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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


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Alan Walker ‒ All Falls Down

During the Pandemic, Alan Walker saved a lot of lives from hopelessness, I was one of them...not so much because of COVID itself, but the fallout it created. As I was being priced out of my home of a decade, losing my Tiki, etc.

This song has 1.1B views .... every time I watch it, I feel better. I requested it at a local club awhile ago after moving here...I know the DJ. About 500 ppl went nuts...together. :)

This new one has 10M views already...very different song. But, it's beautiful.

Walkers 4 Lyfe....

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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Rapper Killer Mike was arrested at the Crypto Arena and escorted out in handcuffs shortly after winning 3 Grammy Awards. This was due to an alleged physical altercation in the area that took place earlier in the day. A misdemeanor charge for which he was immediately OR'ed (released on his Own Recognizance) once processed. Seriously??? For something like that, even if it is legit, you would think just maybe they could wait, issue a warrant to his attorney and let him turn himself later. The only reason to arrest him right there at the arena was so LAPD could get the publicity. :mad:

Bliss Doubt

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Rapper Killer Mike was arrested at the Crypto Arena and escorted out in handcuffs shortly after winning 3 Grammy Awards. This was due to an alleged physical altercation in the area that took place earlier in the day. A misdemeanor charge for which he was immediately OR'ed (released on his Own Recognizance) once processed. Seriously??? For something like that, even if it is legit, you would think just maybe they could wait, issue a warrant to his attorney and let him turn himself later. The only reason to arrest him right there at the arena was so LAPD could get the publicity. :mad:



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Evenin Family:wave:
Well got through today so far, it went alright but it didn't, they said when they got in there it was worse than they thought, she'll be in the hospital 7 days instead of 3 and will be laid up for some time. They gave her a colostomy bag because her colon was so bad. She is really hatin it too, what a surprise to wake up with. They had to sedate her even though she is full of pain meds. I know I'd hate to be in that position and bein a woman I can understand it bein far worse. I am just happy she came through it. I am beat and prolly gonna hit the hay pretty soon, tense day.
I'll try to get on it the mornin before I go, I am sure they will sedate her again in the mornin, she was so very upset.:(:(:(


Cranky Old Fart
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Evenin Family:wave:
Well got through today so far, it went alright but it didn't, they said when they got in there it was worse than they thought, she'll be in the hospital 7 days instead of 3 and will be laid up for some time. They gave her a colostomy bag because her colon was so bad. She is really hatin it too, what a surprise to wake up with. They had to sedate her even though she is full of pain meds. I know I'd hate to be in that position and bein a woman I can understand it bein far worse. I am just happy she came through it. I am beat and prolly gonna hit the hay pretty soon, tense day.
I'll try to get on it the mornin before I go, I am sure they will sedate her again in the mornin, she was so very upset.:(:(:(
So sorry to hear this. Still praying hard for her recovery. You and her deserve so much happiness after so much pain.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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You're being generous... :D
You are right. I shouldn't have used a 286 in my comparison. The even more ancient Intel 4004 chip would have been a better choice for my statement. Even DOS couldn't run on this chip though. Not sure if CP/M could, I think it was developed for 8 bit chips like the Intel 8008. This, the 4004, was a 4 bit CPU. MS-DOS required 16 bit chips (Intel's X86 architecture, starting with the 8086 CPU)

And the modem in question would have looked something like this...

We are talking stone age tech.

SnapDragon NY

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Evenin Family:wave:
Well got through today so far, it went alright but it didn't, they said when they got in there it was worse than they thought, she'll be in the hospital 7 days instead of 3 and will be laid up for some time. They gave her a colostomy bag because her colon was so bad. She is really hatin it too, what a surprise to wake up with. They had to sedate her even though she is full of pain meds. I know I'd hate to be in that position and bein a woman I can understand it bein far worse. I am just happy she came through it. I am beat and prolly gonna hit the hay pretty soon, tense day.
I'll try to get on it the mornin before I go, I am sure they will sedate her again in the mornin, she was so very upset.:(:(:(
Awww Jimi- she is still with us and that is what matters right now and now she can heal.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Evenin Family:wave:
Well got through today so far, it went alright but it didn't, they said when they got in there it was worse than they thought, she'll be in the hospital 7 days instead of 3 and will be laid up for some time. They gave her a colostomy bag because her colon was so bad. She is really hatin it too, what a surprise to wake up with. They had to sedate her even though she is full of pain meds. I know I'd hate to be in that position and bein a woman I can understand it bein far worse. I am just happy she came through it. I am beat and prolly gonna hit the hay pretty soon, tense day.
I'll try to get on it the mornin before I go, I am sure they will sedate her again in the mornin, she was so very upset.:(:(:(
Just take things one day at a time, help her through her recovery as best you can, try to be positive and try to help her be positive by focusing on the good, and remember we are here for you to talk to when you need to. Continuing to pray for both of you.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Forgot to post my good thing for yesterday. During the Black Friday sales I bought a Stubby X-Ray, when it came to color choices I wanted the Black Widow, but it was sold out so I settled on the Thunder Struck. Been watching Vaperz Cloud website since then hoping to catch the next batch, I really like the Stubby. But they have been sold out since.

