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Just Thomas
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Denver is expecting a foot of snow this weekend starting tonight till Monday, "I am in the foothills in a great, going to get snowed in.


Not here for the Drama!
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The charger is brand new and unused. Never took out if it's box, was planning to leave in there. Guess I could take out. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1424466866.068058.jpg

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Denver is expecting a foot of snow this weekend starting tonight till Monday, "I am in the foothills in a great, going to get snowed in.

Nice! I don't really have a problem with snow, I just have a problem with snow + being in Oklahoma lol. Snow in Denver means my wife gets to go skiing while I sit in the lodge with a good book, hot cocoa and my vape lol


Looks like I'll get to see some snow this year after all. Going up to good ol Broken Bow, Oklahomey all week next week and there's snow in the forecast for Monday.....

On the list of places I like going to Oklahoma is just under Nebraska and Alabama.
hey, have you checked the tracking lately?


Just Thomas
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I am like Ben, love driving in it, but now I have to hit the store and beer run on a Friday, people in the stores act like it's a zombie apocalypse coming. Oh well, what can you do, just re wicked my squape with some unicorn poo, really good stuff :) I am almost set for pure laziness tonight


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hey, have you checked the tracking lately?

Says it's going to be delivered today but the last location was in NY so unless they've got some speedy delivery guys I'm guessing it will actually arrive tomorrow or Monday :)


Not here for the Drama!
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online, it looks like i can stick it in an envelope for 5.25. but wasnt offered that when there


Yes. What was the question?
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online, it looks like i can stick it in an envelope for 5.25. but wasnt offered that when there

The Mail Room adds a handling fee which you can avoid by dealing direct.

Donald Bickers

Thank you dred

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you don't have to send those bottles at that price,,,,thats just crazy,,,,you can buy them that cheap with free shipping,,,,,,one of the perks of being commercialized I guess


so i have been using my smok xpro m65 for an hour. already there are issues. below 85% battery, anything over 30 watts goes into power reduction mode, and drops it down to 30. this has basically made the mod unuseful to me, im pretty damn pissed about this. stupid fucking cloupor in my house

Donald Bickers

so i have been using my smok xpro m65 for an hour. already there are issues. below 85% battery, anything over 30 watts goes into power reduction mode, and drops it down to 30. this has basically made the mod unuseful to me, im pretty damn pissed about this. stupid fucking cloupor in my house
I cant help but laugh,,,,not about your mod issues,,,,but about that Cloupor,,,,that fucker will be the mod from hell for months


Just Thomas
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so i have been using my smok xpro m65 for an hour. already there are issues. below 85% battery, anything over 30 watts goes into power reduction mode, and drops it down to 30. this has basically made the mod unuseful to me, im pretty damn pissed about this. stupid fucking cloupor in my house

I see a web site for haunted furniture, maybe somebody needs to buy, we can add Don's cloupor :D


yep, just emailed the seller i got it from with the issue, i hope i can get refunded and spend it on something that dosent completly blow goats


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Hey guys how's everyone's night? Sadly I wasn't able to get the box out today, was at hospital till around noon (wasn't a good expirience to say the least) and ended up passing out when I got home :( I'll have it out first thing in the morning though. Also I saw you guys were talking about a "on the rocks " flavored juice, I have about 15mls of some that I can throw in the box if you guys would like to try it.

@Taver13 I will keep you in mind about the 4nine haven't decided what I wanna do with it yet


update on the smok m65. the ohms are jumping around on every fire, which is screwing with voltage and giving me random nast burnt hits on my subtank nano. unfuckingbelieveable

Hey guys how's everyone's night? Sadly I wasn't able to get the box out today, was at hospital till around noon (wasn't a good expirience to say the least) and ended up passing out when I got home :( I'll have it out first thing in the morning though. Also I saw you guys were talking about a "on the rocks " flavored juice, I have about 15mls of some that I can throw in the box if you guys would like to try it.

@Taver13 I will keep you in mind about the 4nine haven't decided what I wanna do with it yet
cool man sounds good

Donald Bickers

update on the smok m65. the ohms are jumping around on every fire, which is screwing with voltage and giving me random nast burnt hits on my subtank nano. unfuckingbelieveable

cool man sounds good
that just sux


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update on the smok m65. the ohms are jumping around on every fire, which is screwing with voltage and giving me random nast burnt hits on my subtank nano. unfuckingbelieveable

cool man sounds good

Sounds like it's time to toss that cloupor back into the fires of mount doom lol


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Must be a bad chip @Taver13 my bt50 is still going strong!

Side note we got our zamplebox for the month today and got some super tasty juices! Don't have em all in front of me right now but I snagged some "Indulge" by Classified e-liquids, custard pudding cake, it is delicious!


So your wife gets the ipv since your baught her a lemon :D jk
she can stick with her istick, she said this thing is too heavy looks like i have a 54 dollar paperweight. the place i got it from is sending me a brand new vtc4 cause he thinks my batteries are the problem o_O im using a brand new samsung 25r and i tried one of my old ones, so its not the battery

Donald Bickers

It's not funny but we can just come here and know what we should not buy, no mini cloupor...check, no smok xpro m65....check...I am sure there was more :D
mine wont be a cloupor when I get it back,,,,,,,i should grind off Cloupor and replace it with an emblem that reads"Taver's Mods"

Donald Bickers

i will polish it off if you :D like shine it up too, that coating is weak and comes off fairly easily
isn't that engraved in it real deep,,,,,,engraved is not the word I mean,but I think you know what I mean


not really, but im talking about the entire thing, that finish wears off quickly, would be better to maybe shine it up a bit?

Donald Bickers

not really, but im talking about the entire thing, that finish wears off quickly, would be better to maybe shine it up a bit?
that's really up to you,,,,,,,its yours while you have it,,,,,,,,hows the old girl doin


ole teabiscuit is doing good, went out and got some silicone epoxy to fill in the wiring area with gonna glue in the voltmeter display and finisher up tonight, polish it while i watch lockup on msnbc

Donald Bickers

ole teabiscuit is doing good, went out and got some silicone epoxy to fill in the wiring area with gonna glue in the voltmeter display and finisher up tonight, polish it while i watch lockup on msnbc
lockup is 2 hrs tonight,,,,,,,didn't know that,,,,cool


i just cant find a single redeming quality about this smok except the nice gold finish and the hand fitment. the 510 is wonky, everything sits crooked on it, performs like horse shit. donsent matter how nice it looks or feels if i would be better off vaping with a AA battery

Donald Bickers

i just cant find a single redeming quality about this smok except the nice gold finish and the hand fitment. the 510 is wonky, everything sits crooked on it, performs like horse shit. donsent matter how nice it looks or feels if i would be better off vaping with a AA battery
sorry to hear that bro

Donald Bickers

I did my time in medium security,but can still relate with a lot of this shit though

Donald Bickers

this is county I know but its a lot like oakdale which is our classification facility
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