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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

SnapDragon NY

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Good Morning Everyone-
Is anyone else having trouble with You Tube lately?
Takes forever to load when I click onto the site, I open up 3 different tabs for it now, plus I had to get rid of my Ad Blocker for You Tube, I got a warning about Ad Blockers not allowed for You Tube, not happy with that either or I would not be allowed to view You Tube, ugh!
Is there another site I can use?

SnapDragon NY

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Who remembers the old hand grinder

My mom used this every Thanksgiving to make her homemade cranberry sauce and my sister and I would help. Never used this for anything else but for grinding cranberries and oranges, lol! Not sure what happened to it, since I took over Thanksgiving dinner duties in the early 80's and I would buy canned, lol!


Cranky Old Fart
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Good Morning Everyone-
Is anyone else having trouble with You Tube lately?
Takes forever to load when I click onto the site, I open up 3 different tabs for it now, plus I had to get rid of my Ad Blocker for You Tube, I got a warning about Ad Blockers not allowed for You Tube, not happy with that either or I would not be allowed to view You Tube, ugh!
Is there another site I can use?
It was acting weird for me yesterday. I rebooted my pc and it started working better. I bit the bullet and pay for YT since they disabled the ad blockers. It's unwatchable with ads. I watch a lot of vids there about gardening, bbq, linux, and of course music.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Sometimes it does seem like computer technology has made us helpless and dependent, oblivious to our own brain power and skills.
After high school I worked a summer and holiday job when I was home from college at a small town gas station. The kind of place where, after a couple days, you know everybody who comes in and what they are going to buy. The lady who shows up every day at 9:00am and wants old stale coffee, the longer it's been cooking in the pot the better. The guy that grabs a cup of coffee and a donut, sits down and watches everyone else for an hour as they buy the new at the time scratch off lottery tickets, then after observing which ones nobody turned a winner on (since everyone pretty much scratched them off right there) he would buy some himself. The grumpy woman who would wait for me to make a fresh pot of coffee just for her, and insisted I count back change correctly and not rely on what the register said. Emphasized that part since few people would know how to do this, nobody does it. The old farmer who chewed clove gum and smoked Winston, a pack of each every day. (Does anyone sell clove gum anymore? I don't think I have ever seen it since I left there)

Anyway, the point is this was a small town gathering and gossip place, second only to the little restaurant that sold massive tenderloin sandwiches and served as a host for the retired farmer's card games. I didn't close when the power went out. Sure, the pumps didn't work, but I'd still sell smokes, coffee until it was gone, etc. Because of that grumpy lady who taught me on my first day on the job not to rely on the register, it was easy enough to write things down, total it up and make correct change without needing to know what the correct change was. Good luck finding anywhere that will still sell you anything today if their power is out.

OK, so just in case someone here is confused about the making change routine, it's very simple, requires no actual math, just counting. With registers telling you the total and the change, the routine would normally be, to use an example, if somebody pays $20, and their total was $3.33, the register says the change is $16.67, but the change counting method would instead mean saying out loud "3.34, 35, 40 50 75 4, 5, 10, 20" while handing back two pennies first (34,35) then a nickel (40) then a dime (50) then two quarters (75, 4) a dollar bill (5) a five dollar bill (10) and a ten (20), which of course adds up to 16.67 but you don't need to know that in order to count it back this way. And it's just as fast as doing it the modern way.



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Good Morning Everyone-
Is anyone else having trouble with You Tube lately?
Takes forever to load when I click onto the site, I open up 3 different tabs for it now, plus I had to get rid of my Ad Blocker for You Tube, I got a warning about Ad Blockers not allowed for You Tube, not happy with that either or I would not be allowed to view You Tube, ugh!
Is there another site I can use?
Yeah, they have cracked down on ad blockers. I still (so far) don't get swamped by ads when using Brave as my browser, don't know how long it will be though before that changes since I have heard (well, read on some tech site or other) YT is working on new ad systems.

Bliss Doubt

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I still (so far) don't get swamped by ads when using Brave as my browser,

Exactly. I was using my Epic Privacy browser, getting swamped with ads on YouTube, thought it was just life on YT, nothing to be done about it, until one day I watched on Brave and NO ADS.

Which is good. Some of those ads that interrupt are full on infomercials and by the time they finish, the vid you were watching never comes back. A plague.

Bliss Doubt

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Good Morning Everyone-
Is anyone else having trouble with You Tube lately?
Takes forever to load when I click onto the site, I open up 3 different tabs for it now, plus I had to get rid of my Ad Blocker for You Tube, I got a warning about Ad Blockers not allowed for You Tube, not happy with that either or I would not be allowed to view You Tube, ugh!
Is there another site I can use?

