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Had to go to dentist this morning and didn't get much of a chance to check out the box much but did get a quick peek in :) gonna look more when I get home


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Oh, I just remembered... Would anyone besides @Vaperjim happen to have an extra battery charger even if it's just a single one? My brother gave his gf one of his old fuhattan's for Christmas then broke up with her, now she has no charger, no nothing... I would just give the double I'm using now to her when I get the quad from Jim, but the double is my brother's that I've just been piggybacking off of and I don't think he'd really enjoy me giving it to her lol

Weird situation I know, but my brother is a dumbass and broke up with her and she's the best girl he's ever had, let alone will have and myself, my gf, and my parents all still love her... she came over last night just to swap out batteries with a charged one and for me to recoil and rewick her RDA... If not it's cool, I know they're cheap, just figured if someone had one to give away that would be ideal :) Thanks!


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I'm on a mission to be banned from ECF by the end of the day lol

Donald Bickers


this aint a banner but put it in your sig over at ECF and see how long it last,,,,,,,,if it even gets allowd


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Haha I got it now :D I had to upload the pic from my computer. It won't let me set the link to vapingunderground lol


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We'll find out haha I've been posting on a few different threads, not trolling or anything just contributing. Just a matter of time til one of the mods gets their panties in a bunch.

Donald Bickers

it wont even let me log in,,,,,,says invalid user name,,,,,and I know its right cause I wright all that shit down


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Woo hoo! I think I finally nailed a subtank coil :D It's loud compared to the prebuilts but it's so much tastier!


ye ole' cheque from Uncle Sam went through today, so i treated myself to an ipv mini2 and a UD goblin v2, a smoked out tank for it and a matching drip tip. looks like my wife will be getting the smok m65 that i pulled the trigger on yesterday

I wish I would get one of those.


does anyone have a recomendation for a good blue raspberry, either store bought or a good recipie, side note, its for my wife and she like strong flavor

Donald Bickers

does anyone have a recomendation for a good blue raspberry, either store bought or a good recipie, side note, its for my wife and she like strong flavor
wizard labs has blue raspberry cotton candy flavor concentrate and blue raspberry flavor concentrate,,,,,and ecig express has blue raspberry flavor concentrate


Just Thomas
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ye ole' cheque from Uncle Sam went through today, so i treated myself to an ipv mini2 and a UD goblin v2, a smoked out tank for it and a matching drip tip. looks like my wife will be getting the smok m65 that i pulled the trigger on yesterday

Good for you....glad uncle sam likes someone this year :( Is the Goblin double coil or is that different for v2?


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I just throw out my bottles. I can start saving them also if there is any interest.


so, time for me to vent. i finally had the cash to go buy a new circulator pump for my burner, after having to rig up the old one last month when the coupler broke. so it takes me forever to cut the bolts off of the old one cause they are completly rusted. somehow managed to break a diamond cutoff wheel. anyway i get the new pump in, and as im tightening the last bolt, POP! the housing breaks cause apparntly im a gorilla. so, back to the plumbing supply shop for yet another pump and motor. money down the tubes. and im more pissed at having to redo it all than spending the money, especially cause i know better that to tighten things like that


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so, time for me to vent. i finally had the cash to go buy a new circulator pump for my burner, after having to rig up the old one last month when the coupler broke. so it takes me forever to cut the bolts off of the old one cause they are completly rusted. somehow managed to break a diamond cutoff wheel. anyway i get the new pump in, and as im tightening the last bolt, POP! the housing breaks cause apparntly im a gorilla. so, back to the plumbing supply shop for yet another pump and motor. money down the tubes. and im more pissed at having to redo it all than spending the money, especially cause i know better that to tighten things like that
That sucks man. Sorry


its actually from 2012 before i had my business. i went through a whole fraud investigation cause some asshat stole my identity and filed them back then

WOW! I was also scammed by an amount I will not mention. I will say this they had lots of fun, now they are in jail. But, damn it was a mess for years to clean up. I never receive anything back for taxes and I always do 0 for dependants, if I did anything else I have to pay more.


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I'm thinking of buying the segelie mini 30 watt. Its on sale at 101vapes for $37. I could use the .5 coils with it I believe. I have a sub tank and a nautilus I have never used. What do you guys think of it? I think I remember reading good things about it. There are so many devices talked about though it is hard to keep them straight.


Just Thomas
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I'm thinking of buying the segelie mini 30 watt. Its on sale at 101vapes for $37. I could use the .5 coils with it I believe. I have a sub tank and a nautilus I have never used. What do you guys think of it? I think I remember reading good things about it. There are so many devices talked about though it is hard to keep them straight.

That's a really good deal and it comes with the protective case...I might even consider picking one up if there still in stock this weekend :)


I'm thinking of buying the segelie mini 30 watt. Its on sale at 101vapes for $37. I could use the .5 coils with it I believe. I have a sub tank and a nautilus I have never used. What do you guys think of it? I think I remember reading good things about it. There are so many devices talked about though it is hard to keep them straight.

Personally, I am after flavor. This Sigelei is PWM, I have one and I am about to trade it off because I do not like the flavor it produces compared to other devices. But, you never know, you may like it!

Edit: It would of been nice of them to allow switched modes, but for the price, it is a good deal.
Sigelei's other devices such as the 50, 100, 100+ and the 150 are DC.
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Damn hotel I am in and the area sucks for my hotspots....

Last post tonight.


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I am wavering because I have spent my budget this month for cape gear. Then again it isn't a ton of money. Wait what does PWM mean?

Donald Bickers

Personally, I am after flavor. This Sigelei is PWM, I have one and I am about to trade it off because I do not like the flavor it produces compared to other devices. But, you never know, you may like it!

Edit: It would of been nice of them to allow switched modes, but for the price, it is a good deal.
Sigelei's other devices such as the 50, 100, 100+ and the 150 are DC.
I have one,,,,,,and mine is "DC-DC" and "PWM" mode
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