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dude, i cant seem to put down the carto tank, the new devices really make these things a whole other vape, so much freaking flavor, im running 17 watts on my cloupor grenade, and its so great, putting in a mad vapes order today for some cartos

Donald Bickers

dude, i cant seem to put down the carto tank, the new devices really make these things a whole other vape, so much freaking flavor, im running 17 watts on my cloupor grenade, and its so great, putting in a mad vapes order today for some cartos
Yep,I have to agree with you there

Donald Bickers

dude, i cant seem to put down the carto tank, the new devices really make these things a whole other vape, so much freaking flavor, im running 17 watts on my cloupor grenade, and its so great, putting in a mad vapes order today for some cartos
I ran my last one for over 2 weeks,,,,i was using the clearer juices I make though

Donald Bickers

im gonna be trying to clone a juice called shimmer by bombvapor,its a tropical fruits with creamy aftertaste type of vape
Edit:ishould have said exhale instead of aftertaste
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im gonna be trying to clone a juice called shimmer by bombvapor,its a tropical fruits with creamy aftertaste type of vape
ive heard of that stuff, the one i want to clone is punk'n tumble by alice in vapeland, its a pumkin cake, i think i taste cheesecake, some sort of icing, pumkin, but no pumkin spice, and there is some other stuff i cant figure out, brown sugar maybe. i dont want to vape it in any of my other devices cause the high mg will kick my ass, so im trying to figure it out through the carto tank

Donald Bickers

aint that a bitch,,,,,,thats why I order 10 at a time,when I get down to 5 I order 10 more,they were out for a month one time


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and its impossible to get everything from one place, and shipping price always sucks on liquids, cause i get bulk its retarded shipping
I know exactly what you mean. Like that one flavoring I ordered yesterday, it was $12 for 4oz, and $12.35 for shipping. So I went back and changed the 4oz to an 8oz for $20...still $12.35 for shipping. I did that though so I won't have to order from them for about a year hopefully. I figure 12ml in a 120ml mix, that 240ml should last quite awhile.


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As much as I hate USPS, I hate more the places that only use UPS or FedEx for shipping because it costs so damn much. Makes me wonder how companies like Fasttech can offer free shipping on just about everything...even some of the stuff that costs a dollar or how do they cover shipping costs and still make money?

Donald Bickers

As much as I hate USPS, I hate more the places that only use UPS or FedEx for shipping because it costs so damn much. Makes me wonder how companies like Fasttech can offer free shipping on just about everything...even some of the stuff that costs a dollar or how do they cover shipping costs and still make money?
Volume,,,,that's gotta be it


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it seems to me that you have put alot of thought and time into this, and you wouldnt have done as such if you didnt think you were doing the right thing. dont over analyze things, and they will start falling into place
Thanks man! We've been planning this for over a year. Just haven't quite hit our financial goals. It'll all work out in the end though, we're both hard workers and we have some great friends out there who will be willing to help us out in the worst case scenario. There just aren't the right jobs here for us, the real jobs are out in Denver!

Definitely save as much as you can. I have done two big moves and the cost adds up quick. I feel for you. I thinking you are doing it the right way by planning it all out first. It sucks to sink yourself in debt but try and have any credit cards you have as freed up as possible so you can use them for things you forgot to plan for.When do you plan on moving? I know you have told us but I can't remember.

Thanks Heather, I've moved cross-country 5 times now, this will be my 6th move and it never gets any easier lol. We're headed out there first week of July :D


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swap out the screws for magnets if at all possible makes your life easier on the ipv

as far as the subtank if it is the og tank and not the nano or mini then sit back and cry that you didnt get the nano or mini or the new plus cause your gonna suffer the problems other OG owners do

Tank loves to leak at random times keep a wipe handy when using it mine went a month before it leaked then it started for 2 weeks then stoped and started again 3 days later the seals are so temperamental
sometimes leaks from airflow holes so make sure coils is in good
dont use the RBA deck and top its useless you lose capacity and and it just doesnt wick fast enough lots of dry burns also restricts airflow
good luck finding a mod it looks good on other then box mods
and finally buy a vape band and realize the bitch is 25 mm so go get some 24 mm orings instead maybe even 23mm easy enough but that tank is fragile

with all that said its a nice tank do think im bashing it but it has issues i would still recommend it to others but i would tell them to pick the newer styles cause they fixed the issues on them

I'd agree with you on most of your points there Geauxsty. The RBA deck on the OG is pretty much useless unless it's all you use/you somehow find another one to swap out. I never use the RBA deck in mine because my box mod refuses to read it for some reason and that 25mm diameter looks janky on anything else I own.

Leaking - mostly fixed with the updated o-rings that Kanger will send you for free if you email their customer support ([email protected]) as long as you have the box/SN. I use a couple vape bands on mine to keep any minor leakage at bay. Never had mine leak significantly from the base/airholes.

It's not perfect but I'll always have a soft spot for the OG subtank. Nothing before it ever did the trick for me and I've been 99% smoke free since the day I got it :D That being said I want the plus too!


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I'd agree with you on most of your points there Geauxsty. The RBA deck on the OG is pretty much useless unless it's all you use/you somehow find another one to swap out. I never use the RBA deck in mine because my box mod refuses to read it for some reason and that 25mm diameter looks janky on anything else I own.

Leaking - mostly fixed with the updated o-rings that Kanger will send you for free if you email their customer support ([email protected]) as long as you have the box/SN. I use a couple vape bands on mine to keep any minor leakage at bay. Never had mine leak significantly from the base/airholes.

It's not perfect but I'll always have a soft spot for the OG subtank. Nothing before it ever did the trick for me and I've been 99% smoke free since the day I got it :D That being said I want the plus too!
That's about where I stand with it like I said I respect it and like it I would just not recommend someone to seek out and get it... But if you have one by no means throw it away... Learn its qwerks and make it work

Sent from my LabRatory


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OK this SIlverplay is awesome but damn does it guzzle the juice. Really glad i started DIY now. But @Taver13 since your the maker of frankentanks have you checked to see if the Silverplay is Kayfun compatible? Really want to be able to see how much juice is left in it without having to turn it upside down every time. Would be great if i could change out the tank.


OK this SIlverplay is awesome but damn does it guzzle the juice. Really glad i started DIY now. But @Taver13 since your the maker of frankentanks have you checked to see if the Silverplay is Kayfun compatible? Really want to be able to see how much juice is left in it without having to turn it upside down every time. Would be great if i could change out the tank.
2015-04-21 11.20.00.jpg
silverplay base, silverplay chamber, kayfun chimney kayfun tank kayfun topcap. orhid parts work too, orchid tanks chimneys and caps


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View attachment 19763
silverplay base, silverplay chamber, kayfun chimney kayfun tank kayfun topcap. orhid parts work too, orchid tanks chimneys and caps
Thanks for the info. This thing has quickly become my favorite tank, but can't wait to mod it up.Looks like I'm gonna be ordering some parts from Fasttech.


Thanks for the info. This thing has quickly become my favorite tank, but can't wait to mod it up.Looks like I'm gonna be ordering some parts from Fasttech.
that bastard there holds ten mils. its cheaper to buy the whole kayfun m tank than the parts seperate. then you have a kayfun base to play with too


IMG_0126.JPG got this wonky ass looking thing in a trade, thought it was gonna suck, but its not bad decent flavor and it cools down even my 22 gauge builds. im surprised for sure. not a keeper but not bad

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