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Yeah, I guess I just don't get the need for all the power that everyone talks about....I use e-grips for work because there stealthy and that's only 20w device
Every juice I got, gets a baldish taste, once I hit 20w

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It wasn't a boat-boat. It was a model if an old ship. It came with a stand, and I had it sitting on a cabinet in the gameroom. I was home alone, one day, and heard this crash in the house. Went to the game room, and the boat was, now on the other side of the room. With a dent in the wall and the boat was broken into several pieces. It was one of the eeriest things I've ever experienced. But wierd things had happened ever since it came into the house.

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that is some seriously bad juju


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Why would anyone ever do such a blasphemous thing... maybe go to 0 nic but quit.....vaping..... wtf.... leave now!
Ok. Bye bye, I'll go walking off with my tail between my legs. But seriously, this is a very expensive habit. Or it is for me.

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Ok. Bye bye, I'll go walking off with my tail between my legs. But seriously, this is a very expensive habit. Or it is for me.

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Actually I been sticking to what I need only and a lot of the wants I been getting as gifts or paid for in full by selling off other items for more .... so far I've saved money vs cigs it just seems like more sometimes till you actually compare the 2... even if you quit both habits you'll find something else that eats the money away lol

Donald Bickers

You ever thought about stopping vaping? Just curious.

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I really have no urge to quit vaping,it has become quite the hobby in the last 2 1/2 yrs,,,I may go to 0 nic,but doubt that to,,,,,,if I quit ,some body is getting a nice setup,i probably have 2 to 3 grand worth of investment here


Actually I been sticking to what I need only and a lot of the wants I been getting as gifts or paid for in full by selling off other items for more .... so far I've saved money vs cigs it just seems like more sometimes till you actually compare the 2... even if you quit both habits you'll find something else that eats the money away lol
i mostly trade off things as well


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so i put on a coat of clear metalizer, then brought it up out of the basement cause its to cold down there and it was taking forever for the paints to dry, so i put it up on the dresser by the snake tanks cause they are warm, well, my dog snuck up there to chase one of the cats, the cat jumped up on the snake tank, and the dog went after it, hitting the box and getting it stuck to his leg! needless to say it was al scratched up, and stuck to his leg to boot, when i pulled it off there was a giant clump of wolf fur stuck in it
Funny! The fur would have made it totally unique. Shoulda left it.
Now I'm reading from where I left off, forward. Will prob make more sense.

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most of my ebay purchases have went really well,have a problem ,send a pic,and they gladly send me a new one,and I usually get to keep the defective product,,,,,,my cloupor was my only bad experience on ebay
Edit:my only bad experience with getting a refund
Did ya ever get resolution?

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I see there's some long drip tip love going on here huh... show my fave off

When I first saw this top, I thought it was the oddest one I'd seen. I did buy one similar, tall anyway. Has really helped with this tongue-burning thing I have. Thanks for the idea.

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i was considering gdtting rid of my ipv mini, cause i got the smok bec pro today, but i just dont like the form factor of the vw tube mods, had to try though. so until i can sell the bec pro, and the mini so i can get a mini two, hands are tied
So outside of form factor, what did ya think?

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If I might suggest something, make sure your Homeowners insurance is paid up before it arrives!

Sorry, couldn't resist. :) Congrats on the win. Hope it's one of the good ones.

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Good point. Advice to consider.

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Do you make a cinnamon flavored one? Wouldn't mind trying.

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i made a cinnamon extract, but its not like a red hot cinnamon, its more of a bakery type flavor, pretty mellow. i ended up getting some TFA cinnamon red hot flavoring, its my all day vape now, i usually mix with juicy peach or sweet rasperry


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Hey guys!

I'm getting ready to head in to work tonight from 9-3 Friday nights are always interesting driving a cab in aggieland
Are you a student at A & M, I've took a lot of classes at their extension, here in Dallas. Great school.

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Are you a student at A & M, I've took a lot of classes at their extension, here in Dallas. Great school.

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I'm a research assistant for the forest sciences department f/t during the week and I work p/t driving a cab on the weekends here in town :)

It's a great school, I graduated from University of New Hampshire and got the job down here through the phd I was working for up there :)


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My phone said its to large to load. Max file amt is 1 mb. That is same as its too awesome to load lmbo. I'm gonna try something else.

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