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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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and this is how I'm spending my day... rebuilding a contact housing for albertsons... I hate repairs at retail stores


green is done, now for the clear to dry and tape off so i can do black, hopefully by late tonight i can lay down the tape on the clear, may not want to push my luck and wait til morning


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Study in Scarlet-berry
Shimmer-tropical fruit
When they're good, they're good. Right now, they taste like butt.

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I'm Hoping because of the box, I can try some of y'all's favorite flavors. Maybe we should do a bag of favorites, and label it as a "try this", with info on how to order. This being bagged separately from the giveaways.

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@Vaperjim if you like fruits, vista vapors has A LOT of flavors that I love! Currently vaping their watermelon flavor and it tastes more like real watermelon than watermelon flavoring!


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@Vaperjim if you like fruits, vista vapors has A LOT of flavors that I love! Currently vaping their watermelon flavor and it tastes more like real watermelon than watermelon flavoring!
Do you do a boost?

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Hey @Taver13 I'm thinking about rebuilding my magma over lunch today any suggestions? I'm in dedicated single coil mode and I'd like to do something above 1 ohm


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Gotta finish vaping through the PB&J Sammich juice I've got in there right now mmmmmmmmmm


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Guess I scared everyone away lol

Built that coil in my magma @Taver13 , I did a close spaced 28g 10 wraps on a 2.4mm drill bit and it's hitting great! Came out to 1.24 ohm


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yeah man, what wattage are you using?

I've been kind of playing around with wattage between 20-30. I've got it wicked with rayon and it's keeping up at all wattages . Up around 30 it started getting that crackly noise and flavor drops off a bit but the CLOUDZ! Definitely one of my favorite builds yet in this thing. Also noticing that I get a lot less leakage through the air hole, I think the tight parallel coil I had previously was too tight to allow juice that got on the outside of it to reach the wicks and it was channeling into the air hole.


yeah, especially when using a regulated device, i have much better and flavorful vapes from high ohm. right now im at 2.7 ohm 3mm 11 wrap of 28 gauge at 18.5 watts, and it is spectacular. with these builds i always do between 2.4-3mm

Pauly Walnuts

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which do you hook to the clearo... The red or black? Just don't cut the blue wire... Lmbo
I'm Hoping because of the box, I can try some of y'all's favorite flavors. Maybe we should do a bag of favorites, and label it as a "try this", with info on how to order. This being bagged separately from the giveaways.

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Im probably gonna toss in some of my diy creations. Right now I have a strawberry cream, vanilla custard, and hazelnut torrone (italian nougat) that are really good.


Im probably gonna toss in some of my diy creations. Right now I have a strawberry cream, vanilla custard, and hazelnut torrone (italian nougat) that are really good.
im going to do the same, got some NETs, naturally extracted coffe, blue voodoo clone, djarum clove i came up with, strawberries and cream, couple others


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Any of you diy'ers have a jolly rancher flavor... I been looking but all the ones I've tried don't quite match the jolly rancher taste most resemble smarties candy more


Any of you diy'ers have a jolly rancher flavor... I been looking but all the ones I've tried don't quite match the jolly rancher taste most resemble smarties candy more
i would love to know one as well.....anyone got a good blue raspberry recipie?


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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youve done this? brands? precentages? i need to know!
No but I've vaped blueberries flavor while eating a jolly rancher

Another good combo is POM or the xxx vitwater + dragons blood ejuice

Donald Bickers

Any of you diy'ers have a jolly rancher flavor... I been looking but all the ones I've tried don't quite match the jolly rancher taste most resemble smarties candy more
none come to mind,sorry

Donald Bickers

Any of you diy'ers have a jolly rancher flavor... I been looking but all the ones I've tried don't quite match the jolly rancher taste most resemble smarties candy more
Grape Jolly Rancher,,,,,,,,,High Desert Vapes
4 star review


I've been kind of playing around with wattage between 20-30. I've got it wicked with rayon and it's keeping up at all wattages . Up around 30 it started getting that crackly noise and flavor drops off a bit but the CLOUDZ! Definitely one of my favorite builds yet in this thing. Also noticing that I get a lot less leakage through the air hole, I think the tight parallel coil I had previously was too tight to allow juice that got on the outside of it to reach the wicks and it was channeling into the air hole.
if you want one thats reeeeal good, two strands of 30 gauge twisted 10 wraps 2.5 mm fanfuckingflavorfullytastic


Yes. What was the question?
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Congrats on 4 years. This question may not be of popular opinion but, have you ever considered giving up vaping? Seems everyone that was pushing me to quit smoking, is now saying "When are you gonna quit vaping?"

