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Donald Bickers

Also which vv/vw box should I be looking for... I don't really wanna take out a loan for a sig but I also don't need a bottom of the barrel 2$ box either just want one I don't have to worry about for a while or change for a better cause the one I bought sucked
I really like my segelei,it was under 50 bucks


hey all, just stopping in to say whats up before going to get the kids from school, then back home, my smok bec pro should be here, than back to bens paint....


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hey all, just stopping in to say whats up before going to get the kids from school, then back home, my smok bec pro should be here, than back to bens paint....
I'm pumped!!! so what step are you at now that the dog fur is gone? lol


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What wattage is everyone running their Subtanks at? Stock coils, 0.5 or 1.2 or RBA? Just curious.

Kind of depends on the juice for me but I've been using the 1.2 ohm coils pretty exclusively the last couple weeks, running those between 20 and 22.5W seems to be the sweet spot for me.

I was just messing around and made a 2.0 ohm coil in one of the stock heads using some twisted 32g. I've been playing around with wattage and at 17.5W/6.1V it's just all flavor, very light throat hit and rayon seems to be wicking perfectly!


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I was, but in a joking manner... I really don't care if he works on it all day everyday, I understand people have lives and that I coulda just bought my own box mod instead of asking him to build it for me and I hope @Taver13 doesn't feel like I'm pressuring him either...
Wait taver is Making you a box mod... how much how where what..... I must know this NEEEDDDD INNNFFOOO


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Wait taver is Making you a box mod... how much how where what..... I must know this NEEEDDDD INNNFFOOO
Lol yeah he is... he's making me an unregulated (basically a dual battery mech mod) but I believe he mentioned that he can do regulated as well?

Donald Bickers

I was, but in a joking manner... I really don't care if he works on it all day everyday, I understand people have lives and that I coulda just bought my own box mod instead of asking him to build it for me and I hope @Taver13 doesn't feel like I'm pressuring him either...
I was talkin all my post that had nothing in them that you liked,,,,my computer is acting up and not letting me copy and paste


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Lol yeah he is... he's making me an unregulated (basically a dual battery mech mod) but I believe he mentioned that he can do regulated as well?
I'm a big fan of having custom things that others can't just buy ... I bet you're excited to have one from him as well


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I'm a big fan of having custom things that others can't just buy ... I bet you're excited to have one from him as well
Oh dude I'm pumped!!! Only thing is for you, I believe he's a bit backed up for a while... I know Don sent him something to work on as well as Cruel Phate I believe called dibs on after that lol


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Oh dude I'm pumped!!! Only thing is for you, I believe he's a bit backed up for a while... I know Don sent him something to work on as well as Cruel Phate I believe called dibs on after that lol
That's cool I'll get with him later and just wait till he's ready to do another... as they say get in line


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the orchid is definatly my favorite dual coil tank, just the right airflow, not too much not too tight, and the flavor, especialy with a kayfun drip tip is phenominal
I been dyin to try one, heard alotta good things bout the orchid


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I'd be curious to know this as well I'm using a mech mod but wanting to get a vv to control it some maybe not eat my Batts as fast
5 V 20W with the 1.2 coil


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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5 V 20W with the 1.2 coil
I never knew the subtasks had a 1.2 till the other day when I was like damn this tank is starting to suck.... then changed to the rba and wtf this is worse then went back to a new .5 ohm and was like HELLO THERE WE GO lol

Anyone got good numbers for .5

Thx Heather for that though


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I never knew the subtasks had a 1.2 till the other day when I was like damn this tank is starting to suck.... then changed to the rba and wtf this is worse then went back to a new .5 ohm and was like HELLO THERE WE GO lol

Anyone got good numbers for .5

Thx Heather for that though

I've found the 0.5 is great between 27.5 and 30W you can go higher but it just seems to get hotter and not necessarily tastier at higher watts. Haven't used an 0.5 in a while but I might go back to them once I get a box that can hold a couple batteries.


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I don't have anything that will fire the .5s. Thats why I am looking into buying a box mod.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I've found the 0.5 is great between 27.5 and 30W you can go higher but it just seems to get hotter and not necessarily tastier at higher watts. Haven't used an 0.5 in a while but I might go back to them once I get a box that can hold a couple batteries.
Yeah sounds good I like colder vapes this guy at my local built him a .02 coil build and ended up melting his dark horse to his Manhattan ...snickers... but yeah I don't like lower then .5 anyway


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I don't have anything that will fire the .5s. Thats why I am looking into buying a box mod.
That v3flip fires the subtasks .5 coils just fine so maybe you will have one soon

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