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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


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Well, getting a little political here, but I think it's the most rabid form of "corporate communism" whereby our tax dollars are offloaded to private corporations, who make massive profits which they then use to lobby and buy government policy, and capture the so called regulatory agencies (the unelected bureaucracies). Pharma also owns the media through massive ad buys, so the media is used to propagandize us on government health policy, when government really has no business have ANY health policy at all.
Well not enough people will stand together and change it, sad. The whole goberment is more crooked than the Mafia

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Well not enough people will stand together and change it, sad. The whole goberment is more crooked than the Mafia

There are vagaries nowadays in demonstrating and exercising your right to petition government about your grievances. There is lawfare, or that crooked government comes after you with trumped up charges and tries to throw you in jail.

I think the one thing we all can do is write to our elected monkeys, not just email through their individual websites, but write real letters on real paper, put a real stamp on it and mail it. They seem able to ignore the email "slacktivism". We have computers, we have printers, paper, stamps. It isn't hard. I do it all the time.

If we don't, it will become like New Zealand where they are, right now, rounding up and jailing medical experts who have been blowing the whistle on the harmful vax, and the journalists who have given them air time too. The governments all want to launch the next plandemic and the next kill shot, and can't afford to have the public keep waking up.


Cranky Old Fart
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Thank you my Dear Friend:hug::hug:, it gonna get a lot worse when she get's back outta the hospital. They say she will haveta have a nurse here for the first month as she will be bed ridden. As mad as I am at all she has gone through and I have with these so called medical professionals they are probably gonna haveta make me leave cause I wont be responsible for what I'll say :mad: Then they say she' have to just sit around for a bit and not do anything.:crazy: Yes emotions have run high here sometimes I think of the worst, scares the **** outta me.
@Jimi, you and Jean have been through so much. Normal people probably would have given up. You are not a normal person. You are a shining example of what we should all aspire to. Prayers for you and Jean my friend. Peace be with you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
@Jimi, you and Jean have been through so much. Normal people probably would have given up. You are not a normal person. You are a shining example of what we should all aspire to. Prayers for you and Jean my friend. Peace be with you.
thank you my Friend:), somehow we'll get through it, it has been tough both physically and mentally and I need all the mental I can get:giggle:


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I just can't figure out what I did to deserve this black cloud syndrome that always hovers over me. Am I really that bad of a person? Sorry just depressed:(
You are not a bad person, you are the total opposite ! Go back, reread what @gopher_byrd wrote about you and Jean, he hit it out of the park with what he said Also, go back and look at the cards @Bliss Doubt put together from all of us. It's for you to help when you get down n out :hug:

Matter of fact....what if each of us write something good that has happened or just something good each day? What do you guys think about doing this? And YES, Jimi you have to participate, too ;) . Well as long as everyone agrees to do this.
Heck, who knows, it may help all of us :question:

I'll go first....... Today, I was able to take a break from cooking :) :bliss: only made sandwiches.

Who is next???


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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thank you my Friend:), somehow we'll get through it, it has been tough both physically and mentally and I need all the mental I can get:giggle:

Well we will be here to provide as much mental as possible.
Ummm, not sure that came out quite right.:huh:
But I think you know what I mean.🤪

I just can't figure out what I did to deserve this black cloud syndrome that always hovers over me. Am I really that bad of a person? Sorry just depressed:(

From what I have seen you are an extraordinarily good person. Very few people care so much about damn near everyone they meet the way that you do.
I love ya brother.:hug:


How true it is, animals are therapists
Have some therapy.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Matter of fact....what if each of us write something good that has happened or just something good each day? What do you guys think about doing this? And YES, Jimi you have to participate, too ;) . Well as long as everyone agrees to do this.
Heck, who knows, it may help all of us :question:

I'll go first....... Today, I was able to take a break from cooking :) :bliss: only made sandwiches.

Who is next???
I'll admit there will be days when this will be hard for me. But I'm willing to give it a go.

Today (well, I guess technically yesterday since today began about 86 minutes ago for those of us on Eastern time) but as I was saying, today I read something that Jimi posted on his Health thread that made me realize there are steps I can take to try to improve my mental/emotional state, which has not been particularly good these last few days. Reading that post was definitely a good thing that happened, so thank you Jimi.

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
I'll go first....... Today, I was able to take a break from cooking :) :bliss: only made sandwiches.

Who is next???

Today, technically yesterday since it is now 2am here, I worked on Jimi's clean chocolate chip cookie recipe again (which I'd hoped to get figured out and finished before Thanksgiving, now hoping he can have them for Christmas), and I finished filling two charity boxes with clothing and household items, got them taped up and ready for pick-up.


Diamond Contributor
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Well, getting a little political here, but I think it's the most rabid form of "corporate communism" whereby our tax dollars are offloaded to private corporations, who make massive profits which they then use to lobby and buy government policy, and capture the so called regulatory agencies (the unelected bureaucracies). Pharma also owns the media through massive ad buys, so the media is used to propagandize us on government health policy, when government really has no business have ANY health policy at all.

Our government can now legally lie to us via any form of communication it chooses. Notice I wrote legally, not lawfully. Yes, those are two different horses. All government cares about is being legal.

