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Donald Bickers

evening vape

vapor flask,1.5 ohm carto tank,,,,,vaping on some awesome "V Rod Vapors" Juice


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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So what's really the benefit of nichrome over kanthal?
Not that huge but I guess its subjective but out of all the wire nichrome and kanthal are the closest to each other then any of the other gimmick wires

IMO,,,,it takes more of it than kanthat to make the same ohm coil,therefore you have more surface area for your juice

That's not really an upside IMO cause I could just do 1 more wrap with kanthal and have the same service area too, true different ohm but like in a derringer that doesn't have the room for a 9 wrap of kanthal that means 10 wrap nichrome might not fit , see not always a good thing... Just thought I'd mention that
Anything besides that? Like taste wise or such?
See taver claims its super clean and kanthal has a rust taste going back.... I on the other hand taste no noticeable change but some people are more sensitive or maybe he doesn't subohm like I do who knows... I think that's a try it and see question there
when you have more surface area on your coil,you are heating that much more juice,giving you more clouds and flavor
Something that could be obtained with a different build like twisted or parallel also more surface area takes longer to heat up which is where the nichrome would shine more surface same resistance so a 7wrap with heat like a 6 wrap of kanthal
I tend to think nichrome burns cleaner than kanthal,taste wise,,,,but the drawback is it doesn't last as long as kanthal
I'm not seeing the cleaner burn maybe its my build I dunno.,.,.,., but I will agree it burns out faster then kanthal specially the .2 ohm I built it was gone in a day or two not sure if I like that ...

All in all I'll keep trying it here and there and I do suggests you try some yourself.... I'm just on the fence not completely sold on it like I was on rayon

Sent from my LabRatory


Not that huge but I guess its subjective but out of all the wire nichrome and kanthal are the closest to each other then any of the other gimmick wires

That's not really an upside IMO cause I could just do 1 more wrap with kanthal and have the same service area too, true different ohm but like in a derringer that doesn't have the room for a 9 wrap of kanthal that means 10 wrap nichrome might not fit , see not always a good thing... Just thought I'd mention that

See taver claims its super clean and kanthal has a rust taste going back.... I on the other hand taste no noticeable change but some people are more sensitive or maybe he doesn't subohm like I do who knows... I think that's a try it and see question there

Something that could be obtained with a different build like twisted or parallel also more surface area takes longer to heat up which is where the nichrome would shine more surface same resistance so a 7wrap with heat like a 6 wrap of kanthal

I'm not seeing the cleaner burn maybe its my build I dunno.,.,.,., but I will agree it burns out faster then kanthal specially the .2 ohm I built it was gone in a day or two not sure if I like that ...

All in all I'll keep trying it here and there and I do suggests you try some yourself.... I'm just on the fence not completely sold on it like I was on rayon

Sent from my LabRatory
most of my coils are .2 and under, pretty much use 22 gauge exclusivly, if that helps


Just Thomas
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I been thinkin bout building lower but still learning on it, dremel'd out the juice ports a little. Main concern has been wicking and airflow. How do you have yours set up?

I am using a dark horse and I built twisted Nichrome 80, think it was 9 or 10 wraps each and I just raise it high, even with the air holes and it kicks really good, I use Japanese cotton


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Hey y'all just checking in real quick - I found a patch of 3G out here by the lake so I'm trying to get my 5.0 in lol. Been out in the woods all day, it was humid as balls but made for great cloud chucking weather!


I've had nothing but tavs ry4 in my subtank all day, driving and working and vaping like a fiend the whole time. It just makes everything better! I bet I went through 10ml of that plus at least 5-10 ml of other juices in my dripper lol.

We're out at lake Sam Rayburn now, got a pretty basic cabin for the night cuz it's the same price as the shithole motels around here but here I can sit on the porch, vape and listen to the symphony of frogs while I watch the lake. It's freaking gorgeous. Well headed back in now where there's not internets. I'll catch ha later!


Just Thomas
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Hey y'all just checking in real quick - I found a patch of 3G out here by the lake so I'm trying to get my 5.0 in lol. Been out in the woods all day, it was humid as balls but made for great cloud chucking weather!

View attachment 20830

I've had nothing but tavs ry4 in my subtank all day, driving and working and vaping like a fiend the whole time. It just makes everything better! I bet I went through 10ml of that plus at least 5-10 ml of other juices in my dripper lol.

We're out at lake Sam Rayburn now, got a pretty basic cabin for the night cuz it's the same price as the shithole motels around here but here I can sit on the porch, vape and listen to the symphony of frogs while I watch the lake. It's freaking gorgeous. Well headed back in now where there's not internets. I'll catch ha later!

That's awesome...wait till you move to Denver, "field your in, mountains are 20 min away and there's so much to explore, never gets old. Spent my childhood camping or summers in camp

Donald Bickers

So when we get to see the unveil of the mighty website Don? Tav?
ive been workin like a dog,and haven't been able to spend the time I want to on it,,,,i know tav's been busy to,,,,,,,,so I say soon,,,,,but not till we have it right,,,,it will be worth the wait,believe me


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Vaping nemesis that some bum gave me, twisted 26, swear that thing pops out the side and gets me on the hand :D:D;)

View attachment 20827

damn bums
Speaking of burns...

That bad boy right there happened one time when I over filled the lethal rda, tipped her back and FUUUUUCCKKKKK! Was already a blister before I had time to turn on the dome light in my truck to see it... needless to say mt mod ended up on the passenger side floor board lol

Pauly Walnuts

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do you put the coil up high because the airflow is too restricted otherwise? thats hwat i have to do, im speaking of useing 20 gauge nichrome
Sorry man, im way late. I put the coil high to get it directly between the airhole and the hole in the drip tip. It works the best that way.


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Member For 4 Years
Speaking of burns...

That bad boy right there happened one time when I over filled the lethal rda, tipped her back and FUUUUUCCKKKKK! Was already a blister before I had time to turn on the dome light in my truck to see it... needless to say mt mod ended up on the passenger side floor board lol
Damn dude that sucks

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