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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I would like to take a minute and give thanks for:

I am so thankful that I found a way to stay alive this long

I am thankful that I have my wife and that we get through life's little disasters together

I am thankful for ALL the wonderful friends that I have made here, you all are the very best and I am lucky to have your friendship

I am thankful for this thread that has brought us all together, thank you Wolfie

I am thankful for this day and the wonderful feast I am about to have later with Jean

I am thankful that all my wonderful friends here are healthy, that means a lot to me

I am thankful for the love I have in my heart for family and friends

When I count my blessings I really am a very rich man in my heart, thank you ALL :hug:


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey @SirKadly
How's your daughter and that little grandson doin my friend?
When you get a chance how about sharin a picture of the grandson.
Doing OK. He is breathing without assistance which is the most important milestone. Various other milestones (tests he has to 'pass' so to speak) before he is able to leave the hospital, but evidently no real concerns at this time. I guess the big one is something called a 'car seat test' which is about monitoring heart rate and breathing while sitting in a car seat for a period of time?

I'm afraid that pics are not going to happen. I'm sorry. Just don't feel right about it. Maybe stupid but that's me.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Doing OK. He is breathing without assistance which is the most important milestone. Various other milestones (tests he has to 'pass' so to speak) before he is able to leave the hospital, but evidently no real concerns at this time. I guess the big one is something called a 'car seat test' which is about monitoring heart rate and breathing while sitting in a car seat for a period of time?

I'm afraid that pics are not going to happen. I'm sorry. Just don't feel right about it. Maybe stupid but that's me.
Glad to hear he's doin better, he is still in my daily prayers. Here's another thing for me to be thankful for my friend Kad's grandson is doin better.

Hey that's alright, just a thought.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I would like to take a minute and give thanks for:

I am so thankful that I found a way to stay alive this long

I am thankful that I have my wife and that we get through life's little disasters together

I am thankful for ALL the wonderful friends that I have made here, you all are the very best and I am lucky to have your friendship

I am thankful for this thread that has brought us all together, thank you Wolfie

I am thankful for this day and the wonderful feast I am about to have later with Jean

I am thankful that all my wonderful friends here are healthy, that means a lot to me

I am thankful for the love I have in my heart for family and friends

When I count my blessings I really am a very rich man in my heart, thank you ALL :hug:

Me too Jimi, grateful today.

On Thanksgiving the first blessing I always count is vaping. Lately I've been having frequent dreams about smoking cigarettes, but it isn't the result of craving them. Always I wake up thinking, "oh thank goodness I don't have to do that any more, make myself sick, get bronchitis, live in a place that smells like an ashtray". I'm extra thankful for clove eliquid that hits the spot as the first vape of the day, the relaxing after dinner vape, and all day every day.

I'm grateful to work at home since 2015. I always resented that 6am alarm clock, money spent on restaurant lunches, having to get along with stupid co-workers. I love looking out the window on a rainy day, in my pajamas, enjoying hot coffee and a vape, while people slog off to work in cars.

I'm thankful for what has become my family's Thanksgiving food tradition in the last few years: tamales and beer. I've written in the cooking thread of how nobody wants to handle that big flabby bird, and how tamales are probably more along the lines of what those pilgrims and their native American friends really ate, a corn masa dough filled with shreds of meat, when harvest festival cooking wasn't for gluttony. Though I believe there was enjoyment in feasting, and in the peaceful gathering of like minded souls, the feast fires were also for smoking, drying, preserving, for food storage in anticipation of the coming lean months of winter.

I'm grateful for this forum, the only variety of social media I participate in. I hope the powers and naysayers won't ever cast an eye toward censoring the forum and stopping the things we discuss. I especially love being among my fellow music enthusiasts in this thread specifically.

I hope everybody had a great day, and offer my best wishes for peace and blessings during the coming parade of winter holidays: Chanukah Dec. 7-15, winter solstice Dec. 21, Christmas, Kwanzaa Dec. 26-Jan 1, New Years eve/day. It all goes by so quickly. Celebrate a lot.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I may come back later, but for now I'm settling down with a big cup of mint tea and a podcast, as I am still digesting tamales, sweet potatoes, my homemade cranberry relish, cinnamon rolls, after the festivities with famdamily. I also made guacamole on the spot. I carried the avocados with me, just hoping they were ripe enough. They were perfect. I also made pico de gallo in advance and took that to bro's house. Other people brought various beers they wanted to have. I added a six pack of pumpkin ale. Bro made some sangria punch too.

Play on.
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Kad is your wounded paw healing nicely?
Tis OK. But I was right, washing dishes it's amazing how much you have to wash when fixing a feast) hurts like hell. Otherwise I really don't notice it as long as I don't put pressure on that hand, pushing, pulling, lifting...

Enjoy your mint tea, lately I've been hooked on a vanilla chai tea made by Bigelow, need to see if I can find something similar that doesn't have artificial flavors. Maybe I'll just pick up some pure vanilla extract and add a couple drops to normal chai tea, see if it gives me the same result.
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Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tis OK. But I was right, washing dishes it's amazing how much you have to wash when fixing a feast) hurts like hell. Otherwise I really don't notice it as long as I don't put pressure on that hand, pushing, pulling, lifting...

Enjoy your mint tea, lately I've been hooked on a vanilla chai tea made by Bigelow, need to see if I can find something similar that doesn't have artificial flavors. Maybe I'll just pick up some pure vanilla extract and add a couple drops to normal chai tea, see if it gives me the same result.

I don't know how you managed to make mashed potatos and parsnips, geez. That's hard work for the hands in any condition.

I think I have the perfect thing for your chai wish, and it tastes exactly like chai tea, but contains no black tea, no caffeine. It is the sweetest most wonderful thing. I have it almost every day during the colder months. After you taste it, when you see it in the store you'll buy the shelf because this stuff sells out:

Bengal Ingr.JPG

If you pour hot coffee over the Bengal bag it will give you a cup that tastes like restaurant cafe de olla. Or, if you want caffeinated chai you can mix one Bengal bag with one plain black tea bag.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Good Mornin Wolfie and happy Thanksgivin:hug:
Aww, Thank You Jimi :hug:
I was running late cause of some thing, lol, can't even recall what happened, oh yeah, one of my mods decided to give me fits, and that's what made me run a half hour late :gaah: so I had to get off here in hurry.

Happy Thanksgiving Jimi and Jean :hug: glad you had your fish :bliss:
I had turkey and a piece of pizza :teehee: . A new acquaintance does not eat turkey. So yesterday they bought one of those pizza that's prepared at the establishment than take home and bake it.

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