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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi I'm so sorry. I don't understand fully. It sounds like they did the repair and are not sure of it. I won't ask for details. You've both been through enough, but I think you can hold onto a faith this doctor doesn't have. It might work = IT WILL WORK. Hang onto that.

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Thank you my dear friend, I have been tryin to keep as positive as I can
Today she was asleep when I left and still asleep when I came back and slept the whole time I was there, she didn't even eat and hasn't ate for 2 days now. She said when I get outta surgery I am gonna eat all they will give me so it miusta took it all outta her cause she still hasn't ate or woke up.


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Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Word "the"

The mosquito boats (les bateaux-mouche) are modestly named dinner boats that depart from the pier next to the Eiffel Tower, a designation which belies the lavishness of the experience. The ticket includes dinner with live music as you float past the sparkling city lights on the banks of the Seine. This song includes the kind of pipe organ played until they stop it when the live music starts. American river cruise ships have that kind of pipe organ too (but I've never been on one of the American ones).

This song makes me cry for nostalgia, that I'm too old and entrenched to wander the world, that a beautiful part of my life is over and will probably never come again. So here's that silly song:

On the mosquito boats
-Eric Gemsa

I enjoy that kind of tourist attraction that some people think is hokey. It's a beautiful evening, and the locals in Paris partake of it too. Here in SA we had dinner boats departing from Las Canarias restaurant on our river walk, but they stopped them in the Covid era, just another loss of beauty and culture to the scamdemic. It was something you did when friends or family visited from out of town, especially if it was their first visit.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good afternoon Family :wave:
Finally after sleepin since the operation Jean woke up this mornin before I could even get there, she called me 5:30 am:bliss:Gotta admit I was really gettin worried.
They even got her outta bed for a walk:)

I hope everyone is well and have had a fantastic day;)

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This was not a nostalgic walk down memory lane. I opened a lower cabinet today and saw the two 4-packs of tonic water I bought back when Covid was new in the news, and nobody knew yet that it was a scamdemic (but I suspected it was, because I remembered SARS, Zika, H1N1 and the previous bird flu, all of the false start scary bogeys, and I knew of the megabillions game of vaxxinations).

Anyway everybody was all prepper at first, and I heard some guy on some podcast talking about drinking tonic water for his soda choice, because it contains quinine, the time honored antimalarial which hydroxychloroquine is the synthetic of. So back then I brought home two 4-packs of Q brand tonic water, never having tasted tonic before. I spied them today and put one in the fridge to chill. It's good! It tastes kind of like grapefruit. The ingredients in this brand are carbonated water, organic agave, quinine and citric acid. 40 calories, but it's only a 6.7 oz. bottle.

I guess that's my good thing for today.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My good thing for yesterday was Jean made it through surgery again and todays good thing is she woke up finally

If I had to speculate, I would say she slept so long and so deeply because she was sleepless and worried for those days leading up to the surgery. She was exhausted. Sleeping is when you heal the best. When you're awake, even just resting and relaxing, it's just triage. You heal when you sleep.

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