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Donald Bickers

i actually hook up a ce4 clearo to a set of jumper cables, which i clamp on to the electrical service meter on the side of my house. gives a nice warm vape
we need to make a quick coupler for that

ill throw it in the box man

Pauly Walnuts

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I think I missed the boat on the below 30watt thing. I'm really liking the flavor at .5 ohm/90watts, which is slightly higher than I'd pull with my "stackedbattery" mech. My homemade custard never tasted better, but I'm plowing through it like Don's john Deere.
i have to admit though, this sigelei is making my dick look rather puny in comparison.
Is that what 'mod envy' is? When your mod is more powerful than your Johnson?


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Member For 4 Years
I think I missed the boat on the below 30watt thing. I'm really liking the flavor at .5 ohm/90watts, which is slightly higher than I'd pull with my "stackedbattery" mech. My homemade custard never tasted better, but I'm plowing through it like Don's john Deere.
i have to admit though, this sigelei is making my dick look rather puny in comparison.
Is that what 'mod envy' is? When your mod is more powerful than your Johnson?
mod envy huh...don't they have a whole event for that. Lmbo. Now that's just funny...


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Hey Ben how's your Friday stacking up?
Well, pretty good so far... went to the gym, came up with a new concoction for breakfast (scrambled eggs, shredded chicken breast, cheddar cheese, and hot sauce), now just sitting at work bored outta my mind... however I do go talk to my boss in about 2 hours about potentially being hired on full time :) Yours?


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Member For 4 Years
Well, pretty good so far... went to the gym, came up with a new concoction for breakfast (scrambled eggs, shredded chicken breast, cheddar cheese, and hot sauce), now just sitting at work bored outta my mind... however I do go talk to my boss in about 2 hours about potentially being hired on full time :) Yours?
getting kids off bla blah blah. But it's Friday!!! Good luck with promotion there...


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getting kids off bla blah blah. But it's Friday!!! Good luck with promotion there...
Sounds like a blast!

Thanks! It'd really be great if I am able to get this job seeing as I'm currently working thru a temp agency making $15 an hour, no vacation, no paid holidays, horrible benefits, etc. If I am able to pull this job off however, I'll start out at $22 an hour, 19 days vacation, 9 paid holidays off, and great benefits... HUGE difference! lol


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Morning y'all, good luck with the boss.

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Mornin'! Thanks to you as well! This meeting is just to talk about my resume and to know what they will be looking for in an application... I have to apply like a normal person and my department doesn't have the only say in this otherwise I think I'd be set, so now I have to please HR, Scientists, Engineers, etc before I even get an interview... which is why I'm gunna get ahead of the game and prepare :D


Yes. What was the question?
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Four years and one day ago ... I was already 4 stinkies in (the cost of getting up and to work) and certainly planning my next planning break. One day later ... my life changed. I sometimes miss those planning breaks ... but I never miss the odor. Stinkies did bring a lot of folks into my life, and they helped with the task of managing a union shop since the smokers would share the truth in exchange for those planning breaks.

Anyway, happy to be awake, kicking and breathing well.


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Member For 4 Years
Four years and one day ago ... I was already 4 stinkies in (the cost of getting up and to work) and certainly planning my next planning break. One day later ... my life changed. I sometimes miss those planning breaks ... but I never miss the odor. Stinkies did bring a lot of folks into my life, and they helped with the task of managing a union shop since the smokers would share the truth in exchange for those planning breaks.

Anyway, happy to be awake, kicking and breathing well.
Happy Vaperversary!!! That's awesome!!

Donald Bickers

Four years and one day ago ... I was already 4 stinkies in (the cost of getting up and to work) and certainly planning my next planning break. One day later ... my life changed. I sometimes miss those planning breaks ... but I never miss the odor. Stinkies did bring a lot of folks into my life, and they helped with the task of managing a union shop since the smokers would share the truth in exchange for those planning breaks.

Anyway, happy to be awake, kicking and breathing well.


Not here for the Drama!
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Four years and one day ago ... I was already 4 stinkies in (the cost of getting up and to work) and certainly planning my next planning break. One day later ... my life changed. I sometimes miss those planning breaks ... but I never miss the odor. Stinkies did bring a lot of folks into my life, and they helped with the task of managing a union shop since the smokers would share the truth in exchange for those planning breaks.

Anyway, happy to be awake, kicking and breathing well.
Congrats on 4 years. This question may not be of popular opinion but, have you ever considered giving up vaping? Seems everyone that was pushing me to quit smoking, is now saying "When are you gonna quit vaping?"

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Donald Bickers

Congrats on 4 years. This question may not be of popular opinion but, have you ever considered giving up vaping? Seems everyone that was pushing me to quit smoking, is now saying "When are you gonna quit vaping?"

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not to but in here,,,,,but my 2 cents,,,,,i don't plan on quitting vaping,I think its awesome,i may cut the nicotine someday,but I dought that to


Not here for the Drama!
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Pretty Uneventful so far. Looks like you got a box coming.

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Pretty Uneventful so far. Looks like you got a box coming.

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yes sir! Knowing how USPS works around here it probably won't get to me til Monday or Tuesday. They are SLOOOOOOOW around here! I've had packages say "out for delivery" for two days because they'll check it as being out for delivery when it leaves Houston so I never know when it's actually going to arrive lol


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Member For 4 Years
yes sir! Knowing how USPS works around here it probably won't get to me til Monday or Tuesday. They are SLOOOOOOOW around here! I've had packages say "out for delivery" for two days because they'll check it as being out for delivery when it leaves Houston so I never know when it's actually going to arrive lol
Mine is like that ugh... Makes me wanna go postal on them...


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i think there are 400 people on my block
That sucks man! I would hate that! The town that I live in doesn't even have it's own mailing address... all we have in it other than houses is an elementary school that serves half of the county and an old building that used to be a gas station...


That sucks man! I would hate that! The town that I live in doesn't even have it's own mailing address... all we have in it other than houses is an elementary school that serves half of the county and an old building that used to be a gas station...
jesus, i couldnt do that, im too used to the high paced living of long island


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My town is small too. They will mark ready to pick up and won't even let you give the number and look for it, they say we have so many we are going through...yeah whatever... And I live less than a mile of the post office so I'm forced to get a p o box. Talk about a mess cuz i can't get postal mail to my physical address


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My town is small too. They will mark ready to pick up and won't even let you give the number and look for it, they say we have so many we are going through...yeah whatever... And I live less than a mile of the post office so I'm forced to get a p o box. Talk about a mess cuz i can't get postal mail to my physical address
It takes me 3 min to drive to mine... all backroads lol


the town i normally live in, massapequa, has three post offices. im in farmingdale with the inlaw cause im still rebuilding my house from Sandy


been down there, not that bad. trust me, ive been in worse, living on a ship in the persian gulf...torture, heat and humidity dosent even begin to explain


Not here for the Drama!
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Just wondering. All my Vapes taste like crap today.

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Not here for the Drama!
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We have probably 25 vape shops in the area. Used to go vape shop hopping with a fiend, to try all the flavors. After trying probably 1000 flavors, have only found 3 I like. Would like to find some new ones, but afraid to blindly order online, and hope they are good.

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