It is a CIA tactic to take control of media, yet start via taking control of religion. If you can control a person's faith, you can get them to spin any tale you desire. Ergo, start with religion in order to dominate and control media. Tell a lie enough and it becomes truth.

All in the name of keeping Americans safe. "Go on, pull the other one."


Diamond Contributor
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Good today? I'll go into work with real people. These are people which quickly became friends by 'hanging back' from me, letting me 'come out' to them. No, I don't mean that in the sense of revealing sexual orientation. Rather, just being able to open up as a person with other people.

I kind of get an impression they wouldn't care a bit about my orientation. They know I'm there to work and not court suitors, really. Even if some did care, not sure if they would outright say because of the 'culture' of our store. We are in some regard actually very much a family.

So good? Yes, I go in for my Monday on Tuesday. Off Friday again and had yesterday off. Sure, it's terrible pay and hours. Rather have that with benefit of real people than great pay/hours and people with sticks up their, *ahem*.

Yep, it's good. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You are not a bad person, you are the total opposite ! Go back, reread what @gopher_byrd wrote about you and Jean, he hit it out of the park with what he said Also, go back and look at the cards @Bliss Doubt put together from all of us. It's for you to help when you get down n out :hug:

Matter of fact....what if each of us write something good that has happened or just something good each day? What do you guys think about doing this? And YES, Jimi you have to participate, too ;) . Well as long as everyone agrees to do this.
Heck, who knows, it may help all of us :question:

I'll go first....... Today, I was able to take a break from cooking :) :bliss: only made sandwiches.

Who is next???
Thank you my Dear Friend :hug: , sorry just havin somewhat of a breakdown:cry:, I just get so depressed sometimes but comin here is like the antidote, the only place I can hide from the rest of the world:facepalm:, you all are such wonderful friends. Just havin a very hard time right now:rolleyes:. Usually this doesn't happen but this time it dido_O Thank you all for bein such wonderful friends, I love you all<3.
Again sorry to bring everyone down, it just builds up in my head and hasta go somewhere.

Bliss Doubt

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My Mirror Speaks · Death Cab for Cutie

“Depression is feeling like you've lost something but having no clue when or where you last had it.......then one day you realize what you lost is yourself”

Kad, I've been back & forth with myself about whether to say anything, or leave you alone.

Lately you've said a lot in this non-private thread, limited in what you say but with increased frequency, about losing everything a few years ago through some kind of harm. I don't object to these disclosures, and I never, ever want to pry. I do think it can help to talk it out, especially in a semi-anonymous environment like this forum, where you can still understand you have friends.

If you want to talk about it more, with or without receiving suggestions, start a PM discussion and include everybody you want to have listen to you, and to acknowledge and validate your experiences. Suggestions can be annoying, since nobody else can really stand in your shoes or know the impact of your experiences.

I'm just saying, we are here to listen, just as we are attentive to Jimi, who has always brought his current rough situation out in full. You seem more hesitant to do that, and that's okay too.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good mornin Family:wave:
Nothing good yet today, well maybe, I broke my third toe this year this mornin, I guess the good thing is it wasn't the whole foot. I have these huge crazy clown feet I was born with, size 14 and I run into everything with them, hit my fan I use while doin my exercises, big stupid feet:facepalm: . But anyway there's always hope for something good to...... wait a minute..... yes something very good happened I learned that I helped a friend with one of my health thread posts:bliss:. Hey this does work that made me smile, thank you Wolfie:hug:


Last edited:

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good mornin Family:wave:
Nothing good yet today, well maybe, I broke my third toe this year this mornin, I guess the good thing is it wasn't the whole foot. I have these huge crazy clown feet I was born with, size 14 and I run into everything with them...,

I understand Jimi. This is so random from me, but at home I wear big thick men's 100 percent cotton socks instead of slippers, way too big so they'll be super comfy, so for when I go out to get the mail or put out the recycling or whatever, I have a special pair of "Frankenstein" crocs I call my mud shoes. They're two sizes bigger than my normal, to fit over those big thick socks. I have to be extra careful in them, without the sense of orientation you have in your normal size shoes. That was how, a few weeks ago, I got my Frankencroc caught between the hall rug and the foyer door, and had that terrible fall I spoke of here (now almost totally recovered, so no worries).

But I would say if you did that on the trampoline, stop using that trampoline! Jesus I'm afraid you'll break something more essential than a toe.

Peace and health to you Jimi.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
But I would say if you did that on the trampoline, stop using that trampoline! Jesus I'm afraid you'll break something more essential than a toe.
Thank you my Dear Friend, no this time I hit the fan I use while doin exercises, my feet are just so big in proportion to my body that they hit everything. They give me good balance though


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I'm just saying, we are here to listen, just as we are attentive to Jimi, who has always brought his current rough situation out in full. You seem more hesitant to do that, and that's okay too.
Thank you my friend.
Don't be hesitant to tell me when my posts get annoying with their vagaries. ;)


Cranky Old Fart
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Daily positives for yesterday:
I got accepted into the Master Gardener program!
I planted seeds in my new GrowStalk vertical planter.
10 year vaping anniversary

Today I'm still working on, but I did wake up, which is always a positive... :)

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