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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


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Member For 5 Years
Well just found out today that Jean wont have surgery till January 29, IMHO this should of been done back in July like they first said. this means she still has the hose comin out of her body and the drain bag. She also has to go for new stitches soon, what a nightmare this has been for her, us. :facepalm: Also means they will have her on antibiotics the whole time and probably for some time after.:(


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Oh No sad news about the delay in Jeans Surgery- I was hoping for sooner surgery news ! You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you my dear friend :hug: We need all the prayers we can get. It will be almost a year from when it started well 10 months anyway:facepalm: and I am sure they will want her to keep takin antibiotics for a bit after, I have never knew anyone who took antibiotics that long but have read articles that it can cause cancer:crazy:

SnapDragon NY

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Do you think we better stop now and wait for Christmas or close to it
We can stop the Christmas music, lol! I already had a non Christmas song picked out. I put my tree up today- the house and windows are all decorated, drizzly chilly ,cloudy day here.


Diamond Contributor
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Thank you my dear friend :hug: We need all the prayers we can get. It will be almost a year from when it started well 10 months anyway:facepalm: and I am sure they will want her to keep takin antibiotics for a bit after, I have never knew anyone who took antibiotics that long but have read articles that it can cause cancer:crazy:
Jimi, my heart filled apologies that doctors are being stupid dumbasses with Jean :hug:
This is pissing me off, as I'm sure it is with you and Jean. No one not a single person should be going through this as Jean is, it is truly heartbreaking. If, I had the money, I would put both of you up in the finest hotel and get the finest doctors for Jean and get this over with, I'm so sorry I'm unable to do this for you both.
My thoughts, my prayers and my love to both you :hug:


Diamond Contributor
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It's pissing me off too. I feel like the whole medical field is staffed with buffoons, baboons and incompetent clowns. I pray that Jean can get through this in spite of the quackery.

I'll try to refrain from saying more of what's on my mind about it.
Yup. That's my sediments, also, Bliss. I hope Jimi or both are taking notes...dates, times, everything. I would think, there may be a legal suit out of all of this. But, I'm wrong on most things :rolleyes:
Plus, with everything each of them are going through their own health issues, it would be so hard to keep track of everything to do with the doctors and such. They need someone there to help them get through all this bullshit and just to give support and relief for everything that they do everyday. So very sad :( heartbreaking and all the other emotions in between. I can't even imagine all the emotions that both of them are going through :(
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, my heart filled apologies that doctors are being stupid dumbasses with Jean :hug:
This is pissing me off, as I'm sure it is with you and Jean. No one not a single person should be going through this as Jean is, it is truly heartbreaking. If, I had the money, I would put both of you up in the finest hotel and get the finest doctors for Jean and get this over with, I'm so sorry I'm unable to do this for you both.
My thoughts, my prayers and my love to both you :hug:
Thank you my dear friend:hug: she can sure use all the prayers she can get, she's been feelin sick and I think it's the infection gettin worse and bein on antibiotics for so long:blech: I've been tellin her they are gonna really hurt/damage her, they are a bunch of greed monger non caring people, just after the money:mad: Oh wait, that's almost all doctors:facepalm:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yup. That's my sediments, also, Bliss. I hope Jimi or both are taking notes...dates, times, everything. I would think, there may be a legal suit out of all of this. But, I'm wrong on most things :rolleyes:
Plus, with everything each of them going through their own health issues, it would be so hard to keep tract of everything to do with the doctors and such. They need someone there to help them get through all this bullshit and just to give support and relief for everything that they do everyday. So very sad :( heartbreaking and all the other emotions in between. I can't even imagine all the emotions that both of them are going through :(
Thank you my Dear Friend:hug::hug:, it gonna get a lot worse when she get's back outta the hospital. They say she will haveta have a nurse here for the first month as she will be bed ridden. As mad as I am at all she has gone through and I have with these so called medical professionals they are probably gonna haveta make me leave cause I wont be responsible for what I'll say :mad: Then they say she' have to just sit around for a bit and not do anything.:crazy: Yes emotions have run high here sometimes I think of the worst, scares the **** outta me.


Diamond Contributor
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Thank you my Dear Friend:hug::hug:, it gonna get a lot worse when she get's back outta the hospital. They say she will haveta have a nurse here for the first month as she will be bed ridden. As mad as I am at all she has gone through and I have with these so called medical professionals they are probably gonna haveta make me leave cause I wont be responsible for what I'll say :mad: Then they say she' have to just sit around for a bit and not do anything.:crazy: Yes emotions have run high here sometimes I think of the worst, scares the **** outta me.
Oh dear Jimi :hug: You need to get a punching bag to get your anger out. She will need you there by her side and to watch the nurse, though, nurses care, I think, a lot more than those so called expert doctors. Please, Jimi, find a way to get the anger out for you and Jean.
Yes, I know you've thought the worst, as I have also, as I'm sure, all of us have. However, we all have to keep your spirits up and our spirits up for you and Jean :hug: . Do or say anything you want in here to keep you from exploding, you know it's safe to do so in here. :hug:

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
...nurses care, I think, a lot more than those so called expert doctors.

