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im glad i know now, had no idea we couldnt vape in hospitals, that blows, im good for a few ER visits a year
I found out right before surgery that this surgery is preparing for another major surgery. I asked my mom if she understood that from the prep appointment and she said no. What could I do though? Hope the Dr is the expert. I thought he was doing everything in one operation (my mom too).


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thats bogus
Some people take their jobs way to seriously. Like I am hurting anyone. They have made me out to be the asshole in this situation. I am sure it happens everyday but I get the one jerk. I could have lied and said I didn't have one but I am honest to a fault.

Pauly Walnuts

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Some people take their jobs way to seriously. Like I am hurting anyone. They have made me out to be the asshole in this situation. I am sure it happens everyday but I get the one jerk. I could have lied and said I didn't have one but I am honest to a fault.
Wow, what a bunch of bullshit. Maybe next time you could say "yes, its an ecig, now go fuck yourself."
What are they gonna do, kick you out? Starve you? Hold out on your meds? They may be able to give you some citation, but immediate punishment is non existent.
Fight the power Heather, rules are meant for breaking!


quick hand check, sig 150, silverplay rta, dual 13 wrap 28 gauge 2.4mm .8 ohms @ 40 watts vaping surfs up that im trying to clone


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Has anyone ordered the sample of nicotine from nude nicotine?
I use Nude Nicotine currently @MOMABEAR it's a very good product. Very clean nicotine. Although if you search around the DIY section of VU you'll see most DIY'ers say that Vaperstek nicotine makes flavors stand out more and recommend the VT nicotine over Nude's. I plan on ordering VT nicotine when my current stock is running low.

Donald Bickers


Hand check
4Nine/Kayfun lite with the nano bellcap,1.1ohm nichrome build ,American Red


Yes. What was the question?
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Just home from Saltgrass celebrating mom's 70th.


Both filled with Yeti's Atomic Cherry 6mg. Cut down the center pin of an Aspire BVC coil (instead of swapping the Joytech centerpin in) and testing before cutting down a few more for @Tawni and another friend that's now Egrip'n.

I can say with certainty that I prefer my own RBA head builds on the egrip. But since I burnt up my build coil over a week ago, I think I'll keep a few BVC coils around for times like this. Building the RBA head requires every light in my room, a flashlight in my mouth plus my headset magnifier ... not fun, but worth the trouble.

Donald Bickers

Just home from Saltgrass celebrating mom's 70th.

View attachment 20508

Both filled with Yeti's Atomic Cherry 6mg. Cut down the center pin of an Aspire BVC coil (instead of swapping the Joytech centerpin in) and testing before cutting down a few more for @Tawni and another friend that's now Egrip'n.

I can say with certainty that I prefer my own RBA head builds on the egrip. But since I burnt up my build coil over a week ago, I think I'll keep a few BVC coils around for times like this. Building the RBA head requires every light in my room, a flashlight in my mouth plus my headset magnifier ... not fun, but worth the trouble.
imo the BVC's no more expensive than thay are is the way to go with the egrip,,,,,thanks for turnin me on to that tip dred


Yes. What was the question?
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imo the BVC's no more expensive than thay are is the way to go with the egrip,,,,,thanks for turnin me on to that tip dred

Heck, thank you for inspir'n me to carry the grinder upstairs ... the loose fit of the joytech pin in the aspire atomizer head worked, but it never gave me the warm fuzzies. I did find out I need to buy new batteries for my calipers though ... I ground it by eye which is funny 'cause the measuring was my excuse for not doing it the day you shared your success with cut'n the pin.

Donald Bickers

your welcome,,,,i made a couple of them in case I drop one on the carpet


Heck, thank you for inspir'n me to carry the grinder upstairs ... the loose fit of the joytech pin in the aspire atomizer head worked, but it never gave me the warm fuzzies. I did find out I need to buy new batteries for my calipers though ... I ground it by eye which is funny 'cause the measuring was my excuse for not doing it the day you shared your success with cut'n the pin.
i have been slacking myself with the measuring when doing things lately and paying for it in the long run. trashed a nice piece of phillipine mahogony that way last night


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I use Nude Nicotine currently @MOMABEAR it's a very good product. Very clean nicotine. Although if you search around the DIY section of VU you'll see most DIY'ers say that Vaperstek nicotine makes flavors stand out more and recommend the VT nicotine over Nude's. I plan on ordering VT nicotine when my current stock is running low.
Thanks I may check them out as well

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


Just Thomas
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Few more beers and I will be in creative mode...I am going to make a big bottle of juice for the box, it's not a specific recipe, more of an invention, I think it's tasty but whatever, taste is subjective :) I will wear the blue gloves so you don't have to wonder if I touched my weenie first :D

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