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Thanks for the congrats y'all. When I switched to vape, the plan was originally to ween myself off since I could control the nic intake. However, early on, my GF was watching Dr. Phil. She saw him speak out about this vaping thing and I latched onto a statement she reported to me. It seems that Dr. Phil proclaimed that: "nicotine is no worse than caffeine." And, I shelved any plans of trying to quit.

Vaped 36mg/ml from cigalikes, then Ego tanks and stuck with menthol cigarette flavor exclusively until just a few months ago. Back around June or July of 2014 I failed to secure my kit properly and lost it on the highway. I had a barely used Evic at home so I charged up some 18650s and entered the modern vaping age. Over the past 6 months I've stepped up to mech mods, VW mods and RTAs. Stepping up sorta motivated me to start dropping the nic level over the past few months and my last few purchases have been 12 mg/ml and I'm not missing the nic at all. I'm going to order some 6 mg/ml and continue dropping the nic level until I feel like i'm missing something. I have RTAs, but lately I've been all about the Kanger Subtank and Mini as well as the Egrip my GF got me for Xmas.

Long answer to the notion of quitting vaping ... I know. But, it sorta struck me that, recently, I'm reducing nic intake without actually trying.


Thanks for the congrats y'all. When I switched to vape, the plan was originally to ween myself off since I could control the nic intake. However, early on, my GF was watching Dr. Phil. She saw him speak out about this vaping thing and I latched onto a statement she reported to me. It seems that Dr. Phil proclaimed that: "nicotine is no worse than caffeine." And, I shelved any plans of trying to quit.

Vaped 36mg/ml from cigalikes, then Ego tanks and stuck with menthol cigarette flavor exclusively until just a few months ago. Back around June or July of 2014 I failed to secure my kit properly and lost it on the highway. I had a barely used Evic at home so I charged up some 18650s and entered the modern vaping age. Over the past 6 months I've stepped up to mech mods, VW mods and RTAs. Stepping up sorta motivated me to start dropping the nic level over the past few months and my last few purchases have been 12 mg/ml and I'm not missing the nic at all. I'm going to order some 6 mg/ml and continue dropping the nic level until I feel like i'm missing something. I have RTAs, but lately I've been all about the Kanger Subtank and Mini as well as the Egrip my GF got me for Xmas.

Long answer to the notion of quitting vaping ... I know. But, it sorta struck me that, recently, I'm reducing nic intake without actually trying.
what kinda rta's you using besides the subtanks


Yes. What was the question?
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what kinda rta's you using besides the subtanks

Tried the Smok RSBT ... I don't buy Smok anymore 'cause I broke two of them before shitcanning them. And, jumped into the Rose V2 Clones ... have two (soon to be one) plus a stumpy kit. Single coil and very flavor focused.

Donald Bickers

Tried the Smok RSBT ... I don't buy Smok anymore 'cause I broke two of them before shitcanning them. And, jumped into the Rose V2 Clones ... have two (soon to be one) plus a stumpy kit. Single coil and very flavor focused.
how do you like the Rose V2,,,,iv been thinking about one,,,,kinda change it up from the kayfuns

Donald Bickers

im thinking about turning my old Cloupor into a mech,,,,,any thoughts about that welcome


Tried the Smok RSBT ... I don't buy Smok anymore 'cause I broke two of them before shitcanning them. And, jumped into the Rose V2 Clones ... have two (soon to be one) plus a stumpy kit. Single coil and very flavor focused.
funny you say that cause i have a smok bec pro coming from a trade, traded a dark horse infinite clt v1 and a plume veil 1.2 clones except the clt, i hear its a very underrated 50 watt device, and i never had problems with smok products myself. how tight is the draw on those roses? compared to lets say...a stock orchid (not even sure what thats like anymore as i drill all mine out) back to the trade, i think i got a steal on that one

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