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Pauly Walnuts

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View attachment 15719
my build of the day, its a triple twisted 28 gauge, 6 wrap on a 3/32 screwdriver, clocks in at .2 ohm, and vapin her at 60 watts in my clt v2. incredible. may put single coils aside for a bit cause i really enjoy this one
BWAHAHA BWAHAHAHA Give in to your lust for power!! images (13).jpg


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Snowed again today, supposed to get a bunch more tomorrow. I hate snow, so screw that!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Just Thomas
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i feel your pain, i deal with a 3 year old daily

So I posted that paint job I did on my zero, 2 year old got a hold of it today and threw it in the kitchen, bounced off a few chairs, big gash across it, so yeah, that was great :( I need a vacation


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I just got a text,,,,pif box is in Atlanta ga,,,how close is that @Faust
like an hour drive. Just checked tracking says it arrived at my local post office this morning, maybe i'll get lucky and it will get here today.


So I posted that paint job I did on my zero, 2 year old got a hold of it today and threw it in the kitchen, bounced off a few chairs, big gash across it, so yeah, that was great :( I need a vacation
like my xdog and paint situation i had...


just checked my tracking from the slow a derringer and a erlkonigen mini being delivered here today, and some spare glass and a cyclone rda being delivered to my other house. kinda of excited!


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just checked my tracking from the slow a derringer and a erlkonigen mini being delivered here today, and some spare glass and a cyclone rda being delivered to my other house. kinda of excited!
Other house?


Other house?
yeah, my house is actually in massapequa. ive been staying with my mother in law here in farmingdale, while i finish the repairs from superstorm sandy. i live on the water, and i ended up with 3 feet of water in the first floor of my house. been a slow process of repair cause insurance fucked me and its all coming out of pocket, hence why im doing it all myself


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yeah, my house is actually in massapequa. ive been staying with my mother in law here in farmingdale, while i finish the repairs from superstorm sandy. i live on the water, and i ended up with 3 feet of water in the first floor of my house. been a slow process of repair cause insurance fucked me and its all coming out of pocket, hence why im doing it all myself
Oh yeah, I think you've mentioned something about that before lol. But yeah man that sounds like it blows man...


Oh yeah, I think you've mentioned something about that before lol. But yeah man that sounds like it blows man...
yeah, its definatly not fun. my whole backyard was trashed, my pool literally dissapeared, and it was a semi inground. that storm was crazy


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just checked my tracking from the slow a derringer and a erlkonigen mini being delivered here today, and some spare glass and a cyclone rda being delivered to my other house. kinda of excited!
Is that a ek tank rda ?


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What is a semi inground? I get partially inground but I can't picture what that would be. Regardless that sucks man. I am glad you have the knowledge to do a lot of it yourself.


What is a semi inground? I get partially inground but I can't picture what that would be. Regardless that sucks man. I am glad you have the knowledge to do a lot of it yourself.
it was partialy inground with a deck built arounded it that i walled in
it definatly helps that i can do alot myself, or have a few friends that can help me. i would never be able to afford to have someone fix it. thank god my house is payed off, if i had a mortgage on top of all this i would be really fucked. ill get home eventually, i just have to be patient


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Yeah have a red one but it is a bit fiddly. Wasn't sure if it was just me... Maybe have to give it another shot


Yeah have a red one but it is a bit fiddly. Wasn't sure if it was just me... Maybe have to give it another shot
wicking is a bitch on em but if you get it right, they are awesome
Good morning folks!


This is complete BULLSHIT, I paid for 2 day shipping on Wednesday, I expected to receive it yesterday. Well guess what it did not come, so I check on the status today... Look at this BS, why and the hell a Vendor would say I would get it by Friday if I paid extra, so they can print a label and not ship?



This is complete BULLSHIT, I paid for 2 day shipping on Wednesday, I expected to receive it yesterday. Well guess what it did not come, so I check on the status today... Look at this BS, why and the hell a Vendor would say I would get it by Friday if I paid extra, so they can print a label and not ship?

View attachment 15768
that has happened to me before and it was the post office that dropped the ball, im hoping it was that and not the vendor being an asshat, if its the vendor, i would like to know who so they can get on the wall of shame, and also that i never use them


that has happened to me before and it was the post office that dropped the ball, im hoping it was that and not the vendor being an asshat, if its the vendor, i would like to know who so they can get on the wall of shame, and also that i never use them

I am waiting to here back from them.


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A. I kind of like the big beefy look this 30mm mutation has on top of the IPV3...

B. Any suggestions on how to get this brass V3 Flip to look shiny like it used to again?


A. I kind of like the big beefy look this 30mm mutation has on top of the IPV3...

B. Any suggestions on how to get this brass V3 Flip to look shiny like it used to again?
flitz, never-dul, any type of cleaner wax


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flitz, never-dul, any type of cleaner wax
Guess there's no solution you can just let it set in or anything like that? This thing is embossed and shit all over the place and will be a bitch to scrub down in some of the creases lol


Guess there's no solution you can just let it set in or anything like that? This thing is embossed and shit all over the place and will be a bitch to scrub down in some of the creases lol
lemon juice and salt, but it wont shine, it will clean it but be dull, neverdult wont really leave shit in the creases


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lemon juice and salt, but it wont shine, it will clean it but be dull, neverdult wont really leave shit in the creases
Ok thanks man... I'll give that a shot... not only would I rather it look shiny, but I figure if I ever go to sell it or trade it it would be easier that way :)


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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A. I kind of like the big beefy look this 30mm mutation has on top of the IPV3...

B. Any suggestions on how to get this brass V3 Flip to look shiny like it used to again?

An old tooth brush and tooth picks works wonders with this thing it's how I clean mine

All mods require some tlc just some more then others


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An old tooth brush and tooth picks works wonders with this thing it's how I clean mine

All mods require some tlc just some more then others
I didn't think about that... I think I have some sluminum polish somewhere! I thought about a toothbrush as well


Guest trying to voop, and the door opens and the kid walks in, with the cats bowl of food. sits down in front of me and starts chowing down. ugh. fucking kids


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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When things don't appear as they are seem


I feel more and more like a drug dealer every day ...puffing from pipe like objects....cheech and chonging a car out to the point you can't see....random white baggies everywhere

Yeahhhhhh vapings cool

Pauly Walnuts

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So I posted that paint job I did on my zero, 2 year old got a hold of it today and threw it in the kitchen, bounced off a few chairs, big gash across it, so yeah, that was great :( I need a vacation
Ive had a couple moments in life where I said to myself,
A. I kind of like the big beefy look this 30mm mutation has on top of the IPV3...

B. Any suggestions on how to get this brass V3 Flip to look shiny like it used to again?
Geausxt beat me to it. Mothers mag wheel polish and a tooth brush. Also, you could try Brasso or copper polish.
Sadly, no drop and go options, they all require some elbow grease.

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