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A plume veil with a chuff cap was my adv for at least three months. My only complaints, the side post airholes were right on the deck, and it got hot quick. I now use a cltv2, which is far superior in all categories.
I liked it a lot, but found something way better.
yeah, the only rda i have in rotation is the clt v2, its an awesome atty, im not gonna try to off it anymore, i love this thing


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Thanks for the long thought out explanation. I see that point and my point as both valid arguments and as it seems most people would rather leave the box 1 than split, that's what I will do unless someone really has a problem with it. From what I've seen the people who would rather split the box don't really give two shits one way or the other so I honestly don't think that will be a problem, but I guess we'll see... I have roughly a week and a half before I have to worry about it :p

Works for me! I really don't give two shits either way :) the box is gonna be massive by the time it gets back around to me lol


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Well it seems as the general consensus is to keep it one box, but upgrade to the Large Priority Shipping box correct? If there are no objections to that by the time I get the box and ship it out, that's what will be done. As I've said before, it doesn't really matter to me one way or the other, was just trying to get everyone's input :) I can't wait to see all the goodies that are in the box and I'm hoping it will all fit in the large box as well... because @Faust is receiving some juice from one vendor to put in the box and I'm receiving juice from 2 different vendors to put in the box.

So in all reality, @Faust might have to bump up the size to a large already just to get all the extra juice he's getting to me lol

Yeah it sounds like the box is pretty packed already. There are 5 bottles from Mushroom vapes sitting here to be added already not including stuff i plan to add. The Mushroom vapes stuff I'm robbing a few ml's from each bottle before adding them if thats ok, don't want to take a whole bottle of it since it's from a vendor adding to the box.


@Pauly Walnuts what build are you running n your clt right now, i got a dual 10 wrap of 24 gauge on a 3/32 bit, .4ohms wicked with rayon.....takin nice long draws at 30 watts, nice and warm. with just one of the small airholes open and the side holes closed. open it up a little at 40-45 watts to get some nice hot thick clouds


Yeah it sounds like the box is pretty packed already. There are 5 bottles from Mushroom vapes sitting here to be added already not including stuff i plan to add. The Mushroom vapes stuff I'm robbing a few ml's from each bottle before adding them if thats ok, don't want to take a whole bottle of it since it's from a vendor adding to the box.
thats cool, i also have the smug juice i gotta send out with the pheye labs. this shipping is starting to get expensive for me over here, lol


Yes. What was the question?
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Really ... just really. I find a bike in Fort Worth. I arrange to pick it up Saturday morning. So, it FREAK'N decides it's gonna snow Friday night and Saturday morning in Fort Worth? Plans to ride it home are being scrapped. Back in my 20s, riding in snow with my legs serving as outriggers made sense somehow ... not so much since then. Heck, in my preteens and early teens when I had snow days ... my best riding friend and I had a standing date to hit the trails after we finished our shoveling gigs first snow day every year.

I'm whining 'cause part of the reason I live south of I10 in Texas is to avoid having my life crippled by SNOW! I like snow, but I prefer the type I have to take a plane ride to visit. I'll never understand living so far inland that you have to suffer wild ass weather on both ends of the thermometer.

Rant over ... Vape comment ... I dunno if I like this dripping business yet. I'ma need to get me on of those phat ass, dark skinned sista RDAs maybe. Test out that darker-the-berry saying and whut not. For my pasty white PIF brethren, the saying I grew up on was: the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice. And my darker sisters will remind you of that every chance they get. Anybody surmising that the blonde babe covering the p-pad in my propic might get pasty this time of year should know she was darker than me when I met her. She reminds me of that every time I make a crack about anything pasty. Back to dripping ... this Derringer clone must be an anomaly 'cause I don't see phat ass when I look at it, but it sure has me licking my lips. Guess rules need exceptions. My comments are delivered with much hoot intended. And before anyone asks ... all 4 of my grandparents were black and I am very black ... on the inside o_O.


Really ... just really. I find a bike in Fort Worth. I arrange to pick it up Saturday morning. So, it FREAK'N decides it's gonna snow Friday night and Saturday morning in Fort Worth? Plans to ride it home are being scrapped. Back in my 20s, riding in snow with my legs serving as outriggers made sense somehow ... not so much since then. Heck, in my preteens and early teens when I had snow days ... my best riding friend and I had a standing date to hit the trails after we finished our shoveling gigs first snow day every year.

