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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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All right, guess I'll post my daily "something good" post before heading into work. Seems kinda minor and silly maybe, but I ran to the store to get cat food. Told the cashier "Have a wonderful day." The smile on her face when I said that made me smile.

Bliss Doubt

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Good lord, Commodore 64? I haven't touched one of those since the 80's. And I haven't seen a 5 1/4 floppy since god knows when. Now I'm feeling like a dinosaur once I realize I actually know what those are.
Wiki says the sales dropped off after 1989, and they filed for bankruptcy in 1994.

Floppies were still in use in the early 2000's. I remember them from as recently as, I think, 2005 (?), but I'm no spring chicken either. I really like the little thumb drives and the "My Digital Passport" type products that hold so much data. But remembering to copy things from the computer to the external storage is something I have to find a way to remember to do more often.

Datarock formed in year 2000. That vid is all schtick.
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SnapDragon NY

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Off to go get my fingerprints taken so I can be a Master Gardener. That's needed since I may work with kids at schools.
Awesome- Congrats! It will be so much fun! I love gardening, I mainly do flowers, but for the last few years I have had a veggie garden as well.


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Member For 5 Years
Good night Family, thank you to everyone for playin



Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So to finish the day with the positive:

I made bread, or at least I baked up a loaf of this wonderful organic take & bake. That was a positive because I enjoyed it, made croutons out of half of it, put butter on some and ate it, and still have almost half the loaf.

I had the opportunity to fill somebody in, who'd bought the media hysteria, and let him know that vape liquid is not antifreeze, and doesn't contain antifreeze. Every time I'm able to have this conversation with someone, and explain to them what actually is in vape liquid, that pg is in asthma inhalers and other inhaled lung medications, how vaping has kept me off cigarettes for 11 years, healed my lungs and improved my health, they come away from it no longer an anti-vape fanatic, but a vape advocate.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So to finish the day with the positive:

I made bread, or at least I baked up a loaf of this wonderful organic take & bake. That was a positive because I enjoyed it, made croutons out of half of it, put butter on some and ate it, and still have half the loaf.

I had the opportunity to fill somebody in, who'd bought the media hysteria, and let him know that vape liquid is not antifreeze, and doesn't contain antifreeze. Every time I'm able to have this conversation with someone, and explain to them what actually is in vape liquid, that pg is in asthma inhalers and other inhaled lung medications, how vaping has kept me off cigarettes for 11 years, healed my lungs and improved my health, they come away from it no longer an anti-vape fanatic, but a vape advocate.
I love fresh baked bread, can almost remember what It tastes like, I might have bread for a Christmas treat but prolly shouldn't till I get my numbers back down:(

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I love fresh baked bread, can almost remember what It tastes like, I might have bread for a Christmas treat but prolly shouldn't till I get my numbers back down:(


And I'll have that perfect choc chip cookie ready for you before Christmas. Absolutely nothing in it that you won't eat.

And one day when I don't work late, I'll have my evening podcast with a cup of dairy free hot chocolate. These Hu chocolate chips, two varieties of dark, one of them sweetened with date, the other with coconut sugar, should work the same.

The recipe is on this page:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

And I'll have that perfect choc chip cookie ready for you before Christmas. Absolutely nothing in it that you won't eat. And one day when I don't work late, I'll have my evening podcast with a cup of dairy free hot chocolate. These Hu chocolate chips, two varieties of dark, one of them sweetened with date, the other with coconut sugar, should work the same.

The recipe is on this page:

Awe thank you my Dear Friend :hug: , you are so kind, I miss so many things but that's alright cause I am still here;)

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I'm gonna haveta check that out, I have a brand new bag of ground nibs I just opened. I use it in my coffee too

I hope that works. I don't know if the ground nibs are sweet enough or have the right consistency to make the dairy free hot chocolate. If not, try mine, using the Hu dark chocolate chips.

I did recently make a cacao brew from nibs, but it took a LOT of them. I added unsweetened almond milk.


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