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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Vape band check......."Thanks MomaBear" ;)

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Vape Band Check,,,,thanks Moma

Rza &heathers band rocking both

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Member For 4 Years
Sooo my aunt and uncle were talking to me over the weekend about them getting a new camper and asked me if I'd want their old one for free when they find one they like since it has a roof leak. I said sure! Well she just texted me and they're getting a new camper Saturday so I get a FREE camper that will be super easy to fix! Wooo! Talk about PIFmas! Lol


Sooo my aunt and uncle were talking to me over the weekend about them getting a new camper and asked me if I'd want their old one for free when they find one they like since it has a roof leak. I said sure! Well she just texted me and they're getting a new camper Saturday so I get a FREE camper that will be super easy to fix! Wooo! Talk about PIFmas! Lol
You should use that and come out to the vape convention in jersey in july

Donald Bickers

Realized I made dumb mistake today...went to check shipping on my rts order and it hit me that "oh yeah ups delivers to your door they don't use a mailbox"(we don't have one yet, using a PO box ) and that in a moment of stupidity had set it to be delivered to the box instead of my house :/
well that sux,,,whats gonna happen with your order now


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Member For 4 Years
well that sux,,,whats gonna happen with your order now
It'll sit at the post office till I can go get it, which prolly won't be till Thursday unless it arrives early enough that I can have someone grab it for me. My post office is fucky, they are only open from 8-10am and 2-4 pm during the week and the gf and I have to be to one of the prego appointments in traverse city( 35 miles away) at 3:50 so idk if we'll be able to stop in to grab it if it makes it there before they close


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Just checking in to say hello to everyone. Sorry I haven't been around as much lately...been not feeling the bestest and doing the doctor, tests, and family thing.
Hey @Taver13 did you get around to mixing those juices up for me yet? If not, go ahead and make them 3mg NIC and either 20pg/80vg or 30pg/70vg. I'm dropping my nic level down to 3mg now. So far it's going well, and I'm not having any cravings or vaping a lot more so I think I'm good. I prefer the 20/80 if you can. If you've already mixed them at 6mg, no biggie...I'll still vape worries.
@Lighty269 I know you said that you had found the Delta II, did you happen to get a chance to send it out? Also, aren't you going the temp control way with your new mods that are coming? I ask because Smoktech sent me 2 of the new TCT (Temp Control Tank) and right now I don't have a temp control mod, so if you'd like to try one I'll send one to you. Only thing I ask if you do take it, is that you type up a couple sentences to a paragraph about what you think of it so I can include it in my reviews of the other stuff they sent to me. I will give you credit for your part of the review, as I told them I don't have a temp control mod, as I haven't really bought into the idea yet, and unless they were going to send me one with it, I couldn't give it an honest review myself. Well they didn't send a temp control mod. If you like it keep it, if not, put it in our PIF box when it gets to you is all I ask. Let me know...
@Vaperjim do you already have one of these new Smoktech VCT Pro tanks? If not, do you want one to try? If so, let me know, and when I'm done with my review here in a week or so, I'll send one your way for you to try. Same deal, if you like it, keep it, if not, then PIF it to our group...unless you like it enough to keep in your collection. I've only been using one for the past couple hours and so far I'm impressed. I think I like it better than my Subtank...I know you don't have one to compare that to, but that's my opinion. I like it better than the Atlantis as well.


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I use almost all FlavourArts in my mixing. I use very little TFA stuff anymore. I just had trouble getting past the chemical taste with TFA, plus the % of FA flavors used is much smaller in my mixes.

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I think that is where I'm going next with my DIY. Were they hard to adjust? I know they are significantly less % than TFA/cap

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...

Pauly Walnuts

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FA is really strong shit. Once you figure it out, its great stuff. A few FA flavors ive tried require .25-.5%, anything more they are unbearable. Others are easier to work with, but all are stronger than TFA, cap and fw.
I used lots of FA for a while, but im moving back to TFA, since its more forgivable when im experimenting.


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Member For 4 Years
I use almost all FlavourArts in my mixing. I use very little TFA stuff anymore. I just had trouble getting past the chemical taste with TFA, plus the % of FA flavors used is much smaller in my mixes.
I started using some FA stuff about a couple months ago, I've been quite impressed so far. I like how little you have to use, and the flavors I've tried so far I like most of them. I plugged them a couple times in here, but I'm not sure any took the leap yet. It's definitely worth a shot...a very little bit goes a long way. It's especially good for those who like high-VG juices since you only use about 2-5%...they're not VA based, but you are using very little flavoring, so you mix that with VG based nic, and you can get +/- 95% VG juice using FA. :D
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Member For 4 Years
FA is really strong shit. Once you figure it out, its great stuff. A few FA flavors ive tried require .25-.5%, anything more they are unbearable. Others are easier to work with, but all are stronger than TFA, cap and fw.
I used lots of FA for a while, but im moving back to TFA, since its more forgivable when im experimenting.
Have you used inagwera(sp)? What do you think of them

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
FA is really strong shit. Once you figure it out, its great stuff. A few FA flavors ive tried require .25-.5%, anything more they are unbearable. Others are easier to work with, but all are stronger than TFA, cap and fw.
I used lots of FA for a while, but im moving back to TFA, since its more forgivable when im experimenting.
Yeah I've read there's a few that are super strong and require very little bits...I haven't ran into those yet, right now I only have about 6 or 7 different FA flavors. None of which I don't care for...they're all pretty good. I can't say the same for my TFA, Cap's, FW flavors...those I've found plenty I don't care 50/50 hit or miss.


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@Taver13 also, have you made a decision as to what we'really doing with the box? Just repeating same order? I just need to know so I know who to contact and where to direct the box to going forward. Feel free to post here, PM me, text me, or call me...however you want to discuss. I'll be up late tonight for sure. Sons of Anarchy marathon! :cool:


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Yeah I've read there's a few that are super strong and require very little bits...I haven't ran into those yet, right now I only have about 6 or 7 different FA flavors. None of which I don't care for...they're all pretty good. I can't say the same for my TFA, Cap's, FW flavors...those I've found plenty I don't care 50/50 hit or miss.
Yeah I do read the same about some are super strong... Suggested to make a 10% dilution of the flavor, then use it at whatever percent as your flavor if that makes sense. On the mamajs site there is a section of HIC's notes on like every flavor it's a great read.

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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i dont find that tfa has a chemical taste unless you go overboard on it
I don't get chemical taste either...I just find a lot of flavors I think I'd like, but try them and don't care for. With FA, each flavor I've tried so far, I've liked...that's all. Top that with the strength of it, and it's like you get more and better flavor for your money. A little bottle goes a long way. I'm not saying they're the greatest or anything, but I would recommend picking up a couple on your next flavor order when you're buying from someone that carries them just to give them a shot and see what you think for yourself. Taste is subjective as we all know.


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i messaged them yesterday and have yet to get a response
You're already ahead of the game. When you figure it out, just message me with the new order, or update the post with the list of the new order, and send me the mailing/contact info for the replacements, and I'll update our contact list and send you a new updated copy. Whatever you need brother, you know I'm here for you. I think @-=Rob=- should be offered a spot if one opens...he's been in here for quite awhile following along with us, he'd be my only immediate recommendation. I have a couple other names of people who are interested but didn't make it in my other box, but I'm sure you have some ideas for replacements. If you need some other names, just let me know and I'll send them to you and you can vet them and make a decision.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I'd like to expand a bit .. Add a few new family members to the mix ... Even if you just add like 5 people ... Not like it took that long to cycle through the first time some new blood might be good for the box...IMO

Sent from my LabRatory

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