake...which I'm thinking are re-named flavorings possibly) are clear. Does anyone have Capella's Strawberry & Cream and/or Capella's Vanilla Cupcake, and if so, can you tell me if they are clear or are they a different color?
Frankenberry cereal, according to Wikipedia, as I've never had it myself, is a Strawberry-Marshmallow flavor. Some other places I've read say it also has a vanilla flavor in it as well. This is why I'm thinking the Vanilla Cupcake could be the Birthday Cake flavoring. They call this juice Captain Crunch w/ Crunchberries...but like I said before, I've made better clones to the cereal (TFA Berry Crunch & Dairy Milk), but I'm not out to clone the cereal, I'm out to clone this juice that they make.
Anyway, off to bed for me. I'll catch up with you all tomorrow at some point. Goodnight folks!

@Vaperjim let me know what you think of my idea in that PM I sent you. I was tired and rambling when I typed that, let me know if it isn't clear, and I'll word it a little better to be more specific about what I was thinking.
@Geauxst please don't forget to shoot me a text sometime tomorrow.
so tfa makes a vanilla cupcake but it is not clear if that helps... i think a birthday cake would be vanilla cake/cupcake or possibly batter with buttercream, but that probably wouldn't be clear. maybe a cake with vanillin vs vanilla which might maintain it's clear color. If i were selling juice and doing it that way it would be two stand alone e flavor mixes...frankenberry and birthday cake... that way you could sell them apart from each birthday cake would be vanills cake with or without icing and frankenberry would be strawberry cereal with marshmallow notes ?maybe...what flavors do ,you taste in this juice? might help lol


Same here I'll stay in the threads I'm part of but I don't like all the VU antism theme they have going on I understand you don't like a place move on and make your own and make it better but as long as you put out that youre anti this and anti that.... You will forever live in the shadow of what you hate most
well said good sir


so tfa makes a vanilla cupcake but it is not clear if that helps... i think a birthday cake would be vanilla cake/cupcake or possibly batter with buttercream, but that probably wouldn't be clear. maybe a cake with vanillin vs vanilla which might maintain it's clear color. If i were selling juice and doing it that way it would be two stand alone e flavor mixes...frankenberry and birthday cake... that way you could sell them apart from each birthday cake would be vanills cake with or without icing and frankenberry would be strawberry cereal with marshmallow notes ?maybe...what flavors do ,you taste in this juice? might help lol
moma, you said you would use cocoa and cinnamon extract correct?


awesome, when you try these your never gonna use artificial again, well at least for these flavors. i forgot to pick up some anise stars from the spansih place, gotta do that later


awesome, when you try these your never gonna use artificial again, well at least for these flavors. i forgot to pick up some anise stars from the spansih place, gotta do that later


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so geauxst suggested a group effort flavoring for 5.0... any interest in seriously coming up with a flavoring for us... i would appreciate feedback...anyone i interested in colaborating?
I would love to help. I am so new not sure if I would be that valuable. I finally bought the .5 heads for the sub tank and I cough my head off when I use them. I even tried juice with no nicotine in it and still coughed. You think I just have to get used to it?

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