Interesting you said that. I avoid doctors like the plague. Haven't seen one in years, since my last one retired. She was sensible as a horse doctor, old and old fashioned, and would tell me home cures I could use for my ears (I was seeing her because my ears kept stopping up). She made it so I didn't have to keep going back. Anyway that was more than 15 years ago, so now I just listen to what other people say about doctors, doctors offices and hospitals. It is very clear that nurses are more honest and have far more integrity than physicians. One of them whispered to a friend of mine, "don't take that vaccine. You don't have to, and it can harm you" (the Cootie 19 shot). Nurses are pretty knowledgeable too, maybe not about surgical techniques or neurological disorders, but about colds, coughs, constipation, belly aches, common things.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Oh dear Jimi :hug: You need to get a punching bag to get your anger out. She will need you there by her side and to watch the nurse, though, nurses care, I think, a lot more than those so called expert doctors. Please, Jimi, find a way to get the anger out for you and Jean.
Yes, I know you've thought the worst, as I have also, as I'm sure, all of us have. However, we all have to keep your spirits up and our spirits up for you and Jean :hug: . Do or say anything you want in here to keep you from exploding, you know it's safe to do so in here. :hug:
Thank you my Dear Friend :hug: and thank you all to the family:hug:, MY MUSIC GAME FAMILY I LOVE YOU ALL


Diamond Contributor
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Interesting you said that. I avoid doctors like the plague. Haven't seen one in years, since my last one retired. She was sensible as a horse doctor, old and old fashioned, and would tell me home cures I could use for my ears (I was seeing her because my ears kept stopping up). She made it so I didn't have to keep going back. Anyway that was more than 15 years ago, so now I just listen to what other people say about doctors, doctors offices and hospitals. It is very clear that nurses are more honest and have far more integrity than physicians. One of them whispered to a friend of mine, "don't take that vaccine. You don't have to, and it can harm you" (the Cootie 19 shot). Nurses are pretty knowledgeable too, maybe not about surgical techniques or neurological disorders, but about colds, coughs, constipation, belly aches, common things.
Nurses see everything do everything. They are very knowledgeable and do care so much more. They are under paid, they should get paid more than the so called doctors. And, I felt so sorry for those who thought they had to get the demon shot to stay employed, broke my heart.
Also, I'm like you, I stay away from doctors. I'll use hone remedies b4 ever thinking about going to see one them so called doctors. Though, I did go to the emergency room a few or couple yrs back. My shoulder was in serious pain and I didn't do anything to cause that pain. I don't cry from having pain and this brought me to my knees in pain and I cried. Felt like a big baby, lol. But, did get some muscle relaxers and still have a full bottle, I avoid taking them cause I hate them, lol. Thankfully, have had no reason to take them either.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nurses see everything do everything. They are very knowledgeable and do care so much more. They are under paid, they should get paid more than the so called doctors. And, I felt so sorry for those who thought they had to get the demon shot to stay employed, broke my heart.
Also, I'm like you, I stay away from doctors. I'll use hone remedies b4 ever thinking about going to see one them so called doctors. Though, I did go to the emergency room a few or couple yrs back. My shoulder was in serious pain and I didn't do anything to cause that pain. I don't cry from having pain and this brought me to my knees in pain and I cried. Felt like a big baby, lol. But, did get some muscle relaxers and still have a full bottle, I avoid taking them cause I hate them, lol. Thankfully, have had no reason to take them either.

You get good at doing your own research. When I had the vicious disfiguring eczema attack in 2018, I couldn't locate my old sensible doc, then I found out she retired. I looked at YouTube vids,,, anything, everything, hours and hours of research, until I saw more than three people across more than three websites, saying they instantly stopped the spread and began to heal by taking cod liver oil and eating probiotic foods. It started to work almost instantly, enough to make me say "THANK GAWD, GOT IT, FOUND IT". It continued to clear and heal from that day forward, though it took more than a year for the damaged skin to replace itself. It also gave me all kinds of other health benefits, and I still take it every day, only the high quality stuff with no synthetic vitamins added.

So I'll shut up now and get back to the music.
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Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
That's communism to force ANYONE to get ANY VAX and should be punishable by life sentence in some damp rough area, like Cook County prison

Well, getting a little political here, but I think it's the most rabid form of "corporate communism" whereby our tax dollars are offloaded to private corporations, who make massive profits which they then use to lobby and buy government policy, and capture the so called regulatory agencies (the unelected bureaucracies). Pharma also owns the media through massive ad buys, so the media is used to propagandize us on government health policy, when government really has no business have ANY health policy at all.

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