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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
My good thing for today is a beautiful dream I woke up from a little while ago.

Back when I lived in Dallas I DJ'd in clubs, usually before the warm-up band, then between the warm-up band and the second band, then between the second band and the headliner, and finally after the headliner, after last call, and I kept playing while people left. Not until the doors were locked did I pack up and wait for someone to walk me to my car or give me a ride to my car if I was parked far away. So after the bar people and cashiers finished their cleanup and close-out, it was usually more like 230-245am before I was on my way.

A thing I sometimes did afterward was stop at an all night grocery store for fresh hot bread. I don't know if it was being unloaded from a truck in back, or if it was coming out of the oven in the in-store bakery, but there was fresh bread in long paper bags.

So in this dream I had my bread and was back in the car, when suddenly an adorable guy with curly black hair was at my window, making goofy faces, his curls spilling over his face and ears. I was a little scared, not recognizing him. I cracked my window. He said "did you like the show?" The DJ in some clubs will be in a crow's nest far from the stage, hearing the show but not clearly seeing the bands. In this dream I jogged my memory and recognized his bright red t-shirt and black shorts. Guitarist/singer of the second band. I said yes, great show. He handed me a piece of bread through the window. I handed him a piece of mine. I asked where his band was from. He became subdued, no longer a clown. "Denton", he said soberly. I wondered why he went from so outgoing to so bashful on one simple question.

Just as I was falling in love, I woke up. Dreams don't have to make sense I guess. I wondered if I could fall back asleep and continue talking to him. But I couldn't go back to sleep, in spite of getting home late last night.

Oh well...

This was my favorite thing to play as people were leaving at closing time (broken link):


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Just thought I'd let all of you know the results of a survey I conducted this morning. 100% of the respondents* agreed:
Stepping on a nail while wearing nothing but an old pair of crocs (hey, they're comfortable) is NOT recommended.

*Only people named SirKadly were questioned in this survey but based on the responses, which involved several very NSFW words and phrases, these results can probably be extrapolated to the population at large.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Guess it's been awhile since I posted a good thing, so my good thing for today is...

wait for it...

I was wearing crocs which means once I pulled the nail out of my foot and hobbled back inside, I was able to just rinse out the blood. Try that with a blood filled shoe.:giggle: I guess every 🌩️ really does have a silver lining.
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Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Guess it's been awhile since I posted a good thing, so my good thing for today is...

wait for it...

I was wearing crocs which means once I pulled the nail out of my foot and hobbled back inside, I was able to just rinse out the blood. Try that with a blood filled shoe.:giggle: I guess every 🌩️ really does have a silver lining.
OUCHIE !!! That just hurts thinking about it. Hope your foot is ok and it will heal quickly, so sorry this happened :( :hug:
Is the silver lining that your shoe held the blood in? And, that's the good thing?
Just want to make sure I'm correct on this.

I do know how you felt when it happened. I did it when I was young. Had to wobble back to dads house to get it pulled out by a pair of pliers, went in my foot a couple of inches. It hurt severely going in and coming out, lol.


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Well, my morning started off early, the place I'm renting needed a new roof and the roofers showed up a half hour ago. The noise from them scraping the old shingles off sounds like the roof is going to cave in any second, and my kiities are freaking out, cowering and hiding.😿
How are the kitties doing? Have they ate? The poor meowers :(


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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s the silver lining that your shoe held the blood in? And, that's the good thing?
No, that they were crocs, just rubber so easy to clean the blood out of, with shoes the blood would have soaked into the liner. I was actually amazed how much blood there was, it would have ruined regular shoes. I was also amazed how quickly it stopped bleeding.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
No, that they were crocs, just rubber so easy to clean the blood out of, with shoes the blood would have soaked into the liner. I was actually amazed how much blood there was, it would have ruined regular shoes. I was also amazed how quickly it stopped bleeding.

I'm sorry you got hurt. Damn roofers spilling nails and not cleaning up after themselves.

If you bled out plenty (without fainting), my understanding is that's good because there's far less danger of tetanus than if you bled just a little, then clotted with skin and debris inside.

Crocs are great. I have a pair croc clogs by the front door for going out to check the mail in all weather, and yeah there was one time I put them in the dishwasher :)

SnapDragon NY

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Come on Snap lets go for a ride;)


May be a doodle
For sure Jimi anytime! I miss riding and all the good time adventures and people that went with it. I was just thinking about riding today as Memorial weekend always was going to some Charity rides and the start of motorcycling season for us.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I'm sorry you got hurt. Damn roofers spilling nails and not cleaning up after themselves.

If you bled out plenty (without fainting), my understanding is that's good because there's far less danger of tetanus than if you bled just a little, then clotted with skin and debris inside.
They actually did a really good job cleaning up, the only thing I've found in the yard was that one nail. They had these nail sweepers (don't know what they are actually called but they kind of look like those old fashioned reel lawn mowers but with magnets instead of blades) that they went over the yard with a couple times.

As for risk of tetanus, I'm a stubborn ass who only very briefly considered getting my foot checked out due to the amount in blood in the couple minutes it took me to get back inside. But when I got it all cleaned off and it wasn't bleeding anymore I was like, nope, not going to go to some Urgent Care Clinic on a Saturday morning when it only bled for a couple minutes at most, tetanus be damned. Pretty sure I had a tetanus booster (not by choice but that's another story) about 6 1/2 years ago. Besides I seem to have a particularly good immune system.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As for risk of tetanus, I'm a stubborn ass who only very briefly considered getting my foot checked out due to the amount in blood in the couple minutes it took me to get back inside. But when I got it all cleaned off and it wasn't bleeding anymore I was like, nope, not going to go to some Urgent Care Clinic on a Saturday morning when it only bled for a couple minutes at most, tetanus be damned. Pretty sure I had a tetanus booster (not by choice but that's another story) about 6 1/2 years ago. Besides I seem to have a particularly good immune system.

I wouldn't take anything in a doctor's needle unless I were unconscious. They have added the mRNA crap to everything, but even before that I felt the danger of tetanus was much overblown. It's more bleeding that will wash out toxins and debris, according to the AI that seems to be answering all my searches lately, but I have heard this before in other sources:

According to the search results, tetanus is an anaerobic bacteria that cannot survive in oxygenated environments. Since blood has oxygen in it, if a wound bleeds, there is no risk of tetanus.

Anyway, hope you mend quickly.
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