I still don't see ads when I view Screwtube with my Brave browser, and I really don't think I ever turned on an ad blocker, though Brave might have one built in.

It's free, and I really like everything about it:


Bliss Doubt

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I remember the very first time ever seeing on of these. An ex friend just killed a deer, and yes, first ever seeing a dead deer hanging getting ready to be skinned and quartered. First time trying deer, well, first everything. We cleaned the meat, threw some backstrap steaks into a pan with mushroom soup and grubbed. Then got busy using one of these to grind up the leg meat into deer burger. Now, have two of these one smaller one bigger.
Gaw didn't realize how long it takes to process a good size deer. Just could imagine how long it would take to do a moose. You'd have to put some in fridge to do the next day.

My dad hunted everything that moved, deer, doves, quail, ducks, javelina. The only thing I ever remember seeing butchered in situ was a javelina. I never thought about it until your comment, so now I think Dad and his friends must have outsourced the processing. We had to have a big freezer, and it was always full of neatly wrapped packages.

We loved that deer backstrap. Mom called it "filet mignon".


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I know absolutely nothing about any of these bands, and can't find Dark Trilogy on YT, but what little I can listen to from their new album on FB seems good. Free CD included in the cover charge? Pretty good deal. Maybe I'll go, at least check them out, I can always leave early if I don't like them.
(they don't actually say that the free CD is the new album in any of the promotional material but even if it isn't...)

- Michiana shred lords release their next prog metal shred opus, entitled "Seven". Another masterpiece featuring Joe Feingold (guitar), Clint Pagel (bass) and Charles Lampkin (drums).
Join us on this very special night! Everyone through the door will get a FREE copy of the album!
Featuring very Special Guests...
MAGIC HAT - Melodic prog rock intensity! This will be the debut show for the band's new bass monster, Eduardo Lima Jr.!
AUTO ATTACK - Michiana prog wonder trio featuring the next generation of Woolley. Prepare for mind explosions!
Doors 8PM / Music 9PM
$10 Admission / 21+


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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The more the heart has it
-Mademoiselle K

I think that's the translated title. Maybe "the more the heart gets it" or "understands it". Not an expression I've ever heard anybody use.
That sounded lovely and I would have 'loved' it, but I made the mistake of looking for English lyrics, and they make me sad. So I stuck with 'like' instead of having to choose between 'love' or 'sad.'

According to Musixmatch (don't know how accurate the translation is but it seemed to mostly make sense) the repeated refrain that includes the title words is:

Je t'aime encore parfois
I still love you sometimes
Mais j'ai plus l'cœur à ça
But I don't have the heart for that anymore

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I know absolutely nothing about any of these bands, and can't find Dark Trilogy on YT, but what little I can listen to from their new album on FB seems good. Free CD included in the cover charge? Pretty good deal. Maybe I'll go, at least check them out, I can always leave early if I don't like them.
(they don't actually say that the free CD is the new album in any of the promotional material but even if it isn't...)

- Michiana shred lords release their next prog metal shred opus, entitled "Seven". Another masterpiece featuring Joe Feingold (guitar), Clint Pagel (bass) and Charles Lampkin (drums).
Join us on this very special night! Everyone through the door will get a FREE copy of the album!
Featuring very Special Guests...
MAGIC HAT - Melodic prog rock intensity! This will be the debut show for the band's new bass monster, Eduardo Lima Jr.!
AUTO ATTACK - Michiana prog wonder trio featuring the next generation of Woolley. Prepare for mind explosions!
Doors 8PM / Music 9PM
$10 Admission / 21+

I hope you really enjoy the music and have a good time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good Morning Everyone-
Is anyone else having trouble with You Tube lately?
Takes forever to load when I click onto the site, I open up 3 different tabs for it now, plus I had to get rid of my Ad Blocker for You Tube, I got a warning about Ad Blockers not allowed for You Tube, not happy with that either or I would not be allowed to view You Tube, ugh!
Is there another site I can use?
I get it runnin slow sometimes and playin other games with me, for a long time I thought it was just me and my alzheimers.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good afternoon Family :wave:
I took a pic of what they did to Jean and what they are callin right


Now honestly does that look right to you?
Do I have a reason to be so upset?
Looks like pretty shotty work to me and like it would be easily infected. In the left hand corner you can see it closed up. I told her she's gonna have a nasty scar and would she please let me take her to a real doctor, they say the one she has is the best here, OMG I'd hate to see worse. I keep tellin her that her medical crew are a bunch of jokers.

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