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Tav, you had said you got the kayfun nano. What do ya think?

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Donald Bickers


Heres the new Peakomizer I bought for the Clouper ,it takes
Aspire BDC coil
Protank 2 BCC coil (same as Evod coil)
Protank 3 BDC coil
Aerotank BDC coil
almost any coil you put in it,,,,,,,$20.45 delivered to my door


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Heres the new Peakomizer I bought for the Clouper ,it takes
Aspire BDC coil
Protank 2 BCC coil (same as Evod coil)
Protank 3 BDC coil
Aerotank BDC coil
almost any coil you put in it,,,,,,,$20.45 delivered to my door
Have ya fired it up yet?

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When I started vaping. Mechs were all the rage, so I bought 1, then another, then another, and still another. Never quite figured out what was all the rage, so I gave up. Have many regulated now. The cheap istick, so far, has been as good as my Provaris and Reos.

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I'm with you on that... I could have written the exact same thing. I feel the same way about dripping as well... I just don't see the big difference in flavor between an RDA and a properly setup RTA. I'll stick with my RTA on regulated mod any day. Although, with that said, I do use a little single-coil Nimbus RDA for testing my DIY juices/flavors. I've been partial to my Orchids, but I'm interested in getting a single-coil RTA to try. I've never used a Kayfun or something like that. I've had my eye on that Kayfun 4 clone that came out not long ago, but I just haven't pulled the trigger yet. I'm happy with my Orchid, but if I could go through juice a little slower that would be awesome. I don't want to sacrifice vape quality though... flavor wise anyway, I could care less about the clouds.


Tav, you had said you got the kayfun nano. What do ya think?

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not the nano, the mini, i like it, its a little tighter draw than a regular kayfun, but the flavor is intesnse, and if you use the extra long chimney (i dont) you get some extra capacity


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Yeah, not about the clouds here either. Have bought several drippers, but haven't done much with them yet. Have 3 sitting here unopened, after several months. I like the look of the Kayfun4, but from the diagrams, it looks like there is an awful lot of little pieces involved. I may try to look at one at a local B & M. Might be more comfy with it, if I saw it first.

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Yeah, not about the clouds here either. Have bought several drippers, but haven't done much with them yet. Have 3 sitting here unopened, after several months. I like the look of the Kayfun4, but from the diagrams, it looks like there is an awful lot of little pieces involved. I may try to look at one at a local B & M. Might be more comfy with it, if I saw it first.

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what rda's?


Yeah, not about the clouds here either. Have bought several drippers, but haven't done much with them yet. Have 3 sitting here unopened, after several months. I like the look of the Kayfun4, but from the diagrams, it looks like there is an awful lot of little pieces involved. I may try to look at one at a local B & M. Might be more comfy with it, if I saw it first.

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i used to be about the clouds when i first got into rebuilding, now im all about flavor. that being said, i still use drippers, because nothing really beats the flavor of the right dripper (vertex, veritas, magama, derringer, clt) pretty much anything with a small chamber. also, i only use single coil now at higher ohms. not super low duals, no flavor just clouds there really. this also allows me to use a much lower wattage and conserve both juice and battery life


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i used to be about the clouds when i first got into rebuilding, now im all about flavor. that being said, i still use drippers, because nothing really beats the flavor of the right dripper (vertex, veritas, magama, derringer, clt) pretty much anything with a small chamber. also, i only use single coil now at higher ohms. not super low duals, no flavor just clouds there really. this also allows me to use a much lower wattage and conserve both juice and battery life
Funny, I don't own a one of those, maybe those are what I need to check out.

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I'll google that shortly. With all these other drippers you have, are they just ok, or build up to the vertex.

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i only currently have the vertex and the clt, clt is good for dual coil only and the flavor isnt up to par with the vertex, the veritas is a pain in the ass to build on. the derringer i have no experience with, and the marquis a buddy of mine has, and he lent it to me for a few days, it was great. stilll, my favorite of the bunch is the vertex by far


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i only currently have the vertex and the clt, clt is good for dual coil only and the flavor isnt up to par with the vertex, the veritas is a pain in the ass to build on. the derringer i have no experience with, and the marquis a buddy of mine has, and he lent it to me for a few days, it was great. stilll, my favorite of the bunch is the vertex by far
You have any that use the wire mesh? When the guy sold me the one I had. I was too intimidated to do anything more than just admire it in the box.

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You have any that use the wire mesh? When the guy sold me the one I had. I was too intimidated to do anything more than just admire it in the box.

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i do infact have a genesis that uses the wire mesh, have a prometheus and a kraken, the kraken is seriously modified, i made it an "auto-dripper" but i did build the prometheus with mesh when i was using it alot, its a great atty, killer flavor


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There's so many out there these days. Tired of buying the latest, greatest, the ones Phil and all are giving great reviews. Only to find the greatness is short lived.

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Yeah, a lot of these Names your mentioning, let me know how little I really know. Thought about an auto-dripper a while back, but never materialized.

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gennies are definatly a thing of the past, but the flavor cant be beat by a properly set up genesis, the vertex is quite old as is the veritas, its the older ones that have better flavor, because they were not designed with cloud chasers in mind. ive never tried an rsst but it is supposedly a great genny

Donald Bickers

Supposed to get 5 to 8 inches of snow with 35 mph winds here tomorrow night

Looks like im gonna be putting John to work.


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gennies are definatly a thing of the past, but the flavor cant be beat by a properly set up genesis, the vertex is quite old as is the veritas, its the older ones that have better flavor, because they were not designed with cloud chasers in mind. ive never tried an rsst but it is supposedly a great genny
Cloud chasers, there's this one B&M that opened here, about 2 months ago. I guess it caters to the cloud people. I went the other day, and thought they had frosted there windows. But no, they were coated with vapor stuff, or whatever you call it. It was kind of funny because you used to could see inside, from outside. Not no more.

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Pauly Walnuts

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I loved my vamo v3 until the threads stripped out.
That's what lead me to mech boxes and rdas. Now, Im not sure I could ever go back.


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I loved my vamo v3 until the threads stripped out.
That's what lead me to mech boxes and rdas. Now, Im not sure I could ever go back.

My Vamo v6 is still semi-kicking. It was my first true apv after I realized that the egos were shit and I was wasting money on em lol. Shes got some miles on her but I think once things actually fall apart (threads are starting to catch, the 510 connection is starting to strip, etc...) I want to try and resurrect it in my own box mod. Actually have my magma on there now running at the full 20w with a 1.7 ohm coil and its kicking ass :)

Donald Bickers


a pic of my first Vamo,,,,,shes got some wear spots(almost 2 yrs old)but still works like brand new

Donald Bickers

my Segelei mini was shipped out of NY last night,estimated delivery,,Monday,,,,,,i guess we wil see what USPS is made of with this storm coming

Donald Bickers


a pic of my first vv device,,a zmax,shes 2 1/2 yrs old,what I graduated from egos to,still works great
2 1/2 yrs ago she cost almost 200 bucks and that wasn't even a kit,still had to buy charger and batteries

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