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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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That's my little guy I just setup



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Okay, okay, I know this PIF box is in full swing, but I really want in on the next one. Puhleaze!???


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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THis will be the list of members who voted to be on the list. Once i have 15 votes, i will plug em in to the randomizer and post the results

There were 18 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

Shipped to @Cruel-Phate by @Taver13 on 2/2/15
  1. @Cruel-Phate Castle Rock, CO Received 2/4/15
  2. X@anendeloflorien College Station, TX Received 2/10/15
  3. X@Diescum88 Thompsonville, MI Received 2/17/15
  4. X@Vaperjim Dallas, TX
  5. X@Faust Monroe, GA
  6. X@BenJammin Evansville, IN
  7. X@Pauly Walnuts pittsburg, PA
  8. @Sigmardin Neenah, WI
  9. X@Shawn.freeman50 oakham, MA
  10. @Bambua Arlington Heights, IL
  11. X@Geauxst Baton Rouge, LA
  12. X@Lighty269 Bellbrook, OH
  13. @Heather Canastota, NY
  14. X@RZAwora Dagsboro, DE
  15. X@Taver13 Farmingdale, NY
  16. X@MOMABEAR St Francisville, LA
  17. X@dred Houston, TX
  18. X@Donald Bickers Ft. Madison, IA

Not bitching just an observation the list hasn't been updated in a few people probably just been busy with other stuff just thought I'd mention it

On a side note sigma,shawn,and bam are non existent in the thread hopefully when the box gets to them they will jump in with us ... we have been checking with the next person before sending the box right?

Sorry if it comes off the wrong way I was just looking across things while sitting at this boring party


Not bitching just an observation the list hasn't been updated in a few people probably just been busy with other stuff just thought I'd mention it

On a side note sigma,shawn,and bam are non existent in the thread hopefully when the box gets to them they will jump in with us ... we have been checking with the next person before sending the box right?

Sorry if it comes off the wrong way I was just looking across things while sitting at this boring party
honestly i just completly forgot to update the list. im not sure if @RZAwora has heard from them, ive talked to shawn in another thread a few weeks back, but i have heard nothing about anyone else. im just going to mark the box with the recieved date for @Faust because i cant remeber when everyone else received it. unluss any of you guys remember when you recieved


honestly i just completly forgot to update the list. im not sure if @RZAwora has heard from them, ive talked to shawn in another thread a few weeks back, but i have heard nothing about anyone else. im just going to mark the box with the recieved date for @Faust because i cant remeber when everyone else received it. unluss any of you guys remember when you recieved

If you need some assistance with administration, let me know.


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Member For 4 Years
If you need some assistance with administration, let me know.
Yeah it would be nice if we could all update that post when we get it... it would also be nice if we could do things as a group like polls and such... I know this is a forum not a group chat, but it would make things a lot easier :) it sounds like taver has a lot of people willing to help out in any way possible seeing as I told him I'd help too :)


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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honestly i just completly forgot to update the list. im not sure if @RZAwora has heard from them, ive talked to shawn in another thread a few weeks back, but i have heard nothing about anyone else. im just going to mark the box with the recieved date for @Faust because i cant remeber when everyone else received it. unluss any of you guys remember when you recieved

it was Wednesday

The Pif box made it! Will check it out shortly.

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now thats administrating at its finest =P j/k lol


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it was Wednesday

now thats administrating at its finest =P j/k lol
The first couple of people seemed to get it on a Thursday or Friday if that helps, either that or shipped on friday? Idr now lol . If I was at work I would prolly go back and look because I do nothing at work and would be very bored lol


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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The first couple of people seemed to get it on a Thursday or Friday if that helps, either that or shipped on friday? Idr now lol . If I was at work I would prolly go back and look because I do nothing at work and would be very bored lol
I found it already it was In fact Wednesday according to the timestamp


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Member For 4 Years
I found it already it was In fact Wednesday according to the timestamp
Oh... didn't know we were only looking for Jims date lol. When I'm on my phone I try to do as little of navigating these pages as I can... I hate tapatalk lol


