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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

SnapDragon NY

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The forum did it again, it wouldn't let me back on :mad: it was about the same time of day, wonder if that has anything to do with it.
I had trouble with the forum this morning Timing Out, but now in the afternoon it seems OK for me. I rebooted my computer yesterday as well, You Tube was working like crap for me too.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I had trouble with the forum this morning Timing Out, but now in the afternoon it seems OK for me. I rebooted my computer yesterday as well, You Tube was working like crap for me too.

I gave up a couple of hours ago. Couldn't vote "likes", couldn't post songs. It took at least five minutes to even log on. Now that I came back it seems fine.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi are the onions really ruined if they get their necks broken? Can't you just leave them to sprout new green tops? Shoot, they do that in my refrigerator.
Nope once the neck is broke they are done, they'd be done next month anyway just be a little smaller, yes they re-sprout in the fridge but that is the sign of degeneration, best eatin is already gone then. I'll leave them in the ground for another week to pre cure them then they'll come out and I'll take a picture.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
The forum did it again, it wouldn't let me back on :mad: it was about the same time of day, wonder if that has anything to do with it.
I had trouble with the forum this morning Timing Out, but now in the afternoon it seems OK for me. I rebooted my computer yesterday as well, You Tube was working like crap for me too.
I gave up a couple of hours ago. Couldn't vote "likes", couldn't post songs. It took at least five minutes to even log on. Now that I came back it seems fine.

Yeah, it's been timing out all day. Hopefully it's better now, but several times since this morning I've gotten that stupid time out message when trying to get on, or the "something went wrong" message when trying to post something, and turtle speeds when liking posts.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yeah, it's been timing out all day. Hopefully it's better now, but several times since this morning I've gotten that stupid time out message when trying to get on, or the "something went wrong" message when trying to post something, and turtle speeds when liking posts.
I wish they'd get it straightened out, I couldn't get on either


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
Jimi are the onions really ruined if they get their necks broken? Can't you just leave them to sprout new green tops? Shoot, they do that in my refrigerator.
Unfortunately the ones that are broken are almost certain to wind up spoiling unless the bulbs are harvested immediately. Not sure what the reason is, but the centers of the bulbs end up rotting when the neck is broken.

The ones that are merely bent will typically recover though I gather the stress makes them more susceptible to fungal infection.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I always break the necks when 50% of them fold on their own, then I leave them in the ground to pre-cure them for a week then I pull them and sun cure them the rest of the way. That is how I was always taught to harvest onions, read it in a book.
One year I tried lettin the ones standin go but they were the first to go bad, hard to figure but how it went.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I always break the necks when 50% of them fold on their own, then I leave them in the ground to pre-cure them for a week then I pull them and sun cure them the rest of the way. That is how I was always taught to harvest onions, read it in a book.
One year I tried lettin the ones standin go but they were the first to go bad, hard to figure but how it went.

now the forum is doin it again

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If, you remember the other day I mentioned how Tigglee was helping me clean out their toilet. Well, this morning he hopped in it and said I'll really help you out ths time Ma. Litter started to FLY EVERYWHERE :teehee: on me, in my sandals, in the bathroom, just everywhere. The little stink pot made a big ol' mess, but I was laughing all the way through it till he decided he had enough of a mess for me :teehee: yup this be the good thing for the day.

The year I lived with my auntie and took care of her, her cat, my cat, the yard, the garden, her car and my car, I just was not willing to be the cat butler and clean a shit box. The door from the den to the back yard was a french door with multiple panes, so I had one bottom pane removed and replaced with a custom cat door. I poured out all of the rest of a huge bag of litter behind the barn. They caught on right away.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today my own words came back to slap me upside the head. Seven years ago today I wrote the following:

Sometimes in life you are faced with a terrifying storm, one which you have no choice but to walk straight through the center of. When this happens it is tempting to drag other people with you into the eye of the storm.
But if they have the choice to avoid the storm even though you don't, you need to let them make that choice. Don't be angry or hurt that they chose to take a safe passage around it, instead be grateful that they had that option.
Forcing someone to walk through the storm with you when they don't have to would be the height of selfishness.

And today I was reminded of those words, and I am beginning to see that I didn't listen to myself. I expected someone to stay by my side as I walked through the storm and have been both angry and hurt that they didn't ever since they chose not to. The hurt and the anger have prevented me from moving on with my life and enjoying it. In fact by holding onto those feelings I have also been holding onto a piece of that storm long after I came out the other side.

So, today I am making the choice to let go of that anger, let go of the hurt, and to instead be grateful that she had the option to go on with her life and I am choosing to be thankful that she made that choice. It has taken me far too long to realize the damage I am doing to myself emotionally by holding onto those negative feelings.

I guess that is my good thing for today.

You're a good writer.

