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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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no i send them from my phone with tap talk
but im sitting at my computer and responding between phone and pc... why

Donald Bickers

I just wondered,cause if you were sending them to your computer and they were sideways,,you could rotate them to fix,
I use imgur and it takes care of all that for you


havent done it yet, i just got finished deciphering where to solder the wires to the board on the back of the display, when i tried to melt the shit off that holds the display in the reader, the wires came out and i was left to trial and error to figure it out

Donald Bickers

havent done it yet, i just got finished deciphering where to solder the wires to the board on the back of the display, when i tried to melt the shit off that holds the display in the reader, the wires came out and i was left to trial and error to figure it out
shit brother,,,,i forgot to ask,,,,what do you think of the Nautilus


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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You just gotta love when your negative post arch over the very small gap to the positive post and welds it's self to each other and you get a mouth full of welding smoke



You just gotta love when your negative post arch over the very small gap to the positive post and welds it's self to each other and you get a mouth full of welding smoke

ugh, that blows dude, how did that taste?


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Why would they use such big headed screws on something like that .... idiots


On a side note I finally have a use for all those bags of extra screws that are tiny that has come with other attys
yeah man, i got a little setup of a bunch of tiny drawers that i have labeled with the parts from all the different crap i have, each rda and or tank gets its own parts drawer


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Morning all! Just headed in to work - trying to get enough coffee in me to feel feelings lol


got some diy vape mail coming today, soe awesome blue raspberry slush concentrate, my cinnamon red hots concentrate, and a flavor west french vanilla custard concentrate. time for me to start screwing around with the eggy eggy goodness

Donald Bickers

yeah I should be getting a Kayfun 3.1 I got in trade and a 120ml bottle of American Red concentrate in Vapemail today


also waiting on a trade that should be here soon of a brand new infinate clt v2 and a veritas


Just Thomas
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Happy Friday to all! Well Friday for me at least :p I took off tomorrow to take the lady down to the lake house for the weekend... Should be a good time if ya know what I mean ;) Be jealous, I understand :cool:

My Friday too.....Not as lucky with special plans, "wife is so tired she just goes to bed....on good note, I get to relax tonight with nobody bugging me :)


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So I've got this weird craving for a rice krispies treat flavored juice..... Anyone know if that exists?


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@Taver13 I am on a mission today. I WILL get this orchid to work lol. Been kind of tinkering with it the last couple days and I still can't seem to get it right, last night I filled it partially and got like 4 great, tasty hits off of it before it started pissing juice into my mouth lol


@Taver13 I am on a mission today. I WILL get this orchid to work lol. Been kind of tinkering with it the last couple days and I still can't seem to get it right, last night I filled it partially and got like 4 great, tasty hits off of it before it started pissing juice into my mouth lol
later on when i get my redhots mix, im going to build my orchid and show you pics so you understand what im talking about, wicking is very critical with this rta

Donald Bickers

@Taver13 I am on a mission today. I WILL get this orchid to work lol. Been kind of tinkering with it the last couple days and I still can't seem to get it right, last night I filled it partially and got like 4 great, tasty hits off of it before it started pissing juice into my mouth lol
I dot have an orchid ,but from the reviews I have seen it is a lot like a kayfun,,,,that being said,check out the navy nest style build,every since I started using that in my kayfuns,,,,I haven't had a problem with juice in my mouth,dry hits or flooding,,,,,google kayfun navy nest build and have a look,works great for me


I dot have an orchid ,but from the reviews I have seen it is a lot like a kayfun,,,,that being said,check out the navy nest style build,every since I started using that in my kayfuns,,,,I haven't had a problem with juice in my mouth,dry hits or flooding,,,,,google kayfun navy nest build and have a look,works great for me
navy nest wont work with the orchid, also, the orchid is a one piece chimney so you wouldnt be able to wick it, ive tried it with the v6 two piece orchid chimney and it just dosent work

Donald Bickers

navy nest wont work with the orchid, also, the orchid is a one piece chimney so you wouldnt be able to wick it, ive tried it with the v6 two piece orchid chimney and it just dosent work
as I said ,I don't have one,,,,ive been wanting one,,,,,just wanted to suggest it


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later on when i get my redhots mix, im going to build my orchid and show you pics so you understand what im talking about, wicking is very critical with this rta

I'm definitely getting that lol. I thought I had it down yesterday, went and watched a couple videos on wicking it, got it all trimmed up but no bueno


Photo_00001.jpg Photo_00002.jpg Photo_00005.jpg Photo_00007.jpg Photo_00008.jpg
@anendeloflorien im not sure if you can see the wicking very well, this webcam sucks and my phone is missing, i have no idea where i left it or if one of the kids did something with it so this is going to have to do, i dont know if you can tell, but the wick is barely touching the build deck right above the juice channelsw


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OH wow, yeah that's built way higher than I've got mine! Gonna build some new coils here soon and see if I can get that working!

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