Well, Suicide Mods finally released the X-Ray 21 (takes 21700 batteries). So I finally bought my Black Widow, just in a slightly bigger version than I planned.:rolleyes:


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Good mornin Family :wave:
Runnin late today, overslept but much needed, so just goin to say thank you to everyone for their prayers and kind thoughts and for helpin me get through this, gonna head up there but gonna come home for lunch at some point (just can't eat the so called food they serve there) so I'll try to get back on then. ;)
Hopin the day treats everyone well, sure do miss everyone.:wave:

Bliss Doubt

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Evenin Family:wave:
Well got through today so far, it went alright but it didn't, they said when they got in there it was worse than they thought, she'll be in the hospital 7 days instead of 3 and will be laid up for some time. They gave her a colostomy bag because her colon was so bad. She is really hatin it too, what a surprise to wake up with. They had to sedate her even though she is full of pain meds. I know I'd hate to be in that position and bein a woman I can understand it bein far worse. I am just happy she came through it. I am beat and prolly gonna hit the hay pretty soon, tense day.

Jimi, omygosh, I'm thinking Jean would only be that upset if they're telling her the colostomy bag is permanent. You do, but Jean doesn't, know about the rats, jackals and snakes of the medical industry that would rather kill than heal. They let her get that bad, refusing to operate because of her low weight, then the surgeon cancels her first surgery date. Obstructionism, laissez faire, and now look where she is. I don't see how her gut could have been that rotted, because you said she was eating with good appetite. If it were that bad she wouldn't have been able to eat. I'm not saying there was no problem at all. I'm saying this rat snake surgeon chose complete removal over a careful resection.

I'm sorry. I know I can't say anything that will make it better, and making myself feel better by ranting is no help at all. Get her to a better medical team.

I'll shut up about it now and forever. I've said too much already. It's for you to deal with your challenges in your own way, both of you. I can only wish you peace as you move forward to recovery.


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Evenin Family:wave:
Well got through today so far, it went alright but it didn't, they said when they got in there it was worse than they thought, she'll be in the hospital 7 days instead of 3 and will be laid up for some time. They gave her a colostomy bag because her colon was so bad. She is really hatin it too, what a surprise to wake up with. They had to sedate her even though she is full of pain meds. I know I'd hate to be in that position and bein a woman I can understand it bein far worse. I am just happy she came through it. I am beat and prolly gonna hit the hay pretty soon, tense day.
I'll try to get on it the mornin before I go, I am sure they will sedate her again in the mornin, she was so very upset.:(:(:(
I don't know what else I could add that hasn't already been said, so I'll just give you and Jean some loving :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:


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This happened two nights ago, I'm sure it was funnier (had to be there to see it) than I'll be able to describe it. My guy was looking at a little plug in heater in the bathroom, the top lights up with different colors. It was semi darker in there, he looked down at the heater and was astonished because it was lighting up, however it wasn't plugged in. I looked up at him and he had his headlight on his head, it was on shining down on the heater, and it was making it look like the heater was on and lite up. I just started laughing and told him, lol, he done forgot he had the light on his head :teehee:

Yesterday, yes, again with the kitties, lol. Have a long piece of paracord, I'd say around 11ft. It stretches out from kitchen through living room into hallway. It was stretched out like that, Chaos (Tangee) at on end in the hallway, Mayhem (Tigglee) at the other end in kitchen and they were playing tug of war with it. It was so cute, but neither of them won :teehee:

Todays good thing.... like our @Jimi overslept, I was able to get in a few more zzzzzzzzzzz's this morning, so very wonderful :)

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