I'm whining 'cause part of the reason I live south of I10 in Texas is to avoid having my life crippled by SNOW! I like snow, but I prefer the type I have to take a plane ride to visit. I'll never understand living so far inland that you have to suffer wild ass weather on both ends of the thermometer.

Rant over ... Vape comment ... I dunno if I like this dripping business yet. I'ma need to get me on of those phat ass, dark skinned sista RDAs maybe. Test out that darker-the-berry saying and whut not. For my pasty white PIF brethren, the saying I grew up on was: the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice. And my darker sisters will remind you of that every chance they get. Anybody surmising that the blonde babe covering the p-pad in my propic might get pasty this time of year should know she was darker than me when I met her. She reminds me of that every time I make a crack about anything pasty. Back to dripping ... this Derringer clone must be an anomaly 'cause I don't see phat ass when I look at it, but it sure has me licking my lips. Guess rules need exceptions. My comments are delivered with much hoot intended. And before anyone asks ... all 4 of my grandparents were black and I am very black ... on the inside o_O.
so, you are saying you like black inside you?:eek:


@dred honestly the clt v2 is one of the best drippers i have ever used, best ballance for clouds and flavor, easier than a Filipino hooker to build on, its just an animal. i have tried ALOT of the more expensive, big name, big hype drippers, and this 40 dollar authentic blows them way outa the water. the dark horse and the plume veil are beginners toys compared to this thing. the v2, not the v2 plus is the one to have IMHO


Not here for the Drama!
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I put the rayon in a kayfun, an Atlantis and a Reo. The Reo is good, but the other two were good for a few hits, and then started tasting burned.

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Donald Bickers

I put the rayon in a kayfun, an Atlantis and a Reo. The Reo is good, but the other two were good for a few hits, and then started tasting burned.

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did you get it to tight in the coil perhaps,,,,,i run rayon in my kayfun no problems
rayon swells more than regular cotton


I put the rayon in a kayfun, an Atlantis and a Reo. The Reo is good, but the other two were good for a few hits, and then started tasting burned.

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you cant wick it like cotton, as opposed to cotton swelling, the rayon shrinks when juiced so you have to use more tan you would cotton or what happened to you will happen, so wick it snugger


Not here for the Drama!
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Had two days of cobblestone ice here, shut down the schools and city. Cabin fever setting in bad. Snow heading in again.

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dude, you just made my day

Haha I haven't been able to use that pic in a while :D One of my best friends used to end every text conversation with "And now you know" so my response was always that pic lol


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That's just my thing I read text in Morgan Freeman voice so I don't misread something someone says in a different context helps cut back on Internet drama in my life
Some genius person in my life told me that once and I try to do that now. But when you read momabears text, always read it with sarcasm dripping off of it muhahaha...and K N O W


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Some genius person in my life told me that once and I try to do that now. But when you read momabears text, always read it with sarcasm dripping off of it muhahaha...and K N O W
Sounds like you need a tissue for all that



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I've been in and out all day and haven't really had a chance to catch up on everyone's posts. I will here in a couple hours though. I wanted to thank those who participated in my entertainment from last night. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, you didn't miss much. For those that know what I'm talking about, thanks for playing! Haha.

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Pauly Walnuts

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@Pauly Walnuts what build are you running n your clt right now, i got a dual 10 wrap of 24 gauge on a 3/32 bit, .4ohms wicked with rayon.....takin nice long draws at 30 watts, nice and warm. with just one of the small airholes open and the side holes closed. open it up a little at 40-45 watts to get some nice hot thick clouds
Sorry for the lateness, but I just got home. I got a new car today and it takes forever.

Im running a very similar build. 9wraps, 3mm, 24ga, .4ohm. I vape it between 55 and 75 watts.


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I've been in and out all day and haven't really had a chance to catch up on everyone's posts. I will here in a couple hours though. I wanted to thank those who participated in my entertainment from last night. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, you didn't miss much. For those that know what I'm talking about, thanks for playing! Haha.

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Haha that was fun. I love how the PIF group came out of nowhere to get your back. That kid was just being a dick and couldn't take good advice


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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So who wants to be my new best friend and get me this blue one for my birthday...well it's not til September but it's still worth a shot to try

I swear these deals always show up just to remind me of how much of a broke bum I really am


yeah and i gave him a killer offer too, aaaaaand no response, and that was before all the fun started

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