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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

Bliss Doubt

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Ahhh, just wanted to be sure there wasn't some health benefit I was missing.
I would love to be a beekeeper. Sounds strange but I became fascinated by bees and beekeeping a few years back. Just don't have anywhere I could use as an apiary.:(
I'm not convinced though that modern beekeeping practices are truly ideal for the bees. Everyone uses the hive design Langstroth came up with, but nobody follows his methods. He never used smoke for instance, so why do modern beekeepers insist on using it?
Smoke the bees to 'calm' them down, then tell everyone that stress is one of the primary causes of bees being unable to fight off disease and parasites.:facepalm:

I like and use honey too, I get mine from a local bee keeper. they say it healthier to get local honey ;) I love to be able to keep bees too, bees and garden go great

You may not get any honey from it, but grow the basil and the bees will come, and they will love you. They'll build their own hives and survive. Peoples home gardens may be the only way the bees will survive.

Wasps too, and the wasps are pollenators too, and they eat aphids on your tomatoes. I could give several stories of how they won't hurt you if they're not threatened by you. They work for a little while at midmorning and a little while in the late afternoon, in this region anyway. So that's your time to go inside for a cuppa. One time I was standing under a wasp nest when I smoked in the old brick & mortar days, and had to go outside. One of them flew down and "thunk" collided into my arm, as if to say "our nest is a nonsmoking home if you don't mind". So I found a better spot. Cigarette smoke is deadly to them. One time one of them followed me inside. My co-worker was like "wasp!". I said light a cigarette and blow the smoke on it. He said are you kidding, boss will kill me for smoking inside. I said just do it and then put it out. He did, and the wasp dropped dead. Another time I was smoking on the front porch at my aunt's house. There was a big wasp nest in the roof above. One of the contractors working on the house ambled up, pointed it out and said I'd better smoke somewhere else. Nah, I said, I just don't smoke directly under them and they mind their own business. Bunches more stories like that. I love wasps.


Cranky Old Fart
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Good thing for today: My car had a problem over the weekend and had a check engine light. Then the problem fixed itself and the check engine light went away, but not until I had made an appointment at the local Ford dealer. I brought it in anyway in case the code was still in memory and it was. They checked things out and did all they could to make it act up again, but could not get it to act up. They didn't want to just change the part pointed out by the code and did not change it. They told me to just keep using it and if it happens again try to get it in when it's screwing up. This saved me a bunch of money. Thanks to my local Ford dealer.


Cranky Old Fart
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Ya know I was out earlier and gas around here is right at 3 bucks a gal, when this Ukraine thing started they said Russia caused it to be 4 bucks and house heat went up with it. Now vehicle gas has dropped to 3 bucks but house heat is still crazy high, greedy bassturds
I'd love to only pay $3 for gas. I paid $4.09 with a 10 cent a gallon discount over the weekend at a Love's truck stop about 50 miles from me. In my town we are still around 4.75. Because of that difference, whenever we are out of town we fill up.

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
My Vapor Store sent me a sale email, which includes a most curious product. You have to spell it exactly this way to make it come up: polk a dot

I would almost have to try it but it costs 25.00 for one, so I'll leave the thrills to others.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You Give Me Loving - Ten Years After

Ooh la la.........

Love, pt. 1
-Arthur H, Lou Doillon

When the woman is on her back and the man is lying on top of her, it is the cedilla.

When the man is on his back and his mistress is lying on him, it is the C.

When the man and his mistress are lying on their sides and observing each other, it is the windshield.

When the man and the woman are lying on their sides, only the woman's back can be observed, it is the Devil's Pond.

When the man and his mistress are lying on their sides, observing each other, and she hugs the man's legs with her legs, the window wide open, it is the oasis.

When the man and the woman are lying on their backs, one of the woman's legs across the man's stomach, it is a broken mirror.

Love multiplies problems
Love multiplies problems

When the man lies on his mistress who embraces him with her legs, it is the virginia creeper vine.

When the man and the woman are on their backs, the woman on the man head to tail, the woman's legs slipped under the man's arms, it is the train whistle.

When the woman is seated, her legs extended over the man, lying facing him, and she leans on his hands, this is reading.

When the woman is seated, her knees bent on the man lying facing her, with her torso reversed or not, this is the fan.

When the woman lies on her back, her knees bent on the man lying down, this is the springboard

When the woman rests on her back, raises her thighs vertically, she is a free bird.

Love multiplies problems
Love multiplies problems

The window will be half open, half closed. It will look on the star. The star will rise towards her, must reach her or pass to the other side of the house
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I'd love to only pay $3 for gas. I paid $4.09 with a 10 cent a gallon discount over the weekend at a Love's truck stop about 50 miles from me. In my town we are still around 4.75. Because of that difference, whenever we are out of town we fill up.
Down in Mississippi it even lower, last time I talked to my BIL he was payin 2.73 a gal and that wasn't long ago.


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Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Our prices are all due to living in the PRC (Peoples Republic of California). Taxes and regulations are killing us.

It makes me truly sad to see what's happening to the good people of California. I've been there a few times. We had relatives in San Diego, Disneyland in Anaheim, and I took study trips to L.A. (incl. Bev Hills and Santa Monica), and to San Francisco, then another trip to San Fran with a friend for concerts. All beautiful, each place unique. Great old architecture, natural landscaping, beautiful weather, California's own special cuisine, and as you know, wines. OMG I felt I wanted to move to Santa Monica. I looked at a little condo made of a frame with glass bricks, right on the beach.

Anyway, they are ruining it, and the so called leadership there is crooked, a corrupt gang, some of them blood related to each other. I don't even know what to suggest to you. Oregon and Washington State have suffered too.

I hope you can stay put and enjoy life there until it gets better, and I believe it will. There is a big backlash going on right now.

Our Texas governor is no knight in shining armor either. And now we have this POS in congress:

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Cranky Old Fart
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I hope you can stay put and enjoy life there until it gets better, and I believe it will. There is a big backlash going on right now.
I hope you're right. I don't see us being able to move with the kids and grandkids being here as well. The sheeple just keep buying all the lies.

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