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Oh... didn't know we were only looking for Jims date lol. When I'm on my phone I try to do as little of navigating these pages as I can... I hate tapatalk lol
As far as I saw he was missing Jim and Faust but he updated Faust and just put received by Jims name so I went back and found Jims post


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As far as I saw he was missing Jim and Faust but he updated Faust and just put received by Jims name so I went back and found Jims post
Yeah I seen that... after the fact anyways... I didn't go look before I commented... think before you speak I guess lol


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I do in fact contact the next person prior to giving their mailing info to who has the box. I usually contact that person when the box is on the way to the person before them. For example...person 1 ships box to person 2, at the same time I contact person 3 to make sure they still want in. Person 3 has until the box is received by person 2 to reply to me (couple days- shipping time), once they reply I send their info to person 2. Person 2 will know where he/she needs to send the box to before they get the box in most cases. At least this is how it's been going so far. When person 2 ships the box to person 3, I will initiate contact with person 4, and so on. Most of this logistical communication is going on via text messages, as that's the option most took, and it's quite simple that way for me. This method seems to be working quite well at this time.

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I do in fact contact the next person prior to giving their mailing info to who has the box. I usually contact that person when the box is on the way to the person before them. For example...person 1 ships box to person 2, at the same time I contact person 3 to make sure they still want in. Person 3 has until the box is received by person 2 to reply to me (couple days- shipping time), once they reply I send their info to person 2. Person 2 will know where he/she needs to send the box to before they get the box in most cases. At least this is how it's been going so far. When person 2 ships the box to person 3, I will initiate contact with person 4, and so on. Most of this logistical communication is going on via text messages, as that's the option most took, and it's quite simple that way for me. This method seems to be working quite well at this time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sounds like a solid system ... I was just curious in asking


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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On a side note finally got time to work on my projects most are just work in progress for now but it all takes time I guess


Took a old knife block I got for .30$ from thrift store


Put a couple holes in it


Add a couple vertical holes


Ta da juice bottle holder


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On a side note finally got time to work on my projects most are just work in progress for now but it all takes time I guess


Took a old knife block I got for .30$ from thrift store


Put a couple holes in it


Add a couple vertical holes


Ta da juice bottle holder
That is very creative!


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Had an old hockey puck from fender guitar strings I got one year so technically it's free. I'm tired of building coils and installing them on my ohm meter plus that might be why mine broke like it did so I slapped a vape sticker on it


Drilled a recessed hole


Insert atty


Pull and tada it holds good enough to remove the cap


The puck is rubber and was leaving rubber on the threads so I added an adapter from my nautilus


Looks better now



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
On a side note finally got time to work on my projects most are just work in progress for now but it all takes time I guess


Took a old knife block I got for .30$ from thrift store


Put a couple holes in it


Add a couple vertical holes


Ta da juice bottle holder
needs a bear on the side of it and you could send it to me lol


Had an old hockey puck from fender guitar strings I got one year so technically it's free. I'm tired of building coils and installing them on my ohm meter plus that might be why mine broke like it did so I slapped a vape sticker on it


Drilled a recessed hole


Insert atty


Pull and tada it holds good enough to remove the cap


The puck is rubber and was leaving rubber on the threads so I added an adapter from my nautilus


Looks better now

well done!!!!!


just made a 22 gauge single coil. kind of goes against all the rules of single coil, but at 40 watts its a killer vape

Donald Bickers

had a job cutting trees along the fenceline, was getting various items sent over into bushes that i would pick up. you know, things that shall not come up in conversation
yeah I hear ya,,,,,shit in there is better than on the streets usually

Donald Bickers

I can take my time getting out,supposed to snow for another hr or so,3 inches out there now,,,,im ready for spring

Donald Bickers

woke me up, lol. after i was up until three in the morning cleaning up my workshop because it was pissing me off
the joys of parenting,,,,,all 4 of mine are on there own now,youngest is 30

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