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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Cranky Old Fart
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Positive for today. I found a YouTube gardener who's not far from me with the same climate. Also, she finished the Master Gardener program earlier this year. So now I'm binge watching her series of videos on the classes just see what I have coming.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ok my good thing was I got to help an older couple who's car quit on them at a stop light, me and the man pushed the car to a Hardees parking lot about 50 feet away, looked like the timing chain to me so told him he might want to quit tryin to start it tell he had it checked out so he didn't run a valve through the top of a piston. I asked if I could give them a ride but they said they had someone comin.
Which shows even on a bad some things do go right on rare occasions


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The average medical professional is insulting, to think you have no knowledge, no input to offer, no feelings, no compassion.
Well ever since I got severely screwed around, when I first was diagnosed, I just say just what I feel to the so called doctors and their customers. I can raise quite a ruckus when they screw us around ;)


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Bliss Doubt

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This has to be my last one for this evening. I have to take up a hem before the weekend rolls in, so my podcast and cuppa tea will also have a needle and thread included.

Panther woman and the man sandwich
-Les Primitifs du Futur

Everybody have a great evening.
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I missed my good thing yesterday, so you get a twofer

Yesterday's good thing. When I got home from work last night and headed upstairs, I experienced pain in my hip that registered about a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. You might be asking how that's a good thing, well the night before my hip started bothering me for absolutely no reason that I can come up with, and the pain was closer to a 6 that night, so it's a good thing because it means it's better instead of worse.

Today's good thing. I found my mom's recipe for what was a traditional Christmas cookie when I was growing up. We used to make a few different types of cookies and then take plates of them to the neighbors. My favorite was what she called Southern Lassies, though online recipes seem to call them Pecan Tassies. Finding that recipe made me feel a bit Christmassy. :treetrim:Maybe I'll bake some cookies and take them to the neighbors right before Christmas.

You all will have to enjoy yours virtually though, but I'd bake you some if I could.

Sorry, I took a bite out of one, couldn't resist.:teehee:

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I missed my good thing yesterday, so you get a twofer

Yesterday's good thing. When I got home from work last night and headed upstairs, I experienced pain in my hip that registered about a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. You might be asking how that's a good thing, well the night before my hip started bothering me for absolutely no reason that I can come up with, and the pain was closer to a 6 that night, so it's a good thing because it means it's better instead of worse.

Today's good thing. I found my mom's recipe for what was a traditional Christmas cookie when I was growing up. We used to make a few different types of cookies and then take plates of them to the neighbors. My favorite was what she called Southern Lassies, though online recipes seem to call them Pecan Tassies. Finding that recipe made me feel a bit Christmassy. :treetrim:Maybe I'll bake some cookies and take them to the neighbors right before Christmas.

You all will have to enjoy yours virtually though, but I'd bake you some if I could.

Sorry, I took a bite out of one, couldn't resist.:teehee:

Lassies or tassies, if those are the little things like mini pecan pies, love 'em.

I hope your hip keeps getting better.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Don't Worry Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin

Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got no gal to make you smile
But don't worry, be happy
'Cause when you worry your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don't worry, be happy

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Hanukkah my friend
-Houston Person, Grady Tate singing

Couldn't find the lyrics so I copy-pasted this from someone's blog. Disclaimer: I was raised Methodist but I'm not particularly religious, and yet I am religious. I believe in all of the religions, but won't take lippy doctrine from any of them. So, Chanukah, also known as the Festival of Lights and the Feast of Rededication (history of the holiday easily found online) began yesterday at sunset. Who is this holiday for? From that blog, and my feelings too, for many years, see below. I mean, latkes! Jelly donuts! A sense of gathering to light up the dark. Family and friends. Dreydl games. Special decorations. I have several jewish friends, so I get excited when Chanukah begins, love to invite them over for a dinner of those special holiday foods, my collection of the best Chanukah music I know of, and they love it. Think how they otherwise have to put up with mediocre department store Christmas music, reindeer antlers on cars, cheery people who are only nice once a year, on and on.

Here goes:

Do Christians need to celebrate a Jewish victory? Should they focus on a holiday that is not in the canon of scripture, and happened in the “silent years”? The answer is, No. You don’t need to. But you GET to!

Aside from the fact that it was significant enough for Yeshua to join the celebrations. It is a wonderful time to reflect on the origin of the holiday. Dedicate yourself to God and His ways.

When we do, we may often find that God only feels silent and distant. But in reality, He is very near, preparing us for multiplication. And the time is coming when His Shamash – His Servant – will reignite His light in our life.

But okay actually it's wrong to say it isn't in the canon of Scripture.

"At that time the Feast of the Dedication took place in Jerusalem; it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple area, in the portico of Solomon. The Jews then surrounded Him and began saying to Him, “How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly.” John 10:22-24
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I missed my good thing yesterday, so you get a twofer

Yesterday's good thing. When I got home from work last night and headed upstairs, I experienced pain in my hip that registered about a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. You might be asking how that's a good thing, well the night before my hip started bothering me for absolutely no reason that I can come up with, and the pain was closer to a 6 that night, so it's a good thing because it means it's better instead of worse.

Today's good thing. I found my mom's recipe for what was a traditional Christmas cookie when I was growing up. We used to make a few different types of cookies and then take plates of them to the neighbors. My favorite was what she called Southern Lassies, though online recipes seem to call them Pecan Tassies. Finding that recipe made me feel a bit Christmassy. :treetrim:Maybe I'll bake some cookies and take them to the neighbors right before Christmas.

You all will have to enjoy yours virtually though, but I'd bake you some if I could.
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Sorry, I took a bite out of one, couldn't resist.:teehee:
MMMM those look delicious


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good mornin Family:wave:
Just checkin in before I go across the river, be a few minutes yet still adjustin my flack jacket:giggle: Have to go to the hospital pharmacy, that's always loads of fun. Been wearin myself out lately.:facepalm:
They say Jean will be bedridden for at least a month so been tryin to get to bed early to help make up for it. Well now I am just rattling on:rolleyes:
I hope everyone is stayin well and havin a great day;)

This singer-songwriter, poet, and vocalist of The Doors Jim Morrison born this day 1943 and would have been 80 today

May be a black-and-white image of 1 person and beard

December 8th: Remembering John Lennon on the 43rd anniversary of his death. All these years later and it’s still hard to believe. Thankfully, his legacy and music will live forever.

May be an image of 1 person

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