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Donald Bickers

Oh shit! Someone on my floor said I was smoking in the hall and complained, I had to explain it was not smoke but vapor.
I went to the scrap yard today looking for parts,,,i was in the office vaping and the girl said "no smoking in here" I explained I was vaping and she said "oh Im sorry sir I thought it was a cigarette" I thought that was cool,,,,as I stood there vaping my mod


Just Thomas
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just won a cloupor mini on the cigabuy contest

Way to's worth entering the one's here on VU...I won the cigabuy contest I think in December...but yeah, hit the vendor threads to, I win stuff all the time...on Saturday I won a Vapecase sub-ohm on modenvy :)


im hoping that if i just charge by removing the battery, all will be well....


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So, just want to say again, thank you so much to everyone there is some great stuff going around in this box! Hard to keep from being greedy here lol, like I said, I was looking for some different topper options and there are some great ones in here! We snagged the Vulcan from @Cruel-Phate (gonna let the Aqua move on :D), one of the orchids, the tugboat, StingrayX drip tip the roll of 30g Kanthal (if people ahead of me need some I'll just take off enough to do a few builds and order some more :)) and a few juices, the 6mg cinnamon roll, and a couple of the Explosive Vapors flavors.

The EVOD kit is in the pic as pulled, that is going back in, I had thought about giving it to a friend at work who's trying to get off the coffin nails but I'm going to give him a slightly better setup instead (EMOW) that we were planning to put in the box if there's no objections?
And I will have an updated picture of everything going in the box as soon as I can! We'll be sending it back on the road Friday morning, sorry about the slight delay in getting it back out again just gotta wait for money to hit the bank it's been a slow week for my wife at the bar!

@anendeloflorien i suggest you try one of the orchids in the boxage, if you need build tips i will help, cause there are some tricks you need to know when setting one up

I would love some build tips! I'm setting it up for the wifey to run on her istick 30W so I'd like to build something in the 1.2-1.5 ohm range, she likes a cooler vape. How does one go about filling it? Is it filled through the screw in the bottom? Sorry, this is my first time messing around with a real (i.e. not subtank) RTA


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So, just want to say again, thank you so much to everyone there is some great stuff going around in this box! Hard to keep from being greedy here lol, like I said, I was looking for some different topper options and there are some great ones in here! We snagged the Vulcan from @Cruel-Phate (gonna let the Aqua move on :D), one of the orchids, the tugboat, StingrayX drip tip the roll of 30g Kanthal (if people ahead of me need some I'll just take off enough to do a few builds and order some more :)) and a few juices, the 6mg cinnamon roll, and a couple of the Explosive Vapors flavors.

The EVOD kit is in the pic as pulled, that is going back in, I had thought about giving it to a friend at work who's trying to get off the coffin nails but I'm going to give him a slightly better setup instead (EMOW) that we were planning to put in the box if there's no objections?
View attachment 14258
And I will have an updated picture of everything going in the box as soon as I can! We'll be sending it back on the road Friday morning, sorry about the slight delay in getting it back out again just gotta wait for money to hit the bank it's been a slow week for my wife at the bar!

I would love some build tips! I'm setting it up for the wifey to run on her istick 30W so I'd like to build something in the 1.2-1.5 ohm range, she likes a cooler vape. How does one go about filling it? Is it filled through the screw in the bottom? Sorry, this is my first time messing around with a real (i.e. not subtank) RTA
yes fill it through the bottom, make sure you leave a few mm space dont fill all the way or it will leak, when you wick it, make sure the wicks just touch the juice channels, and dont go in them, or you will get dry hits, if not touching the channels, you will flood, also, you want to keep the coils higer up so you dont melt the insulators, looking at it from the side view it should look like "mickey mouse" ears with the coils being slightly higer than the screws


I like your thinking...nice :)
i have been wanting a squonker for a while, so i figured, might as well give building a regulated one a shot, you dont see them very often, and it would be the ultimate road vape, im even considering making it a parralel 18350 stealth squonker


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Soooo much vape mail Soooo little time



A Banished Ghost of the Past
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let me know how you like that erlkonigen clone there, ive got the mini on the slow boat
Not sure which one that is... maybe what they called a ek tank??? Thee redish pink tank on the left??


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@Cruel-Phate I did a quick 30g dual coil build in the Vulcan and I'm absolutely loving it! This thing is chucking some huge clouds!


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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yup thats it loks like an angelcigs sale huh?
Bingo yeah they called it a ek atomizer tank... so far... not to impressed the top orings on fill holes move out of place when you turn it close and open and I see no way of opening the tank at all


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Bingo yeah they called it a ek atomizer tank... so far... not to impressed the top orings on fill holes move out of place when you turn it close and open and I see no way of opening the tank at all
Nice airflow for what it is but has a plastic taste just testing air hits


its a top fill, and the top screws into the chimnet, open from bottom i think


Just Thomas
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Yeah, that one was new....I still have a few new rda's I have not even setup yet so I had one to spare. Glad it's working good, that makes me happy it gets to come out and play :D


thats not what i meant by unscrew the bottom... i meant the bottom of tank from base, thats my fault for bad wording


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Man this thing was really tight on there went to put it back together and found out it won't seal unless you get gut wrenching tight on it

Donald Bickers

Bingo yeah they called it a ek atomizer tank... so far... not to impressed the top orings on fill holes move out of place when you turn it close and open and I see no way of opening the tank at all
I watched a review on it and you have to open it like a dct after the cartomizer is out,,,which means after you have your drip tip unscrewed just twist on the top while pulling to get the top off


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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thats not what i meant by unscrew the bottom... i meant the bottom of tank from base, thats my fault for bad wording
Yeah the chimney and base are all one piece on this guy

Donald Bickers

If I might suggest something, make sure your Homeowners insurance is paid up before it arrives!

Sorry, couldn't resist. :) Congrats on the win. Hope it's one of the good ones.

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that's just to fuckin funny,,,,,,i realy hope they got the kinks out of them


If I might suggest something, make sure your Homeowners insurance is paid up before it arrives!

Sorry, couldn't resist. :) Congrats on the win. Hope it's one of the good ones.

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i just choked on vapor when i read that


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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damn, i leave for 10 minutes and all hell breaks loose, lol @Geauxst we got it figured out yet?
Yeah I just wanna piss off Peta and kill a few gorilla armed muthas that over tightened this tank I break bolts loose for a living there's no sense in that being tightened like it was


Morning all how's everyone's day so far? Finding if we're having a boy or girl in a little over an hour :)
im actually excited for you for this. the wife wants to have a daughter soon, we got two boys already, and her family seems doomed to only have boys all her brothers kids are boys too, so were going to give a shot at a girl, pretty sure its not going to work out like that lol, but congrats man, let us kn ow!


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Mornin' guys! You all get very talkative right as I go to bed lol... It kinda sucks! and @anendeloflorien have you tried that Cinnamon Roll yet?
Yeah man I put some in the Vulcan last night - it's super tasty. Never tried Vista Vapors before, gonna have to check them out for sure!

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