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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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My good thing for the day - The other day I dropped on of my Pulse AIO mods, it somehow landed in just the right way to break the drip tip off so that the base of it was stuck inside the flush nut of the mod. I really liked that drip tip too:()
I tried everything I could think of to find a way to get it out. Knife, end of an ink pen, screwdriver, etc. I finally came up with a way that worked tonight, don't know why I didn't think of it before. Stuck the internal measuring end of my old cheap vernier calipers into the hole of the drip tip base, spread them open tight to bite into the plastic, and twisted it right out. Now I can use that mod again, just have to steal a suitable drip tip from one of my currently unused tanks.

SnapDragon NY

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My good thing for the day - The other day I dropped on of my Pulse AIO mods, it somehow landed in just the right way to break the drip tip off so that the base of it was stuck inside the flush nut of the mod. I really liked that drip tip too:()
I tried everything I could think of to find a way to get it out. Knife, end of an ink pen, screwdriver, etc. I finally came up with a way that worked tonight, don't know why I didn't think of it before. Stuck the internal measuring end of my old cheap vernier calipers into the hole of the drip tip base, spread them open tight to bite into the plastic, and twisted it right out. Now I can use that mod again, just have to steal a suitable drip tip from one of my currently unused tanks.
The drip tip that came with the VV Pulse AIO? The white one?

SnapDragon NY

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I don't like the white one that came with it either- I
No, I don't really care for that one. This was one I bought at a vape store, kind of a black marble look and just a bit longer than the one that comes with the Pulse.
I use the whistle tips that are on my Billet Box knock offs. I love the VV AIOs .5 except those horrible white drip tips.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I have a riddle for everyone, in the form of a picture. First person to post the correct answer wins. What do you win, you might ask? Well, nothing really, other than the right to say you understood this punny picture.

What band does this picture represent?


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Them blasted kitties got me again....laughing that is :teehee: well, at least one of the kitties. Tangee, I won't call him Chaos this time cause it was so cute :inlove:
That paracord string I spoke of yesterday, well, he had it again. However, this time, I was holding on to it at one end, he had the other end in his mouth while he walked from bedroom clear to the hallway, than turn back around, walked clear back to the bedroom. I know it doesn't sound too funny, but it's hilarious and so dog gone cute !
He'd do the same except he'd just follow me like I was walking him throughout the home, lol. So cute ! :inlove:
So far this was the good thing for the day :)


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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My good thing for today involves a video that unfortunately I can't find any way to share. The organization I adopted my cat's from posted it on social media. It was a video of a bird (not a parrot but those white birds that look kinda like parrots but smaller? A cockatiel maybe?) on top of a cage, with the wand end of one of those cat toys that are the long wand with a mouse attached to it by a string in it's mouth. It was waving the mouse around for some cats under the cage, playing with them.

The video then had a comment under it about how they had heard every excuse for why people couldn't volunteer to help them. But if a bird could volunteer in their shelter then anyone could.

It made me decide I should talk to them about volunteering, that's my good thing. What I found interesting was that one of the things they said they need volunteers for is media relations. Not sure exactly what that means with a rescue shelter, but I might like that. But either way, I am going to go in this Saturday and look into volunteer opportunities with them.

SnapDragon NY

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When you say whistle drip tip, is that something similar to this?

View attachment 212709

I'm actually tempted to order a couple of these, just to try.

View attachment 212711
Mine is a little different then the 1st picture. I will try to get pictures later.
I put a wanted to buy ad in for those SXK tips tips and no one replied, sad cause I know people have these SKX BB tips probably sitting around not being used.
I don't like the intergrated tips, like the lower pic. I get connection errors with those.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Mine is a little different then the 1st picture. I will try to get pictures later.
I put a wanted to buy ad in for those SXK tips tips and no one replied, sad cause I know people have these SKX BB tips probably sitting around not being used.
I don't like the intergrated tips, like the lower pic. I get connection errors with those.
I can see check into it for you elsewhere if you'd like, there is an active boro group, I know some of them have the bb clones. Someone there may be willing to part with their tips.

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