I think the expectation of having someone stay by your side through the storm would depend on the degree of commitment that was there between you before those winds began to blow.

But I'm glad you've navigated out, that you are free, that you are well. I wish you every increase in happiness. Knowing what you can never change, and moving on, is obviously healthy progress.
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Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I always break the necks when 50% of them fold on their own, then I leave them in the ground to pre-cure them for a week then I pull them and sun cure them the rest of the way. That is how I was always taught to harvest onions, read it in a book.
One year I tried lettin the ones standin go but they were the first to go bad, hard to figure but how it went.

Onions look so artistic just sitting in a big stone bowl on the porch, curing.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
VU can bite me if this *@&@*#$%@# keeps up. I've lost track of the number of times I've gotten either a 504 or a 524 error today. Fix the MF server or give access to someone that will actually take the time to fix the configuration issues. I've had it for today.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
VU can bite me if this *@&@*#$%@# keeps up. I've lost track of the number of times I've gotten either a 504 or a 524 error today. Fix the MF server or give access to someone that will actually take the time to fix the configuration issues. I've had it for today.
I'm feeling you on this!!! Need to go complain in that thread, Hear me now, I say Riseup Riseup Riseup Patriots of the VU!!'
oops got carried away .... carry on :)

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Oh say, can you see?

Vaping is a good example of why we need a new 1776. Our unelected bureaucracies think they have the right to make laws without the legislative process, to introduce regulatory schemes that do nothing but stall and obstruct our right to tobacco harm reduction products, deny us a saving industry that has not yet found its equilibrium in the global marketplace, has not defended itself well, and is threatened by pharm phresh media where there is never any debate, where there is only propaganda pandering to the lowest average IQ. Our unelected bureaucracies can ban TV advertising of this life saving technology, and heavily fine any vape seller who promotes this historically most successful smoking cessation method as such. We think we live in a free country? We celebrate today the legacy given to us by this country's founding fathers?

The unelected regulatory bureaucracies are in the pockets of a pharmakeia that will not stop the anti-vaping propaganda until they can control this valuable technology, so that you have to go to a doctor and pull down your pants to get access to vaping products. Even China, where Hon Lik took the previously conceived electronic vaporizer to its full potential and brought it to market, China where enough of the products are manufactured to offset the trade imbalance between that country and ours (just a tiny bit of hyperbole in that idea), appears to be complicit with our regulatory schemes, or to be in parallel, with its own trend toward vaping prohibition, and to be on the pharm.

This latest from CASAA is a good brief 17 minute summary, with bullet points to be noted and memorized, of where we are with the hysteria, the rumors, the mis-conflations, the inaccurate studies that get emblazoned on the front page while the debunk or the retraction gets buried on the last page:

Oh say can you see, our government wants us dead. Any word vomit about protecting us, protecting children, is the purest hypocrisy. Every day we hear there are too many of us on this planet, that the human population needs to be reduced to half a billion. This isn't new. The depopulation imperative has been written about for more than a century. So under what pretense will our government rescue us from vaping? Controlling us is everything for the self righteous, hypocritical, sanctimonious, overpaid bureaucrats who allow glyphosate in baby food, poisonous chemtrails across our skies, toxic ag runoff in our waterways, pornographic literature in elementary schools, dangerous pill prescriptions for regular use by teens, castration and mutilation of children, plandemics.

Oh say can you see, by the dawn's clouded light, what so proudly they faked
At the twilight's dark fading
Whose broad lies and schemed wars thru the perilous nights
O'er money laundering we watch, so blatantly streaming
Lying eyes with red glare, chemtrails poisoning the air
Give doubt through the night that our flag is still there.
Oh say does that star spangled banner still wave,
Is our land still free, or are we ignorant slaves?

Vape protest.JPG

Liberty vape.JPG

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which was part of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, went into effect on July 2, 2013. This act allows the U.S. government to produce and disseminate propaganda for domestic U.S. consumption, effectively repealing the anti-propaganda law that was previously in place since 1948.

And now we are under a traitorous scheme to dissolve our country into a global totalitarian order.

Our government is allowed to listen to your phone calls and spy on your emails. Your bank account can be taken from you for your speech. You can be jailed without due process for your speech. Your children can be taken from you for your speech.

But I'll never give up, Arguably it is BECAUSE of the legacy of freedom and rights bequeathed to us by our nation's founding fathers, after 250 years flowing across the blood-brain barrier, hardened in our bones, that the schemes to take away all we have celebrated, and remove any memory of it, have all far.

So I'm saying, never give up. Happy Independence Day. I hope you have the day off from work and concerns, to be with family and friends, to have a backyard barbecue or a cooling pool party, to celebrate what we have left, and make your own plans to restore what has already been taken.

Naked flag lady.JPG


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