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Donald Bickers

well shit,,,,,i gotta go start plowing here pretty quick,its slowing down but we have about 5 inches out there


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@Taver13 I just threw in some rayon I got from a guy I bought a mod from... it makes my birthday cake juice taste burnt. Is this normal? Also, I assume it's rayon, that's what he said it was anyways


might not be rayon, and when you wick rayone, it needs to be tight not loose because unlike cotton, which expands when wet, rayon shrinks, so if it isnt enough in the coil, it will burn


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
might not be rayon, and when you wick rayone, it needs to be tight not loose because unlike cotton, which expands when wet, rayon shrinks, so if it isnt enough in the coil, it will burn
I pulled it til it felt like it was gunna rip lol

Donald Bickers

New Segelei

gotta play now


yep, and your flavors will be much better, actually just recoiled my vertex, 10 wrap 28 gauge on 1/8th bit, 2.7 ohms, at 12 watts, taaaaasty

Donald Bickers

I just rebuilt an evod coil @1.2 ohms wicked with rayon,on my segelei @ 10 watts, mmmmmm
the evod coil is in the peakomizer


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Man I've been getting better at building my Subtank coils but I just switched from a 1.0 ohm coil I built to a stock 1.2 ohm and its sooo much better than mine! Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I'm ok with buying a pack of coils every couple months if I have to


Not here for the Drama!
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Man I've been getting better at building my Subtank coils but I just switched from a 1.0 ohm coil I built to a stock 1.2 ohm and its sooo much better than mine! Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I'm ok with buying a pack of coils every couple months if I have to
What are you building on?

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Not here for the Drama!
VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Has cruel plate got to check out box yet?

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