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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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American Pie reminds me I need to post my good thing. I needed to run to the grocery store. I hate the way the store I go to most often is organized. When you walk in you are forced to turn to the right and walk past displays of sale item on one side of the aisle, the deli counter on the other side. This runs to one end of the store. Then you turn left and have a winding path through the baked goods, past the bakery counter, then through produce. This whole way winding like a snake until you reach the back of the store. Only once you get through all of that is it possible to go wherever you want.

The point is, I guess, that it has been a very long time since I have had strawberry rhubarb pie, which is my favorite. Of course the season for both strawberries and rhubarb is over but as I was forced to walk through the bakery section I noticed that they had strawberry rhubarb in the selection of quarter pies they sell. Yes, this grocery store actually cuts some of their pies into quarters and packages up the quarters to sell for people like me I guess, people who would never buy a full pie.

I hesitated, I mean how good could a grocery store pie be, especially when the fruits are certainly not local (since as mentioned we are now well past the season for both) but I bought one anyway. And it was actually much better than expected. So I got a strawberry rhubarb pie fix without having to buy the whole pie. Good thing for the day.

Admittedly I only walked past it because of the idiotic maze they forced me to walk through to get to the milk which was the only reason I ran to the store. So I guess maybe the good thing today is that they do have that stupid path, which I will go back to hating tomorrow.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I have a couple of scaredy-kitties tonight.
I can't even get Salt to come out from under the couch at all. This was the farthest I could coax him. Look at those eyes.:(

Saffron stuck her head out but only as long as I was on the floor near her, and even then she wouldn't come all the way out. And she bolted when I stood up.😿


Cranky Old Fart
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Our dog was terrified by the fireworks which seem to be set off year round. She has lost her hearing so they don't affect her any longer. The one good thing of her advanced age I guess. Our two cats aren't as afraid as yours Kad, but when a really big boom comes they do take notice.

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